Dragon King Order

Chapter 1835: Public slap in the face

On the plane, Ge Jiayi said to Chen Ping with a hint of fun, "Chen Ping, why don't you stay and be your consort? Then the whole castle will be yours."

After listening to Ge Jiayi's words, other girls also looked at Chen Ping.

"Brother Chen Ping, when the Duke kept you, were you really not tempted?"

Xiao Min also asked.

"I think Brother Chen is just sorry that we are here. If we are not here, he will definitely stay and be his consort."

"After all, she is a princess."

Xiaoru also laughed and took Chen Ping to drink.

"What do you two kids know? How could I lose a forest for a tree?"

Chen Ping glanced around the girls and said.

Seeing Chen Ping say this, several people blushed with embarrassment!

However, Hu Mazi was on the side, crying and saying, "You didn't lose the forest, but I lost two strong ocean trees..."

As he said that, Hu Mazi almost cried!

Seeing Hu Mazi like that made everyone laugh.

When he returned to Kyoto, Chen Ping immediately found Long Wu and asked if the Martial Arts Alliance had taken any action during this period!

However, Chen Ping did not find Long Wu, but saw that Long Xingxu had returned from Penglai Island.

"Xingxu, why did you come back from Penglai Island?"

Chen Ping asked strangely.

According to Chen Ping's speculation, it is impossible for Long Xingxu and the others to reach the realm of Wuhou so quickly.

"Brother Chen Ping, Penglai Island is no longer suitable for cultivation. Frequent phenomena have occurred during this period, and many people have died on Penglai Island."

"Although Nadu Nan continued to issue orders, many people still left Penglai Island."

Long Xingxu followed Chen Ping and explained.

"Vision? What vision?"

Chen Ping looked surprised.

"Penglai Island sometimes doesn't see the sun for three days and is always in the dark. Sometimes it's always bright and never sees the night."

“And earthquakes and tsunamis occur frequently

, within a few dozen miles of Penglai Island, there are huge waves. "

"But it was calm outside, as if something was targeting Penglai Island and deliberately driving away the people on the island."

"By the way, there are also some monsters emerging from the sea and attacking the residents of the island!"

When Long Xingxu was introducing Chen Ping, his expression changed slightly, which showed how terrifying the things they encountered on Penglai Island were.

"How did that happen?"

Chen Ping frowned and couldn't figure out why.

Is it because he took the Blood Demon body away from Penglai Island?

After thinking for a long time, Chen Ping couldn't come up with any clues, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

Things about Penglai Island will be discussed later. What he has to deal with now is the Martial Arts Alliance.

He wanted to see if Su Yuqi, who was imprisoned in the Martial Arts Alliance, was his true form!

"Let's forget about Penglai Island for now. Has the Martial Arts Alliance taken any action during this period?"

Chen Ping asked.

Long Xingxu shook his head, "That's not true, but during this period, many martial arts families have returned to the martial arts alliance."

"Then don't worry about it. You just need to write down these trivial families."

Chen Ping knew that as soon as the strength of the martial arts alliance increased, there would definitely be martial arts families trying to please it.

In any era, there are people like this.

"Brother Chen Ping, what are you going to do about the Martial Arts Alliance? Do you need me to gather people now?"

Long Xingxu asked Chen Ping.

"No, since many families have returned to the Martial Arts Alliance, I will show them that the Martial Arts Alliance is just a paper tiger."

"Go and declare a challenge to the Martial Arts Alliance. Just say that I want to challenge the Martial Arts Alliance, so that anyone from the Martial Arts Alliance can fight."

"Even if their martial arts alliance attacks together, I will continue."

"Remember, make this event louder. As long as I'm still alive, I will make life difficult for the Martial Arts Alliance."

Chen Ping decided to publicly slap the martial arts alliance in the face. On the plane, Ge Jiayi said to Chen Ping with a hint of fun, "Chen Ping, why don't you stay and be your consort? Then the whole castle will be yours."

After listening to Ge Jiayi's words, other girls also looked at Chen Ping.

"Brother Chen Ping, when the Duke kept you, were you really not tempted?"

Xiao Min also asked.

"I think Brother Chen is just sorry that we are here. If we are not here, he will definitely stay and be his consort."

"After all, she is a princess."

Xiaoru also laughed and took Chen Ping to drink.

"What do you two kids know? How could I lose a forest for a tree?"

Chen Ping glanced around the girls and said.

Seeing Chen Ping say this, several people blushed with embarrassment!

However, Hu Mazi was on the side, crying and saying, "You didn't lose the forest, but I lost two strong ocean trees..."

As he said that, Hu Mazi almost cried!

Seeing Hu Mazi like that made everyone laugh.

When he returned to Kyoto, Chen Ping immediately found Long Wu and asked if the Martial Arts Alliance had taken any action during this period!

However, Chen Ping did not find Long Wu, but saw that Long Xingxu had returned from Penglai Island.

"Xingxu, why did you come back from Penglai Island?"

Chen Ping asked strangely.

According to Chen Ping's speculation, it is impossible for Long Xingxu and the others to reach the realm of Wuhou so quickly.

"Brother Chen Ping, Penglai Island is no longer suitable for cultivation. Frequent phenomena have occurred during this period, and many people have died on Penglai Island."

"Although Nadu Nan kept issuing decrees, many people still left Penglai Island."

Long Xingxu followed Chen Ping and explained.

"Vision? What vision?"

Chen Ping looked surprised.

"Penglai Island sometimes doesn't see the sun for three days and is always in the dark. Sometimes it's always bright and never sees the night."

“And earthquakes and tsunamis occur frequently

, within dozens of miles of Penglai Island, there are huge waves. "

"But it was calm outside, as if something was targeting Penglai Island and deliberately driving away the people on the island."

"By the way, there are also some monsters emerging from the sea and attacking the residents of the island!"

When Long Xingxu was introducing Chen Ping, his expression changed slightly, which showed how terrifying the things they encountered on Penglai Island were.

"How did that happen?"

Chen Ping frowned and couldn't figure out why.

Is it because he took the blood demon body away from Penglai Island?

After thinking for a long time, Chen Ping couldn't come up with any clues, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

The Penglai Island matter will be discussed later. What he has to deal with now is the Martial Arts Alliance.

He wanted to see if Su Yuqi, who was imprisoned in the Martial Arts Alliance, was his true form!

"Let's forget about Penglai Island for now. Has the Martial Arts Alliance taken any action during this period?"

Chen Ping asked.

Long Xingxu shook his head, "That's not true, but during this period, many martial arts families have returned to the martial arts alliance."

"Then don't worry about it. You just need to write down these trivial families."

Chen Ping knew that as soon as the strength of the martial arts alliance increased, there would definitely be martial arts families trying to please it.

In any era, there are people like this.

"Brother Chen Ping, what are you going to do about the Martial Arts Alliance? Do you need me to gather people now?"

Long Xingxu asked Chen Ping.

"No, since many families have returned to the Martial Arts Alliance, I will show them that the Martial Arts Alliance is just a paper tiger."

"Go and declare a challenge to the Martial Arts Alliance. Just say that I want to challenge the Martial Arts Alliance, so that anyone from the Martial Arts Alliance can fight."

"Even if their martial arts alliance attacks together, I will continue."

"Remember, make this event bigger. As long as I am still alive, I will make life difficult for the Martial Arts Alliance."

Chen Ping decided to publicly slap the martial arts alliance in the face.

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