Dragon King Order

Chapter 1838: Being taken advantage of

After all, they were all worried about how to catch Chen Ping, but they didn't expect that Chen Ping would come to their door in person.

"What's wrong?"

the boss asked.

"Brother, look, Chen Ping actually dares to challenge us directly. This evil move just saves us trouble."

Lao Wu excitedly handed the battle ticket to the boss.

The boss looked at the battle post and laughed loudly, "Since Chen Ping is seeking death himself, he can't blame us. After tomorrow, the symbols on the black robes of the brothers will be replaced by gold."

……………… ??

Dragon Gate!

Long Xingxu followed Chen Ping back to life and sent out the battle invitation.

"Brother Chen Ping, let's go with more people tomorrow. If there is any accident, we can easily deal with it."

Long Xingxu was afraid that Chen Ping would suffer in the ring!

"No, you still have your things to do."

Chen Ping said calmly.

Long Xingxu was stunned, "Brother Chen Ping, what are we doing?"

During the competition tomorrow, you take people to bring the Martial Arts Alliance to me, and directly occupy the Martial Arts Alliance.

From now on, martial arts alliances will never be allowed to appear in Kyoto.

When Long Xingxu heard this, he immediately said excitedly, "No problem, I'll make arrangements right away..."

Taking over the Martial Arts Alliance and occupying the Martial Arts Alliance was a feat.

If this spreads out, it will definitely go down in history!

Shortly after Long Xingxu left, Hu Mazi found Chen Ping, which surprised Chen Ping!

"Master Hu, you are not in Wenrou Township at this time. Why are you here?"

Chen Ping asked strangely.

"Chen Ping, there is someone who wants to see you..."

Hu Mazi said.

"No, I told you not to see anyone today. I won't see anyone."

Chen Ping shook his head.

"No, you must see this person. If you don't, I will break up with you..."

Hu Mazi said with a serious face.

Chen Ping was stunned for a moment and looked at Hu Mazi in disbelief.

"Master Hu, is this person a relative of yours?"

Chen Ping didn't understand why Hu Mazi insisted on letting him see this person.

"Don't worry, you must meet today, otherwise I won't recognize you."

Hu Mazi looked determined!

Seeing Hu Mazi like this, Chen Ping could only nod helplessly, "Okay, I still want to give Master Hu this face. You go and call people in."

When Hu Mazi heard this, he immediately laughed and ran out!

Soon, Hu Mazi came back and brought a woman!

When Chen Ping saw this woman, he understood instantly.

It turned out that this woman was none other than Zhou Jie from the Demon Spirit Sect. Hu Mazi had a flattering look on her face and her eyes were fixed on Zhou Jie's legs!

Seeing this, Chen Ping almost couldn't help laughing!

"Mr. Chen is really busy. It's really hard to see you. You have to rely on connections and go through the back door..."

Zhou Jie saw Chen Ping and smiled lightly.

"Miss Zhou misunderstood. I just have something important tomorrow, so I want to rest more today."

Chen Ping explained.

"For the purpose of competing with the Martial Arts Alliance?"

Zhou Jie said with a smile.

At this moment, Chen Ping was stunned for an instant, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

Because of this, Chen Ping didn’t tell anyone, and no one knew about it except Long Xingxu!

But this time Zhou Jie found out, which made Chen Ping feel terrible!

"Competition, what competition?"

Hu Mazi was still confused. He didn't know that Chen Ping was going to formally compete with the Martial Arts Alliance.

"We agreed that you shouldn't interrupt, and if you interrupt, get out..."

Zhou Jie glared at Hu Mazi and said.

Hu Mazi quickly shrank his head and said, "Okay, okay, I won't ask anymore..."

Seeing Hu Mazi's cowardly look, Chen Ping was speechless for a while. This was directly taken advantage of by the woman. After all, they were all worried about how to catch Chen Ping, but they didn't expect that Chen Ping would come to their door in person.

"What's wrong?"

the boss asked.

"Brother, look, Chen Ping actually dares to directly challenge us. This evil move just saves us trouble."

Lao Wu excitedly handed the battle ticket to the boss.

The boss looked at the battle post and laughed loudly, "Since Chen Ping is seeking death himself, he can't blame us. After tomorrow, the symbols on the black robes of the brothers will be replaced by gold."


Dragon Gate! ??

Long Xingxu followed Chen Ping back to life and sent out the battle invitation.

"Brother Chen Ping, let's go with more people tomorrow. If there is any accident, we can easily deal with it."

Long Xingxu was afraid that Chen Ping would suffer in the ring!

"No, you still have your things to do."

Chen Ping said calmly.

Long Xingxu was stunned, "Brother Chen Ping, what are we doing?"

During the competition tomorrow, you take people to bring the Martial Arts Alliance to me, and directly occupy the Martial Arts Alliance.

From now on, martial arts alliances will never be allowed to appear in Kyoto.

When Long Xingxu heard this, he immediately said excitedly, "No problem, I'll make arrangements right away..."

Taking over the Martial Arts Alliance and occupying the Martial Arts Alliance was a feat.

If this spreads out, it will definitely go down in history!

Shortly after Long Xingxu left, Hu Mazi found Chen Ping, which surprised Chen Ping!

"Master Hu, you are not in Wenrou Township at this time. Why are you here?"

Chen Ping asked strangely.

"Chen Ping, there is someone who wants to see you..."

Hu Mazi said.

"No, I told you not to see anyone today. I won't see anyone."

Chen Ping shook his head.

"No, you must see this person. If you don't, I will break up with you..."

Hu Mazi said with a serious face.

Chen Ping was stunned for a moment and looked at Hu Mazi in disbelief.

"Master Hu, is this person a relative of yours?"

Chen Ping didn't understand why Hu Mazi insisted on letting him see this person.

"Don't worry, you must meet today, otherwise I won't recognize you."

Hu Mazi looked determined!

Seeing Hu Mazi like this, Chen Ping could only nod helplessly, "Okay, I still want to give Master Hu this face. You go and call people in."

When Hu Mazi heard this, he immediately laughed and ran out!

Soon, Hu Mazi came back and brought a woman!

When Chen Ping saw this woman, he understood instantly.

It turned out that this woman was none other than Zhou Jie from the Demon Spirit Sect. Hu Mazi had a flattering look on her face and her eyes were fixed on Zhou Jie's legs!

Seeing this, Chen Ping almost couldn't help laughing!

"Mr. Chen is really busy. It's really hard to see you. You have to rely on connections and go through the back door..."

Zhou Jie saw Chen Ping and smiled lightly.

"Miss Zhou misunderstood. I just have something important tomorrow, so I want to rest more today."

Chen Ping explained.

"For the purpose of competing with the Martial Arts Alliance?"

Zhou Jie said with a smile.

At this moment, Chen Ping was stunned for an instant, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

Because of this, Chen Ping didn’t tell anyone, and no one knew about it except Long Xingxu!

But this time Zhou Jie found out, which made Chen Ping feel terrible!

"Competition, what competition?"

Hu Mazi was still confused. He didn't know that Chen Ping was going to formally compete with the Martial Arts Alliance.

"We agreed that you shouldn't interrupt, and if you interrupt, get out..."

Zhou Jie glared at Hu Mazi and said.

Hu Mazi quickly shrank his head and said, "Okay, okay, I won't ask anymore..."

Seeing Hu Mazi's cowardly look, Chen Ping was speechless for a while. This was directly taken advantage of by the woman.

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