Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,790 Are you bragging?

The conversation between Chen Ping and Fan Jiang instantly angered the two men in black!

"You two Daxia people, get out of here, or you will both die here..."

A man in black looked at Chen Ping and Fan Jiangdao with murderous intent.

At this time, Anna also looked at Chen Ping and said, "Chen Ping, don't worry about my affairs. You'd better take your friends and leave. They are very powerful people."

"I really want to see how powerful these people are."

Chen Ping smiled and then winked at Fan Jiang!

Fan Jiang nodded, then jumped up and headed towards the two men in black!

"Chen Ping, you are no match for them. They are all Wuhou. You should leave quickly..."

Seeing that Fan Jiang actually took action, Anna quickly said to Chen Ping. .??.

But just as Anna finished speaking, she heard two shrill screams!

I saw the two men in black covering their eyes with their hands!

And on the snow-white ground, four eyeballs were very conspicuously embedded in the snow!

Blood kept coming out from between the fingers of the two men in black!

This time, Anna was dumbfounded!

"Things that don't have eyes don't have to look at things now."

Fan Jiang snorted coldly.

The other two men in black who were fighting with Andrew all rushed over after hearing the screams!

Andrew couldn't hold on any longer, and there were scars all over his body. At this moment, when the two men in black left, he breathed a sigh of relief!

When the other two men in black arrived, they saw that the eye sockets of their two companions were empty and their eyeballs were missing!

This time, the two people were instantly shocked!

The four of them know each other's strength very well. The person who can instantly dig out the eyes of two companions must be much stronger than them!

Thinking of this, the remaining two men in black supported their companions, turned around and ran away.

"Want to run?"

When Fan Jiang saw this, he jumped up and instantly

He stopped the four men in black!

Then both claws came out again, and the remaining two men in black also screamed, and their eyeballs were also gouged out.

This time, the four men in black became blind!

They were screaming, colliding with each other, and couldn't find their way!

Fan Jiang's skills stunned Anna and Andrew.

It wasn't until Fan Jiang came back that Anna couldn't help but ask Chen Ping, "Chen Ping, what is your friend's strength? How can he be so powerful?"

Chen Ping smiled, "He is just a peak Wuhou. Even the great Wuhou can't break through."

When Fan Jiang heard this, he was instantly embarrassed.

He has not been able to break through Da Wuhou for twenty years.

If someone had said that to him before, Fan Jiang would have been angry!

But now that Chen Ping is talking about him like this, Fan Jiang has no temper at all.

After all, it only took Chen Ping just over a year to break through to the realm of Da Wuhou!

This talent coupled with the disparity in strength made Fan Jiang admire Chen Ping.

When they heard that Fan Jiang was the peak of Wuhou, Anna and Andrew's eyes were full of admiration and disbelief!

Although Andrew is also a Wuhou, he is just a newly promoted Wuhou. If he wants to reach the peak of Wuhou, he doesn't know how long it will take.

But soon, Anna seemed to feel that something was wrong, so she asked Chen Ping, "You just said that he is a peak Wuhou, and that's it? You seem to look down on this peak Wuhou, so what is your own strength?"

"Me? I am now a fifth-grade Great Wuhou."

Chen Ping smiled slightly.

"Just brag. At your age, you can reach the fifth rank of Great Wuhou? You must know that a year ago you were just a grand master."

Anna didn't believe Chen Ping's words at all.

After all, Chen Ping was only a Grand Master a year ago, how could he reach the fifth rank of Grand Wuhou in just one year.

This is simply impossible!

Andrew relied on his identity as a bear to practice quickly. It took him a year to go from Wu Zong to Wu Hou, and he also consumed an unknown amount of training resources during this period! The conversation between Chen Ping and Fan Jiang instantly angered the two men in black!

"You two Daxia people, get out of here, or you will both die here..."

A man in black looked at Chen Ping and Fan Jiangdao with murderous intent.

At this time, Anna also looked at Chen Ping and said, "Chen Ping, don't worry about my affairs. You'd better take your friends and leave. They are very powerful people."

"I really want to see how powerful these people are."

Chen Ping smiled and then winked at Fan Jiang!

Fan Jiang nodded, then jumped up and headed towards the two men in black!

"Chen Ping, you are no match for them. They are all Wuhou. You should leave quickly..."

Seeing that Fan Jiang actually took action, Anna quickly said to Chen Ping.

But just as Anna finished speaking, she heard two shrill screams! .??.??

I saw the two men in black covering their eyes with their hands!

And on the snow-white ground, four eyeballs were very conspicuously embedded in the snow!

Blood kept coming out from between the fingers of the two men in black!

This time, Anna was dumbfounded!

"Things that don't have eyes don't have to look at things now."

Fan Jiang snorted coldly.

The other two men in black who were fighting with Andrew all rushed over after hearing the screams!

Andrew couldn't hold on any longer, and there were scars all over his body. At this moment, when the two men in black left, he breathed a sigh of relief!

When the other two men in black arrived, they saw that the eye sockets of their two companions were empty and their eyeballs were missing!

This time, the two people were instantly shocked!

The four of them know each other's strength very well. The person who can instantly dig out the eyes of two companions must be much stronger than them!

Thinking of this, the remaining two men in black supported their companions, turned around and ran away.

"Want to run?"

When Fan Jiang saw this, he jumped up and instantly

He stopped the four men in black!

Then both claws came out again, and the remaining two men in black also screamed, and their eyeballs were also gouged out.

This time, the four men in black became blind!

They were screaming, colliding with each other, and couldn't find their way!

Fan Jiang's skills stunned Anna and Andrew.

It wasn't until Fan Jiang came back that Anna couldn't help but ask Chen Ping, "Chen Ping, what is your friend's strength? How can he be so powerful?"

Chen Ping smiled, "He is just a peak Wuhou. Even the great Wuhou can't break through."

When Fan Jiang heard this, he was immediately embarrassed.

He has not been able to break through Da Wuhou for twenty years.

If someone had said that to him before, Fan Jiang would have been angry!

But now that Chen Ping is talking about him like this, Fan Jiang has no temper at all.

After all, it only took Chen Ping just over a year to break through to the realm of Da Wuhou!

This talent coupled with the disparity in strength made Fan Jiang admire Chen Ping.

When they heard that Fan Jiang was at the peak of Wuhou, Anna and Andrew's eyes were filled with admiration and disbelief!

Although Andrew is also a Wuhou, he is just a newly promoted Wuhou. If he wants to reach the peak of Wuhou, he doesn't know how long it will take.

But soon, Anna seemed to feel that something was wrong, so she asked Chen Ping, "You just said that he is a peak Wuhou, and that's it? You seem to look down on this peak Wuhou, so what is your own strength?"

"Me? I am now a fifth-grade Great Wuhou."

Chen Ping smiled slightly.

"Just brag. At your age, you can reach the fifth rank of Great Wuhou? You must know that a year ago you were just a grand master."

Anna didn't believe Chen Ping's words at all.

After all, Chen Ping was only a Grand Master a year ago, how could he reach the fifth rank of Grand Wuhou in just one year.

This is simply impossible!

Andrew relied on his identity as a bear to practice quickly. It took him a year to go from Wu Zong to Wu Hou, and he also consumed an unknown amount of training resources during this period!

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