Dragon King Order

Chapter 1825 It’s too simple

However, Chen Ping discovered that every time he cut off a long sword, the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand would be strengthened! This might be the training of his Dragon Slaying Sword! Thinking of this, Chen Ping swung the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand more vigorously! After a while, there were more broken swords on the ground, and cold sweat began to appear on Chen Ping's forehead! But Chen Ping still gritted his teeth and persisted. He knew that this time was a sharpening of the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand, and also a sharpening of himself! .??. When Chen Ping cut off the last long sword, he was so tired that he sat on the ground! The old man looked at Chen Ping with a smile on his face! "You have passed this level. I hope you can go to the end, so that we can fulfill our hundreds of years of wishes..." The old man spoke to Chen Ping. Just when Chen Ping was about to ask who the old man was, the long sword in the old man's hand suddenly threw it towards Chen Ping, and then the whole person disappeared. The long sword in the old man's hand came towards Chen Ping, but finally stopped in front of Chen Ping! Then the long sword emitted a faint light, which was absorbed by the Dragon Slaying Sword. Finally, the long sword fell and turned into powder.

As the long sword turned into powder, the scene in front of Chen Ping changed. He found that he was still standing there, and the sword formation in front of him disappeared.

Looking around, Chen Ping did not see anyone, and even the sword energy around him disappeared.

"Can I see the magic sword like this?"

Chen Ping was very surprised, and then stepped forward!

If it is so easy to find the magic sword, it is a bit too easy!

Chen Ping continued to walk forward for more than ten minutes, and the sword energy that disappeared soon began to reappear, and this time the sword energy was more fierce!

However, this time, what blocked Chen Ping's eyes was not a dense long sword, but three swords inserted into the ground in the shape of a product!

Looking at the three swords in front of him, Chen Ping knew that this should also be a sword formation!

Since there is a sword formation, there must be sword puppets around!

As soon as Chen Ping finished thinking this, he found that a murderous aura was approaching, and then more than a dozen sword puppets were approaching Chen Ping step by step!

The sword puppets encountered this time were obviously much stronger than the ones encountered at the beginning!

These sword puppets were still wearing the clothes they wore before death, and the emblem of the Sword Sect was embroidered on their clothes!

It seems that these are all senior disciples of the Sword Sect!

Chen Ping didn't waste any words and raised the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand high. After all, these sword puppets had no thoughts, and Chen Ping's words were useless.

"Nine Shadow Sword Technique..."

Chen Ping shouted loudly, holding the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand, and the whole person flew into the air.

The endless and dazzling sword light fell, instantly smashing a sword puppet to pieces!

The huge shock wave also directly impacted the other sword puppets into the distance!

But these sword puppets without thoughts didn't know how to be afraid at all, and immediately got up and rushed towards Chen Ping!

Chen Ping waved the Dragon Slaying Sword, and every time he swung the sword, a sword puppet was killed!

Soon, more than a dozen sword puppets were all turned into slag!

The power of the Dragon Slaying Sword in Chen Ping's hand increased again!

After the sword puppets were killed, Chen Ping stared at the three long swords with his eyes. He knew that the sword formation should be activated at this time.

Sure enough, after all the sword puppets were killed, a beam of light began to fall from the middle of the three long swords!

The beam of light seemed to come from the sky, instantly illuminating the position between the three long swords!

Chen Ping looked at the beam of light, took a light step, and stood directly in.

Soon, the light fell on Chen Ping, and at this time Chen Ping felt his feet lighten, and the whole person slowly rose up.

Chen Ping's body was suspended in the air, and was covered by the beam of light!

An extremely crazy sword energy began to surge in the beam of light!

Seeing this, Chen Ping hurriedly wanted to activate the indestructible golden body to resist, but found that he could not exert any spiritual power at all! However, Chen Ping found that every time he cut off a long sword, the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand would be strengthened by one point!

This may be the practice of his Dragon Slaying Sword!

Thinking of this, Chen Ping swung the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand more vigorously!

After a while, there were more broken swords on the ground, and cold sweat began to appear on Chen Ping's forehead!

But Chen Ping still gritted his teeth and persisted. He knew that this time was a sharpening of the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand, and it was also a sharpening of himself!

When Chen Ping cut off the last long sword, he was so tired that he sat on the ground!

And the old man looked at Chen Ping, with a smile on his face!

"You have passed this level. I hope you can go to the end, so that we can fulfill our hundreds of years of wishes..."

The old man spoke to Chen Ping.

Just when Chen Ping was about to ask the old man who he was, the old man suddenly threw the long sword in his hand towards Chen Ping, and then the whole person disappeared.

The long sword in the old man's hand came towards Chen Ping, but finally stopped in front of Chen Ping!

Then the long sword emitted a faint light, which was absorbed by the Dragon Slaying Sword. Finally, the long sword fell and turned into powder directly.

As the long sword turned into powder, the scene in front of Chen Ping changed. He found that he was still standing there, and the sword formation in front of him disappeared.

Looking around, Chen Ping did not see anyone, and even the sword energy around him disappeared.

"Can I see the magic sword like this?"

Chen Ping was very surprised, and then stepped forward!

If it is so easy to find the magic sword, it is a bit too easy!

Chen Ping continued to walk forward for more than ten minutes, and the sword energy that quickly disappeared began to appear again, and this time the sword energy was even more fierce!

However, what stood in front of Chen Ping this time was not a dense array of long swords, but three swords stuck in the ground in a perfect glyph shape!

Looking at the three swords in front of him, Chen Ping knew that this should also be a sword formation!

Since there is a sword formation, there must be sword puppets around!

Just as Chen Ping finished thinking this, he noticed murderous intent coming one after another, followed by more than a dozen sword puppets, approaching Chen Ping step by step!

The sword puppet I encountered this time was obviously much stronger than the one I encountered at the beginning!

These sword puppets are still wearing the clothes they wore before they died, with the logo of Wenjian Sect embroidered on them!

It seems that these are all senior disciples of Wenjian Sect!

Chen Ping didn't talk nonsense and raised the dragon-slaying sword in his hand high. After all, these sword puppets had no thoughts, and Chen Ping's words were useless.

"Nine Shadows Sword Technique..."

Chen Ping shouted loudly, holding the dragon-slaying sword in his hand, he rose into the air.

The endless bright sword light fell, instantly smashing a sword puppet to pieces!

The huge shock wave sent other sword puppets directly into the distance!

But these thoughtless sword puppets didn't know how to be afraid at all. They immediately got up and rushed towards Chen Ping!

Chen Ping wielded the Dragon-Slaying Sword. Every time he swung the sword, a sword puppet was killed!

Soon, more than a dozen sword puppets were all turned into scum!

The strength of the dragon-slaying sword in Chen Ping's hand has improved again!

After finishing killing the sword puppet, Chen Ping stared closely at the three long swords. He knew that the sword array should be activated at this time.

Sure enough, after all the sword puppets were killed, a beam of light began to fall from the middle of the three swords!

The beam of light seemed to come from outside the sky, instantly illuminating the position in the middle of the three long swords!

Chen Ping looked at the beam of light, stepped lightly, and stood directly in it.

Soon, light fell and enveloped Chen Ping. At this time, Chen Ping felt a lightness under his feet, and his whole body was slowly rising upwards.

Chen Ping's body was suspended in mid-air, enveloped by the beam of light!

Extremely crazy sword energy began to surge within the light pillar!

Upon seeing this, Chen Ping hurriedly wanted to activate his indestructible golden body to resist, but found that he could not use any spiritual power at all!

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