Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,786 Street Stall Goods

Chen Ping smiled, "So many people can't find it, how can I definitely find it? This Ice Bear Island is neither big nor small. If I find it bit by bit, it will probably take a year and a half... …”

"Mr. Chen, you don't need to search the entire Ice Bear Island to find the ruins. There is one place that is the most suspicious, because people disappear from there almost every year. No matter how you look for it, you can't find it."

"So some people suspect that there are ruins there, but they can't find the entrance..."

Tang Dali said to Chen Ping.


Chen Ping's eyes lit up and he said.

"Go get a map for Mr. Chen..."

After Tang Dali finished speaking, someone quickly brought the map. Tang Dali drew a circle on the map, "It's right here. It's next to the snow mountain. There are also rumors that the ruins are under the snow mountain, but no one has seen it... …”

Chen Ping looked at that place, thought for a moment, and then asked, "Have you been here?"

"I've been there twice, but I haven't seen any ruins. It's just a vast white snowfield."

Tang Dali said.

"Gang Leader Tang, can you take us to see this place tomorrow?"

Chen Ping wanted Tang Dali to take them there, after all, Tang Dali was familiar with the route!

"No problem, it's my honor to be able to work for Mr. Chen..."

Tang Dali happily agreed!

After leaving the Daxia Gang, Chen Ping and Fan Jiang did not go back to the hotel, but went shopping in a market!

Because of the cold weather here, there are almost no live animals on sale in the market!

And in such a small market, there are actually some items selling jade, swords and the like.

Maybe it's because many warriors come here every year to explore the ruins, so there are people selling this kind of stuff. As the saying goes, if there's a demand, there's a market!

"It's all rubbish, and I haven't met many experts. Could it be that many people have left because they couldn't find the entrance to the ruins?"

Fan Jiang discovered

The things sold in the market are very poor, and I haven’t met many experts!

It stands to reason that since there are ruins here, a large number of experts will come.

But now I haven’t met many of them!

Maybe it’s because I’ve been here a few times and couldn’t find the entrance to the ruins, so they all gave up!

Just when Chen Ping and the others turned around and were about to go back, suddenly there was a buzz in Chen Ping's mind. The dragon-slaying sword seemed to sense something, and it actually vibrated!

Chen Ping stopped in a hurry, then looked not far away and found a vendor packing his things, probably getting ready to go home!

At this moment, Chen Ping was attracted by the vendor who was about to put away a sword!

I saw that this sword exuded a vague aura, which instantly attracted Chen Ping!

"Brother, can I see your shuriken?"

Chen Ping walked over and asked.

"You said this sword, let me show it to you. If you like it, five million will be given to you..."

The merchant gave the sword to Chen Ping.

"What broken sword is worth five million? Aren't you trying to steal it?"

Fan Jiang looked surprised.

"What do you know? This sword cuts iron like clay, but it is the sword of the Wenjian Sect."

The merchant's words instantly stunned Chen Ping.

He didn't expect that a small vendor would actually know about the Wenjian Sect.

"Brother, how do you know this is the sword of Wenjian Sect?"

Chen Ping looked at the vendor strangely and asked.

"Isn't it written on the blade of the sword?"

The merchant said while holding the sword.

Chen Ping looked carefully and saw that the sword was already rusty and looked very old. However, there were indeed three characters "Wen Jian Zong" at the bottom of the sword. These three characters were obviously engraved when the sword was made.

When Chen Ping held the sword, the feeling of the Dragon-Slaying Sword in his body became even stronger!

Chen Ping's face looked very excited. Chen Ping smiled, "So many people can't find it, how can I definitely find it? This Ice Bear Island is not big or small. If I find it bit by bit, it will probably take a year and a half... …”

"Mr. Chen, you don't need to search the entire Ice Bear Island to find the ruins. There is one place that is the most suspicious, because people disappear from there almost every year. No matter how you look for it, you can't find it."

"So some people suspect that there are ruins there, but they can't find the entrance..."

Tang Dali said to Chen Ping.


Chen Ping's eyes lit up and he said.

"Go get a map for Mr. Chen..."

After Tang Dali finished speaking, someone quickly brought the map. Tang Dali drew a circle on the map, "It's right here. It's next to the snow mountain. There are also rumors that the ruins are under the snow mountain, but no one has seen it... …”

Chen Ping looked at that place, thought for a moment, and then asked, "Have you been here?"

"I've been there twice, but I haven't seen any ruins. It's just a vast white snowfield."

Tang Dali said.

"Gang Leader Tang, can you take us to see this place tomorrow?"

Chen Ping wanted Tang Dali to take them there, after all, Tang Dali was familiar with the route!

"No problem, it's my honor to be able to work for Mr. Chen..."

Tang Dali happily agreed!

After leaving the Daxia Gang, Chen Ping and Fan Jiang did not go back to the hotel, but went shopping in a market!

Because of the cold weather here, there are almost no live animals on sale in the market!

And in such a small market, there are actually some items selling jade, swords and the like.

Maybe it's because many warriors come here every year to explore the ruins, so there are people selling this kind of stuff. As the saying goes, if there's a demand, there's a market!

"It's all rubbish, and I haven't met many experts. Could it be that many people have left because they couldn't find the entrance to the ruins?"

Fan Jiang discovered

The things sold in the market are very poor, and I haven’t met many experts!

It stands to reason that since there are ruins here, a large number of experts will come.

But now I haven’t met many of them!

Maybe it’s because I’ve been here a few times and couldn’t find the entrance to the ruins, so they all gave up!

Just when Chen Ping and the others turned around and were about to go back, suddenly there was a buzz in Chen Ping's mind. The dragon-slaying sword seemed to sense something, and it actually vibrated!

Chen Ping stopped in a hurry, then looked not far away and found a vendor packing his things, probably getting ready to go home!

At this moment, Chen Ping was attracted by the vendor who was about to put away a sword!

I saw that this sword exuded a vague aura, which instantly attracted Chen Ping!

"Brother, can I see your shuriken?"

Chen Ping walked over and asked.

"You said this sword, let me show it to you. If you like it, five million will be given to you..."

The merchant gave the sword to Chen Ping.

"What broken sword is worth five million? Aren't you trying to steal it?"

Fan Jiang looked surprised.

"What do you know? This sword cuts iron like clay, but it is the sword of the Wenjian Sect."

The merchant's words instantly stunned Chen Ping.

He didn't expect that a small vendor would actually know about the Wenjian Sect.

"Brother, how do you know this is the sword of Wenjian Sect?"

Chen Ping looked at the vendor strangely and asked.

"Isn't it written on the blade of the sword?"

The merchant said while holding the sword.

Chen Ping looked carefully and saw that the sword was already rusty and looked very old. However, there were indeed three characters "Wen Jian Zong" at the bottom of the sword. These three characters were obviously engraved when the sword was made.

When Chen Ping held the sword, the feeling of the Dragon-Slaying Sword in his body became even stronger!

Chen Ping's face looked very excited.

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