Dragon King Order

Chapter 1845 It will make you regret it

"Boy, die..." The second man roared, and the long sword in his hand instantly turned into a complete sword shadow, covering Chen Ping! At this time, the entire arena seemed to be covered by the sword shadow! Looking at the second man rushing towards him, Chen Ping snorted coldly, and murderous intent burst out in his eyes! Then the dragon-slaying sword in his hand slowly passed through the air, and Chen Ping's figure instantly split into two, and two into four... .??. The Nine Shadow Sword Technique was instantly performed on Chen Ping at this moment! I saw several figures of Chen Ping, like ghosts, instantly approaching the black and silver robed second man! The second man's face changed drastically, and the long sword in his hand swung towards Chen Ping, and thousands of sword shadows also bombarded Chen Ping at the same time. But after a loud explosion, what the second man just blasted away was just a phantom of Chen Ping! Just when the second man was about to attack again, he felt a sharp sword light coming! "Ah......"

With a shrill scream, the arm of Lao Er holding the long sword flew into the air instantly!

The whole arm of Lao Er was cut off, and blood gushed out instantly!

Cut off an arm, but Chen Ping was not satisfied!

Everyone only saw that five or six Chen Pings who looked exactly the same were waving their long swords and slashing at Lao Er!

No one knew which one was Chen Ping's real body!

Everyone only heard Lao Er's constant screams, and the blood and limbs splattered everywhere!

After a while, the screams disappeared!

And Chen Ping's figure finally slowly came together!

At this time, everyone really saw that the dragon-slaying sword in Chen Ping's hand was constantly dripping with blood!

And the black and silver robe Lao Er who fell to the ground had already lost his limbs, and his body was full of wounds and bleeding!

But even with such a serious injury, Lao Er's chest was still heaving, and it was obvious that he was still alive.

Obviously, Chen Ping didn't want him to die so easily!

The second brother looked at Chen Ping with horror in his eyes, gasping for breath. The severe pain made his face hideous, but he couldn't shout a word.

Because his Adam's apple had been cut off by Chen Ping's sword, so he couldn't make a sound!

"I said, I will make you regret it..."

Chen Ping looked coldly at the black and silver robed second brother who had already been horrible, and said in a cold voice.

At this time, the second brother was lying on the ground, and it was unknown whether there was regret or fear in his eyes!

"Second brother..."

"Second brother..."

Several other black and silver robes rushed up instantly, but seeing the second brother who was almost turned into meat paste, no one could do anything. Even the Daluo Jinxian couldn't save such a body!

At this moment, a black mist suddenly emerged from the second brother's body, and then fled to the distance at a very fast speed!

This is the soul living in this black and silver robe. Now the host body is dying. They need to find a suitable person to live again in the shortest time.

But just as the soul was escaping quickly into the distance, Chen Ping suddenly opened his mouth, and a huge suction force instantly sucked the soul back.

The soul was directly sucked into Chen Ping's body, and Chen Ping was like eating a delicious food, with a satisfied look on his face!

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene, especially those black silver robes, they were all very frightened!

Speaking of which, these black silver robes are just puppets, and the real ones who can dominate are the souls in their bodies!

For these souls, they can find a new host as soon as possible after the host dies.

So they don't care much about the life and death of the host, just like the house where humans live, if the house is broken, they can find a new one!

But now they found that Chen Ping could even devour souls, which made them panic.

Especially the souls living in these black silver robes, they were all scared. "Boy, die..."

The second brother roared, and the long sword in his hand instantly turned into a complete sword shadow, covering Chen Ping!

At this moment, the entire arena seemed to be covered by the sword shadow!

Looking at the second brother rushing towards him, Chen Ping snorted coldly, and murderous intent burst out in his eyes!

Then the dragon-slaying sword in his hand slowly passed through the air, and Chen Ping's figure instantly split into two, and two into four...

The Nine Shadow Sword Technique was instantly performed on Chen Ping's body at this moment!

I saw several figures of Chen Ping, like a ghost, and instantly approached the black and silver robed second brother!

The second brother's face changed drastically, and the long sword in his hand swung towards Chen Ping, and thousands of sword shadows also bombarded Chen Ping at the same time.

But after a loud explosion, what the second brother just blasted away was just a phantom of Chen Ping!

Just when the second brother was about to attack again, he only felt a sharp sword light coming!


With a shrill scream, the second brother's arm holding the long sword instantly flew into the air!

The second brother's entire arm was cut off, and blood gushed out instantly!

After cutting off one arm, Chen Ping was not satisfied!

Everyone only saw five or six identical Chen Pings waving their swords and slashing at Lao Er!

No one knew which one was Chen Ping's real body!

Everyone only heard Lao Er's constant screams, and the blood and limbs splattering everywhere!

After a while, the screams disappeared!

And Chen Ping's figures finally slowly merged together!

At this time, everyone could really see clearly that the Dragon-Slaying Sword in Chen Ping's hand was dripping with blood!

And the second man in black and silver robes who fell on the ground had already lost all his limbs. His body was covered with wounds and bleeding!

But even with such a serious injury, the second child's chest was still rising and falling, obviously still alive.

Obviously Chen Ping didn't want him to die so happily!

The second child looked at Chen Ping with fear in his eyes, gasping for air. The severe pain made his face look hideous, but he couldn't shout a word.

Because his Adam's apple had already been cut off by Chen Ping with a sword, leaving him unable to make a sound!

"I said, you will regret it..."

Chen Ping looked coldly at the second man in black and silver robes who was already miserable, and said in a cold voice.

At this time, the second child was lying on the ground, with regret or fear in his eyes.

"Second brother..."

"Second brother..."

Several other men in black and silver robes rushed forward instantly, but looking at the dick that was almost turning into flesh, no one could do anything. Even Daluo Jinxian couldn't save him with such a body!

At this moment, a black mist suddenly emerged from Lao Er's body, and then fled away into the distance at an extremely fast speed!

This is the soul that lives in this black silver robe. Now that the body is dying, they need to find a suitable person to live in again in the shortest possible time.

But just as the soul was quickly escaping into the distance, Chen Ping suddenly opened his mouth, and a huge suction force instantly sucked the soul back.

The soul was directly sucked into Chen Ping's body, and Chen Ping felt as if he had eaten delicious food, with a look of satisfaction on his face!

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene, especially those in black and silver robes. They were all very frightened!

Speaking of which, these black and silver robes are just puppets, but what can really dominate is the soul in their bodies!

These inhabiting souls can find a new inhabitant body as quickly as possible after the death of the inhabiting body.

Therefore, they are not very concerned about the life and death of the host. It is like a house where humans live. If the house breaks down, you can find a new one!

But now they discovered that Chen Ping could even devour souls, which suddenly made them panic.

Especially the souls residing in these black and silver robes were all terrified.

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