Dragon King Order

Chapter 1821 Isn’t that too arrogant?

"You...you bold lunatic..." The woman's face flushed with anger when Hu Mazi said this. Chen Ping also saw at a glance that the woman was just a soul. No matter how strong she was before, she couldn't exert much strength now. "This lady, I heard that the Sword-asking Sect has a magic sword in this sword tomb. We just came to take a look!" Chen Ping smiled slightly. "Bah, don't think I don't know your intentions. With me here, you can't enter the sword tomb..." The woman said, and suddenly stretched out her hand, "Sword..." The woman waved her right hand, and with a buzzing sound, a sword energy broke through the air, and a spirit sword flew out from behind the woman, the sword energy soared into the sky, and finally fell into the woman's hands. The cold light of this spirit sword was intimidating, and it exuded a lingering breath. "If you don't leave, you can only die under my sword of asking the sky!" The woman stared at Chen Ping and said. As soon as the woman's spirit sword appeared, the Qiankun Sword in Chen Ping's hand began to shake violently. If Chen Ping hadn't held it tightly, the spirit sword would have slipped out of his hand.

Chen Ping tried hard to control the already irritable Dragon Slashing Sword, and then looked at the woman with cold eyes.

The woman had the Heavenly Sword in her hand, and her face was full of ruthlessness. She didn't know that the Dragon Slashing Sword in Chen Ping's hand was an ancient spirit sword, but the sword spirit had not yet fully grown, so it could not exert such great power, so the woman didn't take the Dragon Slashing Sword in Chen Ping's hand seriously.

"You and I both have spirit swords in our hands. Today I will let you see that not everyone can use a spirit sword to exert its power."

The woman looked at Chen Ping, with a sword in her hand, expressionless, and her eyes burning.

"Do you want to compete with me?"

Chen Ping raised the corner of his mouth slightly and asked lightly.

"You dare not?"

The woman showed a hint of sarcasm on her face.

"As a soul, I can let you strike me with a sword. If you can hurt me, I will leave here immediately and never step into this place again." Chen Ping said calmly and indifferently. If he can't even deal with a soul, Chen Ping might as well die. The woman was slightly stunned, but looking at Chen Ping's expression, it seemed that he was not joking. "Are you too arrogant?" The woman knew that although she was a soul, she could only exert part of her strength, but Chen Ping could say such a big thing as letting her strike him with a sword, which was extremely arrogant. "Don't talk nonsense, come on!" Chen Ping blocked the dragon-slaying sword in his hand, ready to meet the woman's sword. Seeing Chen Ping so arrogant, the woman's eyes were full of murderous intent. Since Chen Ping was looking for death, she didn't mind sending Chen Ping away. At that moment, the woman raised the Heavenly Sword in her hand, and with a buzzing sound, the sword energy was everywhere, and the violent sword energy made Hu Mazi feel a pain all over his skin, the kind of pain of being cut abruptly. Hu Mazi dodged far away, he didn't want to be affected by the two people.

The woman stared at Chen Ping, her aura instantly rose to the peak, her blood surged, and her raging aura had already burst out. Facing Chen Ping, the woman would not be careless.

Since Chen Ping dared to say such words, and walked here unscathed, he must have some skills.

"Ask the Heaven Slash!"

The woman roared, and the Sword of Heaven in her hand instantly slashed towards Chen Ping. On the Sword of Heaven, white mist instantly rose, and the sword spirit was activated by the woman, turning into a long white snake, entwining on the Sword of Heaven, making bursts of buzzing sounds.

Looking at the woman's peak sword, Chen Ping showed a smile on his face. He was still afraid that the woman would not activate the sword spirit. Now it seems that the woman is still afraid of him, and she actually activated the sword spirit from the beginning.

In this way, Chen Ping saved some troubles and directly let the sword spirit of the Dragon Slashing Sword devour the sword spirit of the Sword of Heaven. "You...you bold lunatic..." The woman's face flushed with anger when Hu Mazi said this. Chen Ping also saw at a glance that the woman was just a soul. No matter how strong she was before, she couldn't exert much strength now. "This lady, I heard that the Sword-asking Sect has a magic sword in this sword tomb. We just came to take a look!" Chen Ping smiled slightly. .??.?? "Bah, don't think I don't know your intentions. With me here, you can't enter the sword tomb..." The woman said, and suddenly stretched out her hand "Sword..." The woman waved her right hand, and with a buzzing sound, a sword energy broke through the air, and a spirit sword flew out from behind the woman, the sword energy soared into the sky, and finally fell into the woman's hands. The cold light of this spirit sword was intimidating, and it exuded a lingering breath. "If you don't leave, you can only die under my sword of asking the sky!" The woman stared at Chen Ping and said. As soon as the woman's spirit sword appeared, the Qiankun Sword in Chen Ping's hand began to shake violently. If Chen Ping hadn't held it tightly, the spirit sword would have slipped out of his hand.

Chen Ping tried hard to control the already irritable Dragon Slashing Sword, and then looked at the woman with cold eyes.

The woman had the Heavenly Sword in her hand, and her face was full of ruthlessness. She didn't know that the Dragon Slashing Sword in Chen Ping's hand was an ancient spirit sword, but the sword spirit had not yet fully grown, so it could not exert such great power, so the woman didn't take the Dragon Slashing Sword in Chen Ping's hand seriously.

"You and I both have spirit swords in our hands. Today I will show you that not everyone can exert the power of a spirit sword."

The woman looked at Chen Ping, with a sword in her hand, expressionless, and a burning gaze.

"You want to swordfight with me?"

Chen Ping raised the corners of his mouth slightly and asked lightly.

"You do not dare?"

There was a hint of sarcasm on the woman's face.

"As a soul, I can give you a sword. If you can hurt me, I will leave here immediately and never step in."

Chen Ping's face was calm and he said in an indifferent tone.

If he couldn't deal with even one soul, Chen Ping might as well just hit him to death.

The woman was slightly startled, but looking at Chen Ping's expression, it didn't seem like he was joking.

"Are you too arrogant?"

The woman knew that even though she was a soul, she could only exert part of her strength, but Chen Ping could say such big words as letting him strike with a sword, which was extremely arrogant.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on!"

Chen Ping blocked the dragon sword in his hand, preparing to receive the woman's sword.

Seeing Chen Ping being so arrogant, the woman's eyes were filled with murderous intent. Since Chen Ping himself was seeking death, she didn't mind giving Chen Ping a ride.

At that moment, the Wentian Sword in the woman's hand was raised, and there was a buzzing sound. The sword energy was everywhere, and the violent sword energy made Hu Mazi feel a pain in the skin all over his body, the kind of pain that was cut by force.

Hu Mazi stayed away, he didn't want to be affected by the two people.

As the woman stared at Chen Ping, the aura on her body instantly rose to its peak, the energy and blood surged, and the raging aura had burst out. Facing Chen Ping, the woman would not be careless.

Since Chen Ping dared to say such words and still came here unscathed, he must have some ability.

"Wentian Zhan!"

The woman roared, and the Wentian Sword in her hand slashed towards Chen Ping in an instant. On the Wentian Sword, white mist rose instantly. The sword spirit was activated by the woman, and turned into a long white snake, wrapping around Wentian. On the sword, there was a buzzing sound.

Looking at the woman's peak sword strike, a smile appeared on Chen Ping's face. He was worried that the woman would not activate the sword spirit. Now it seems that the woman is still afraid of him, and she actually activated the sword spirit from the beginning. Moved out.

In this way, Chen Ping saved some things and just let the Dragon-Slaying Sword Spirit devour the Wentian Sword Spirit.

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