Dragon King Order

Chapter 1847 Special Constitution

Listening to everyone's discussion, the boss in black and silver robes looked extremely ugly.

He really couldn't understand how terrifying this guy Chen Ping was. Why were the three of them not his opponents?

You must know that each of them is in the late stage of Da Wuhou, and the boss himself is at the peak of Da Wuhou.

Given time, they may all break through the Great Wuhou and reach the level of Martial Saint.

With such strength, none of the three could beat Chen Ping.

But the strength Chen Ping showed was only in the middle stage of Dawuhou. How could this be possible?

At this time, Ning Zhi's face in the stands became extremely ugly!

Originally, he thought that if he practiced hard, he would be able to defeat Chen Ping, but now he saw Chen Ping take action and instantly defeated three men in black and silver robes. This had a huge impact on Ning Zhi's confidence!

"What? Were you hit?"

The demon within Ning Zhi spoke.

Ning Zhi didn't speak, just nodded. He had been fighting with Chen Ping for so long, and Ning Zhi always thought that he was the most talented one, and also the smartest.

If it comes to scheming, Ning Zhi will not lose to anyone!

But every time Ning Zhi followed Chen Ping in a confrontation, he always ended in a disastrous defeat. He didn't know why.

Now seeing that Chen Ping defeated three black and silver robes with the strength of the late Da Wuhou with the strength of the middle Da Wuhou, this deeply stimulated Ning Zhi!

"Do you want to know why Chen Ping is so powerful and can fight beyond the next level?"

the devil asked.

"Yes, why? Why is Chen Ping better than others?"

Ning Zhi asked very puzzledly.

"Because of his special physique, knowing a person's physique will determine how far his cultivation can reach."

"This Chen Ping has a special physique. He is the true form of a golden dragon. How can ordinary people compare with him?"

The devil said calmly.

"The true form of the golden dragon?"

Ning Zhi murmured to himself, his face full of loneliness.

Chen Ping has a special physique, but he is just an ordinary person. How can Ning Zhi fight with Chen Ping?

The two people are obviously not the same level of opponents.

Seeing Ning Zhi's depressed look, the demonic messenger continued, "Actually, your body is not that of an ordinary person..."

The Demon Envoy's words made Ning Zhi's eyes suddenly light up. "Master Demon Envoy, you said that I am not an ordinary person? What kind of physique do I have?"

"If you were just an ordinary person, would the Almighty spare you due to your faults? Would Almighty provide precious resources for you to practice?"

"If you have an ordinary person's physique, do you think I, a dignified demon envoy, would be interested in your body?"

"You are a fire demon, but this special physique has been sealed and needs to be stimulated."

"When I activate your flame demon body, you don't have to be afraid of Chen Ping at all."

Ning Zhi's face was full of excitement at the words of the demon envoy, and his body was trembling slightly.

"Fire Demon Body, Fire Demon Body..."

Ning Zhi's eyes were full of fighting spirit and he looked sharply at Chen Ping on the ring!

He knew that he and Chen Ping would have a life and death battle...

Ning Zhi regarded Chen Ping as his lifelong enemy, but he didn't know that Chen Ping didn't take him seriously at all. Chen Ping's enemies were far more powerful than him!

At this time, on the ring, the third, fourth and fifth boys in black and silver robes have all adjusted their breaths, and the third boy's arm has also been connected!

"Lao Liu, Lao Seven, come together. If you can't capture us alive, we'll kill them..."

The boss ordered with a cold face to several people in black and silver robes.

This kind of scene was something he had never imagined. Now he could only bully the minority with more to see if he could defeat Chen Ping.

For a moment, five men in black and silver robes rushed towards Chen Ping at the same time... Listening to everyone's discussion, the boss in black and silver robes looked extremely ugly.

He really couldn't understand how terrifying this guy Chen Ping was. Why were the three of them not his opponents?

You must know that each of them is in the late stage of Da Wuhou, and the boss himself is at the peak of Da Wuhou.

Given time, they may all break through the Great Wuhou and reach the level of Martial Saint.

With such strength, none of the three could beat Chen Ping.

But the strength Chen Ping showed was only in the middle stage of Dawuhou. How could this be possible?

At this time, Ning Zhi's face in the stands became extremely ugly!

Originally, he thought that if he practiced hard, he would be able to defeat Chen Ping, but now he saw Chen Ping take action and instantly defeated three black and silver robes. This had a huge impact on Ning Zhi's confidence!

"What? Were you hit?" .??.??

The demon within Ning Zhi spoke.

Ning Zhi didn't speak, just nodded. He had been fighting with Chen Ping for so long, and Ning Zhi always thought that he was the most talented one, and also the smartest.

If it comes to scheming, Ning Zhi will not lose to anyone!

But every time Ning Zhi followed Chen Ping in a confrontation, he always ended in a disastrous defeat. He didn't know why.

Now seeing that Chen Ping defeated three black and silver robes with the strength of the late Da Wuhou with the strength of the middle Da Wuhou, this deeply stimulated Ning Zhi!

"Do you want to know why Chen Ping is so powerful and can fight beyond the next level?"

the devil asked.

"Yes, why? Why is Chen Ping better than others?"

Ning Zhi asked very puzzledly.

"Because of his special physique, knowing a person's physique will determine how far his cultivation can reach."

"This Chen Ping has a special physique. He is the true form of a golden dragon. How can ordinary people compare with him?"

The devil said calmly.

"The true form of the golden dragon?"

Ning Zhi murmured to himself, his face full of loneliness.

Chen Ping has a special physique, but he is just an ordinary person. How can Ning Zhi fight with Chen Ping?

The two people are obviously not the same level of opponents.

Seeing Ning Zhi's frustrated look, the demonic messenger continued, "Actually, your body is not that of an ordinary person..."

The Demon Envoy's words made Ning Zhi's eyes suddenly light up. "Master Demon Envoy, you said I am not an ordinary person? What kind of physique do I have?"

"If you were just an ordinary person, would the Almighty spare you due to your faults? Would Almighty give you precious resources to allow you to practice?"

"If you have an ordinary person's physique, do you think I, a dignified demon envoy, would be interested in your body?"

"You are a fire demon, but this special physique has been sealed and needs to be stimulated."

"When I activate your flame demon body, you don't have to be afraid of Chen Ping at all."

Ning Zhi's face was full of excitement at the words of the demon envoy, and his body was trembling slightly.

"Fire Demon Body, Fire Demon Body..."

Ning Zhi's eyes were full of fighting spirit and he looked sharply at Chen Ping on the ring!

He knew that he and Chen Ping would have a life and death battle...

Ning Zhi regarded Chen Ping as his lifelong enemy, but he didn't know that Chen Ping didn't take him seriously at all. Chen Ping's enemies were far more powerful than him!

At this time, on the ring, the third, fourth and fifth boys in black and silver robes have all adjusted their breaths, and the third boy's arm has also been connected!

"Lao Liu, Lao Seven, come together. If you can't capture us alive, we'll kill them..."

The boss ordered with a cold face to several people in black and silver robes.

This kind of scene was something he had never imagined. Now he could only bully the minority with more to see if he could defeat Chen Ping.

For a moment, five men in black and silver robes rushed towards Chen Ping at the same time...

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