Dragon King Order

Chapter 1852: Dumbfounded

At this moment, Chen Ping held a knife in his right hand and the blood demon's body as a shield in his left hand. He also slapped the blood demon's body with the knife provocatively, making several crisp sounds.

Seeing Chen Ping like that, several black and silver robes were a little bit amused.

"Go to hell..."

At this moment, Chen Ping seized the Martial Saint Knife, and with the blood demon's body as a shield, he could completely ignore these black and silver robes.

Chen Ping waved the Martial Saint Knife in his hand, and the light burst out instantly, and instantly went towards several black and silver robes.

The emerald green light was several times brighter than that used by Lao Wu, and the Martial Saint weapon had the aura of a Martial Saint.

With the blessing of Chen Ping's inner dragon power, Chen Ping waved it, and dozens of rays of light shot out from the Martial Saint Knife in an instant!

Seeing that the Martial Saint Knife could exert such great power in Chen Ping's hand, Lao Wu's face was very ugly!

The same weapon, but in the hands of different people, exerts different power!

This is enough to show that Lao Wu's strength is no match for Chen Ping.


The boss snorted coldly when he saw this, and then the tiger finger in his hand emitted a dazzling light!

Then he kept swinging his fists, and a series of lights went straight up.

Dozens of emerald green lights were directly smashed down, which shows that the martial arts weapon in the boss's hand is obviously more powerful.

"Yes, it seems that the martial arts weapon in your hand will also be given to me..."

After Chen Ping said this, he raised the martial arts sword in his hand again, and then roared loudly. The golden light around Chen Ping continued to surge, and the power of the dragon swarmed into the martial arts sword!

Just now, it was only the first time that Chen Ping used the martial arts sword, and there was no tacit understanding at all.

Now Chen Ping also seems to understand the martial arts sword.


The martial arts sword instantly burst out with a sharp edge several feet high, and the dazzling light was dazzling!

As Chen Ping swung the sword down, the huge blade instantly turned into hundreds of dense blades, covering several black and silver robes!

This time, the blades swept like a gust of wind, covering the sky and the earth.

The three black and silver robes saw this and could only fight desperately!

The eldest brother kept swinging his fists, and rays of light shot out, trying his best to stop these blades that were like locusts.

The fifth brother had no martial arts sword, so he could only leak out his energy, protect his body, and desperately use his fists to block it!

And the seventh brother threw the circular blade in his hand high, and the rapidly rotating blade instantly rushed into the dense blades, desperately blocking it!

Boom boom boom...

Blades kept falling and hitting the three people, and the three people's figures began to retreat continuously.

The eldest brother and the seventh brother were fine, and the two of them still had weapons in their hands to block.

But the fifth brother could only rely on his fists to resist, and his own body was strong!

But as the blades hit his body, wounds began to appear on the fifth brother's body, and finally his body was covered with wounds, bleeding, and it was horrible.

"I wonder how long you can hold on..." Chen Ping's voice was cold, and he swung the Martial Saint Knife in his hand again! The blades that were about to disappear fell again like raindrops! At this moment, several black and silver robes were about to collapse. Puff... Lao Wu couldn't bear it anymore, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body fell back heavily! Lao Wu's body was covered with scars, and several blades pierced Lao Wu's body! "Lao Wu..." The eldest brother's face changed drastically, and he shouted loudly. The tiger finger in his hand continued to emit a bright light and kept moving towards Lao Wu. He wanted to block these locust-like blades for Lao Wu. At this moment, the circular blade in the hands of Lao Qi finally couldn't resist the violent attack and turned into powder in an instant. At this moment, Chen Ping held the knife in his right hand and the blood demon's body as a shield in his left hand, and he also slapped the blood demon's body with the knife provocatively, making a few crisp sounds. Seeing Chen Ping like that, several black and silver robes were somewhat amused.

"Go to hell..."

At this moment, Chen Ping seized the Martial Saint Sword, and with the Blood Demon's body as a shield, he could completely ignore these black and silver robes.

Chen Ping waved the Martial Saint Sword in his hand, and the light instantly burst out, and instantly went towards several black and silver robes.

The emerald green light was several times brighter than that used by Lao Wu, and the Martial Saint weapon had the aura of a Martial Saint.

With the blessing of Chen Ping's inner dragon power, Chen Ping waved it, and dozens of rays of light shot out from the Martial Saint Sword in an instant!

Seeing that the Martial Saint Sword could actually exert such great power in Chen Ping's hands, Lao Wu's face was very ugly! ??

The same weapon, but in the hands of different people, exerts different powers!

This is enough to show that Lao Wu's strength is incomparable to Chen Ping.


Seeing this, the boss snorted coldly, and then the tiger finger in his hand emitted a dazzling light!

Then he swung his fists continuously, and rays of light came straight up.

Dozens of emerald green rays of light were directly knocked down, which showed that the martial arts weapon in the boss's hand was obviously more powerful.

"Yes, it seems that the martial arts weapon in your hand should also be given to me..."

After Chen Ping said this, he raised the martial arts sword in his hand again, and then roared loudly. The golden light around Chen Ping continued to surge, and the power of the dragon poured into the martial arts sword!

Just now, it was only the first time that Chen Ping used the Martial Saint Sword, and there was no tacit understanding at all.

Now Chen Ping also seemed to understand the Martial Saint Sword.


The Martial Saint Sword instantly burst out with a sharp edge several feet high, and the bright light was dazzling!

As Chen Ping swung the sword down, the huge blade instantly turned into hundreds of dense blades, covering several black and silver robes!

This time, the blades were like a gust of wind, sweeping down all over the sky.

Seeing this, the three black and silver robes could only fight to the death!

The eldest brother kept swinging his fists, and rays of light shot out, trying desperately to stop these blades like locusts.

The fifth brother had no Martial Saint Sword, so he could only leak out his energy and protect his body. He also desperately used his fists to swing out a stream of energy to block it!

And the seventh brother threw the circular blade in his hand high up, and the rapidly rotating blade instantly rushed into the dense blades, desperately blocking it!

Boom boom boom...

Blades kept falling and hitting the three people, and the three people began to retreat continuously.

The eldest and the seventh were fine, as they still had weapons in their hands to block.

But the fifth could only rely on his fists to resist, and his own strength!

But as the blades hit him, wounds began to appear on the fifth's body, and finally his body was covered with wounds and blood, which was horrible.

"I wonder how long you can hold on..."

Chen Ping's voice was cold, and the martial arts sword in his hand swung out again!

The blades that were about to disappear fell again like raindrops!

This time, several black and silver robes were about to collapse.


The fifth couldn't bear it anymore, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body fell back heavily!

The fifth's body was full of scars, and several blades penetrated the fifth's body!

"Old Five..."

The eldest brother's face changed drastically, and he shouted loudly. The tiger finger in his hand continued to emit a brilliant light and kept moving towards Old Five.

He wanted to block these locust-like blades for Old Five.

At this moment, the circular blade in the hand of Old Seven finally couldn't resist the violent attack and turned into powder in an instant.

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