Dragon King Order

Chapter 1813 Entering the ruins

The moment of the collision, a terrifying aura burst out that shook the earth and the mountains. The men in black who were following Omar were instantly knocked away by this terrifying aura!

Their strength is too low and they cannot withstand this kind of collision between masters!

Even Andrew was gritting his teeth at the moment, desperately resisting this terrifying aura to prevent himself from being harmed!

This blow made Omar horrified. We must know that the bears are famous for their strength. He did not expect that Chen Ping would dare to confront him head-on, and Chen Ping's power seemed to be stronger than him!

At this moment, Omar felt as if he was falling into a torrent, his body was out of control and he kept retreating!

It wasn't until he hit the mountain wall that Omar was restrained!

Omar looked at Chen Ping in horror, and began to panic in his heart! ??

Chen Ping just glanced at Omar coldly and said nothing. He turned to Andrew and said, "Lead the way..."

Andrew nodded, facing Chen Ping, he did not dare to make the slightest move!

And Omar looked at Chen Ping's back with mixed feelings in his heart!

Chen Ping had such terrifying power at a young age. As a bear warrior, he was knocked back by a punch!

But what Omar didn't know was that Chen Ping's punch just now was not with all his strength.

If Chen Ping used the Holy Light Fist with all his strength, Omar would probably be a corpse now, how could he still be alive?

The two people are not opponents of the same weight at all.

There is no comparison at all!

It's just that Chen Ping saw that Omar was not a member of the Burning God Sect. Looking at the hair on his body, he looked like a bear, so he didn't kill him!

Hu Mazi and the others also hurriedly followed, and the group walked towards the ruins!

Omar sighed, and finally had no choice but to take those men in black back!

Now we can only wait and see what the second priest will do.

Omar knew that he had no ability to deal with Chen Ping and the others.

Soon, Andrew led Chen Ping and the others into the ruins.

The ruins are huge and almost the entire snow mountain is empty.

Moreover, it was pitch black inside, with only a winding path extending downwards, and an abyss on both sides. If you fell, you would definitely be shattered to pieces.

However, this kind of road is difficult for ordinary people to walk, but for Chen Ping and others, it seems much easier.

Now Chen Ping and the others are at the top of the mountain, so they keep going down the path, sometimes turning and sometimes going up!

This path seems to be suspended inside the entire mountain.

But just after Chen Ping and the others walked for a while, Chen Ping suddenly stopped and then frowned!

"Chen Ping, what's wrong?"

Seeing this, Hu Mazi asked quickly.

"Mr. Chen, this is the way I came in. I definitely didn't go wrong. I won't lie to you."

Andrew was afraid that Chen Ping would misunderstand, so he quickly explained.

After all, it was a winding path with dark, bottomless abyss on both sides. It was normal for Chen Ping to be suspicious.

"I know you didn't lie to us..."

Chen Ping affirmed to Andrew, then looked at Hu Mazi and said, "Master Hu, do you feel anything in the abyss on both sides?"

"What's there?" Hu Mazi frowned slightly, and then a spiritual consciousness came out of his body and instantly explored the abyss.

It's a pity that it was cut off by a violent aura before it even came to the end.

"Holy crap, is there something scary in this abyss? The smell is so scary..."

After Hu Mazi's consciousness was cut off, he couldn't help but said in shock.

At this moment, Chen Ping had slightly closed his eyes, quietly sensing something. Suddenly, Chen Ping's body flashed with light, and the Dragon-Slaying Sword came out of his body without being summoned! The moment of the collision, a terrifying aura burst out that shook the earth and the mountains. The men in black who were following Omar were instantly knocked away by this terrifying aura!

Their strength is too low and they cannot withstand this kind of collision between masters!

Even Andrew was gritting his teeth at the moment, desperately resisting this terrifying aura to prevent himself from being harmed!

This blow made Omar horrified. We must know that the bears are famous for their strength. He did not expect that Chen Ping would dare to confront him head-on, and Chen Ping's power seemed to be stronger than him!

At this moment, Omar felt as if he was falling into a torrent. His body was out of control and kept moving backwards!

It wasn't until he hit the mountain wall that Omar was restrained! ??

Omar looked at Chen Ping in horror, and began to panic in his heart!

Chen Ping just glanced at Omar coldly and said nothing. He turned to Andrew and said, "Lead the way..."

Andrew nodded, facing Chen Ping, he did not dare to make the slightest move!

And Omar looked at Chen Ping's back with mixed feelings in his heart!

Chen Ping had such terrifying power at a young age. As a bear warrior, he was knocked back by a punch!

But what Omar didn't know was that Chen Ping's punch just now was not with all his strength.

If Chen Ping used the Holy Light Fist with all his strength, Omar would probably be a corpse now, how could he still be alive?

The two people are not opponents of the same weight at all.

There is no comparison at all!

It's just that Chen Ping saw that Omar was not a member of the Burning God Sect. Looking at the hair on his body, he looked like a bear, so he didn't kill him!

Hu Mazi and the others also hurriedly followed, and the group walked towards the ruins!

Omar sighed, and finally had no choice but to take those men in black back!

Now we can only wait and see what the second priest will do.

Omar knew that he had no ability to deal with Chen Ping and the others.

Soon, Andrew led Chen Ping and the others into the ruins.

The ruins are huge and almost the entire snow mountain is empty.

Moreover, it was pitch black inside, with only a winding path extending downwards, and an abyss on both sides. If you fell, you would definitely be shattered to pieces.

However, this kind of road is difficult for ordinary people to walk, but for Chen Ping and others, it seems much easier.

Now Chen Ping and the others are at the top of the mountain, so they keep going down the path, sometimes turning and sometimes going up!

This path seems to be suspended inside the entire mountain.

But just after Chen Ping and the others walked for a while, Chen Ping suddenly stopped and then frowned!

"Chen Ping, what's wrong?"

Seeing this, Hu Mazi asked quickly.

"Mr. Chen, this is the way I came in. I definitely didn't go wrong. I won't lie to you."

Andrew was afraid that Chen Ping would misunderstand, so he quickly explained.

After all, it was a winding path with dark, bottomless abyss on both sides. It was normal for Chen Ping to be suspicious.

"I know you didn't lie to us..."

Chen Ping affirmed to Andrew, then looked at Hu Mazi and said, "Master Hu, do you feel anything in the abyss on both sides?"

"What's there?" Hu Mazi frowned slightly, and then a spiritual consciousness came out of his body and instantly explored the abyss.

It's a pity that it was cut off by a violent aura before it even came to the end.

"Holy crap, is there something scary in this abyss? The smell is so scary..."

After Hu Mazi's consciousness was cut off, he couldn't help but said in shock.

At this moment, Chen Ping had slightly closed his eyes, quietly sensing something. Suddenly, Chen Ping's body flashed with light, and the Dragon-Slaying Sword came out of his body without being summoned!

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