Dragon King Order

Chapter 1807: Catching one

Just as the man in black was stunned when the machete flew away, Fan Jiang stepped forward and grabbed the man by the collar, and carried the man in black over!

No matter how hard he struggled, the man in black couldn't break free, and he was immediately stunned!


Fan Jiang threw the man in black in front of Chen Ping, and then stepped on the man in black!

The man in black looked at Chen Ping in front of him, with a hint of panic in his eyes!

"Let me ask you, why did you stop us? Have you discovered the ruins?"

Chen Ping asked the man in black.

Although the man in black was afraid, he did not speak and gritted his teeth!

It seems that he plans to fight to the end!

Seeing that the man in black was quite brave, Chen Ping sneered, and then drew a few random strokes in the air with his finger.

"Heart-Eating Talisman..."

I saw spots in the air, and then these spots entered the body of the man in black.

Hu Mazi looked at Chen Ping's way of randomly drawing talismans using the sky and the earth as patterns, and was filled with envy!


Soon, the man in black roared in pain, his whole body trembling!

It's like countless ants are crawling everywhere in the body, eating the internal organs!

"I said, I said..."

The man in black couldn't bear the torture, but just when he was about to open his mouth, his head suddenly exploded!

Look at the man in black who suddenly had his head shot!

Chen Ping frowned and said, "Damn it, I was actually cursed..."

Chen Ping did not expect that sects abroad also like to place curses on the heads of believers to prevent betrayal!

"Fan Jiang, go catch another one..."

Chen Ping said.

Fan Jiang nodded and disappeared in a flash!

The high priest followed Daniel and was still struggling to hold on. Suddenly he felt a breath coming, and then turned around in the crowd, and then

He picked up a man in black and left!

At this time, only a few of the dozen or so men in black were left, fighting with the high priest and Daniel!

Although they saw their companion being carried away like a chicken, they could not spare any manpower to rescue him!

The fear in the eyes of the man in black who had just been captured was even more obvious!

Chen Ping did not speak, but put a hand on the head of the man in black. A burst of spiritual power entered instantly, and then broke the curse in the head of the man in black.

At this time, Chen Ping asked, "Who are you? Why did you stop us? Have you already found the ruins?"

This time, the man in black did not hesitate and said quickly, "We are members of the Burning Sky Cult. We belong to the second priest. Now for all those who enter the snowy mountains to look for ruins, we must find a way to make them give up or disappear."

"Because we have already found the ruins, and we have been in the ruins for several months."

When Chen Ping heard this, his heart suddenly felt cold.

It has been here for several months, so what good things can be preserved in the ruins?

"What have you been doing in the ruins for several months?"

Chen Ping didn't understand why these people stayed there for so long even if they just wiped out the ruins.

"Build an altar, and it was all made of spar."

The man in black dare not hide anything!

"An altar made of spar, what is the use of this altar?"

Chen Ping was very curious.

The man in black shook his head, "Then I don't know. Only the priests know this..."

Chen Ping saw that the man in black was just a little guy and probably didn't know much, so he reached out and slapped him to death...

Chen Ping would not do anything like raising tigers to bring disaster!

"Fan Jiang, go help and save that high priest. I think we can use him."

Chen Ping didn't know what the altar was for, maybe the high priest knew. Just as the man in black was stunned when the machete flew away, Fan Jiang stepped forward and grabbed the man by the collar, and carried the man in black over!

No matter how hard he struggled, the man in black couldn't break free, and he was immediately stunned!


Fan Jiang threw the man in black in front of Chen Ping, and then stepped on the man in black!

The man in black looked at Chen Ping in front of him, with a hint of panic in his eyes!

"Let me ask you, why did you stop us? Have you discovered the ruins?"

Chen Ping asked the man in black.

Although the man in black was afraid, he did not speak and gritted his teeth!

It seems that he plans to fight to the end!

Seeing that the man in black was quite brave, Chen Ping sneered, and then drew a few random strokes in the air with his finger.

"Heart-Eating Talisman..."

I saw spots in the air, and then these spots entered the body of the man in black.

Hu Mazi looked at Chen Ping's way of randomly drawing talismans using the sky and the earth as patterns, and was filled with envy!


Soon, the man in black roared in pain, his whole body trembling!

It's like countless ants are crawling everywhere in the body, eating the internal organs!

"I said, I said..."

The man in black couldn't bear the torture, but just when he was about to open his mouth, his head suddenly exploded!

Look at the man in black who suddenly had his head shot!

Chen Ping frowned and said, "Damn it, I was actually cursed..."

Chen Ping did not expect that sects abroad also like to place curses on the heads of believers to prevent betrayal!

"Fan Jiang, go catch another one..."

Chen Ping said.

Fan Jiang nodded and disappeared in a flash!

The high priest followed Daniel and was still struggling to hold on. Suddenly he felt a breath coming, and then turned around in the crowd, and then

He picked up a man in black and left!

At this time, only a few of the dozen or so men in black were left, fighting with the high priest and Daniel!

Although they saw their companion being carried away like a chicken, they couldn't spare any manpower to rescue him!

The fear in the eyes of the man in black who had just been captured was even more obvious!

Chen Ping did not speak, but put a hand on the head of the man in black. A burst of spiritual power entered instantly, and then broke the curse in the head of the man in black.

At this time, Chen Ping asked, "Who are you? Why did you stop us? Have you already found the ruins?"

This time, the man in black did not hesitate and said quickly, "We are members of the Burning Sky Cult. We belong to the second priest. Now for all those who enter the snow-capped mountains to look for ruins, we must find a way to make them give up or disappear."

"Because we have already found the ruins, and we have been in the ruins for several months."

When Chen Ping heard this, his heart suddenly felt cold.

It has been here for several months, so what good things can be preserved in the ruins?

"What have you been doing in the ruins for several months?"

Chen Ping didn't understand why these people stayed there for so long even if they just wiped out the ruins.

"Build an altar, and it was all made of spar."

The man in black dare not hide anything!

"An altar made of spar, what is the use of this altar?"

Chen Ping was very curious.

The man in black shook his head, "Then I don't know. Only the priests know this..."

Chen Ping saw that the man in black was just a little guy and probably didn't know much, so he reached out and slapped him to death...

Chen Ping would not do anything like raising tigers to bring disaster!

"Fan Jiang, go help and save that high priest. I think we can use him."

Chen Ping didn't know what the altar was for, maybe the high priest knew.

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