Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,778 You are the only one

When he arrived at Honglian Palace, Chen Ping felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere!

A group of girls all looked directly at him, and there was a bit of anger in their eyes.

This made Chen Ping confused. He didn't know where he had offended these women!

Although Chen Ping himself didn't know where he offended them, he became panicked when these women looked at him so directly.

These women didn't say anything, just looked at Chen Ping!

But Chen Ping's face was full of panic!

Finally, Xiaoru couldn't help but said, "Brother Chen Ping, I heard that you are going to the Bear Country?"

Chen Ping nodded, "Yes!"

"And also going to Ice Bear Island?"

Gu Linger also spoke!

"Yes!" Chen Ping nodded again.

"You're leaving tomorrow?"

Ji Ruxue asked.

"Yes!" Chen Ping continued to nod!

"You guy, you go to such a nice place abroad and you don't tell us or take us with you. Do you still have us people in your heart? Do you have any conscience?"

"Sister Ruxue moved here from thousands of miles away for you, and you treat her like this?"

Xiaolan got angry and scolded Chen Ping!

"I haven't been to the Ice Bear Island you mentioned, I'm so curious..."

Ge Yuhan has been sealed for thousands of years, and she doesn't even know the existence of Ice Bear Island!

"I haven't been there either, I want to see..."

Xiao Min looked at Chen Ping pitifully: "Brother Chen, can you take me there?"

"Take me there, take me there..."

"I also need to go!"

"And I…………"

A bunch of women are chattering, they all want to go to Ice Bear Island!

At this moment, Chen Ping felt like he had a splitting headache, as if Tang Monk had recited a tightening curse!

"I went to explore a ruins, not to travel. It's very dangerous..."

Chen Ping

I could only say helplessly.

"What's wrong with exploring the ruins? Maybe we can help you, we're not a burden!"

"Who among us is incompetent?"

Xiaolan retorted to Chen Ping!

"I'm not saying you are incompetent. This time is really dangerous. It's inconvenient to bring a bunch of you women with you..."

Chen Ping was crying, he didn't know how to explain to these women!

"Why is it inconvenient? You're being sexist."

Wu Meier said.


Chen Ping was speechless for a while, feeling the looks of these women, and in the end he could only nod in compromise, "Okay, you all will follow, but when you get to the place, you must listen to me and don't run around, otherwise I won't be able to Time takes care of you..."

Seeing that Chen Ping agreed, a group of women immediately cheered and high-fived in celebration!

He seemed as happy as if he had won a battle!

Looking at the excited group of women, Chen Ping was still helpless. He could fight with any powerful enemy without fear!

But facing so many women, he really didn't know what to do...

At this moment, a resentful voice suddenly came from the door, "Have you forgotten me?"

Chen Ping turned around and found that Ge Jiayi was already standing at the door without knowing it, with tears in her eyes, looking like she had been wronged!

Seeing Ge Jiayi appear again, Chen Ping's head got bigger!

Seeing that Ge Jiayi was about to shed tears, Chen Ping hurriedly said, "Go, you go too, you are the only one left..."

After hearing Chen Ping's promise, Ge Jiayi burst into tears and turned into a smile!

Chen Ping did not dare to stay in the Red Lotus Palace for long, he was afraid that these women would eat him!

the next day!

At Kyoto Airport, Long Wu brought a group of people to see Chen Ping off!

Originally, Chen Ping planned to take Hu Mazi and Fan Jiang to Ice Bear Island, but now there are more than a dozen people!

In order to have someone to watch these women, Chen Ping asked Zhao Chuang to go with him, so that Zhao Chuang and Xiaoru could enhance their relationship with each other! When he arrived at Honglian Palace, Chen Ping felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere!

A group of girls all looked directly at him, and there was a bit of anger in their eyes.

This made Chen Ping confused. He didn't know where he had offended these women!

Although Chen Ping himself didn't know where he offended them, he became panicked when these women looked at him so directly.

These women didn't say anything, just looked at Chen Ping!

But Chen Ping's face was full of panic!

Finally, Xiaoru couldn't help but said, "Brother Chen Ping, I heard that you are going to the Bear Country?"

Chen Ping nodded, "Yes!"

"And also going to Ice Bear Island?" .??.

Gu Linger also spoke!

"Yes!" Chen Ping nodded again.

"You're leaving tomorrow?"

Ji Ruxue asked.

"Yes!" Chen Ping continued to nod!

"You guy, you go to such a nice place abroad and you don't tell us or take us with you. Do you still have us people in your heart? Do you have any conscience?"

"Sister Ruxue moved here from thousands of miles away for you, and you treat her like this?"

Xiaolan got angry and scolded Chen Ping!

"I haven't been to the Ice Bear Island you mentioned, I'm so curious..."

Ge Yuhan has been sealed for thousands of years, and she doesn't even know the existence of Ice Bear Island!

"I haven't been there either, I want to see..."

Xiao Min looked at Chen Ping pitifully: "Brother Chen, can you take me there?"

"Take me there, take me there..."

"I also need to go!"

"And I…………"

A bunch of women are chattering, they all want to go to Ice Bear Island!

At this moment, Chen Ping felt like he had a splitting headache, as if Tang Monk had recited a tightening curse!

"I went to explore a ruins, not to travel. It's very dangerous..."

Chen Ping

I could only say helplessly.

"What's wrong with exploring the ruins? Maybe we can help you, we're not a burden!"

"Who among us is incompetent?"

Xiaolan retorted to Chen Ping!

"I'm not saying you are incompetent. This time is really dangerous. It's inconvenient to bring a bunch of you women with you..."

Chen Ping was crying, he didn't know how to explain to these women!

"Why is it inconvenient? You're being sexist."

Wu Meier said.


Chen Ping was speechless for a while, feeling the looks of these women, and in the end he could only nod in compromise, "Okay, you all will follow, but when you get to the place, you must listen to me and don't run around, otherwise I won't be able to Time takes care of you..."

Seeing that Chen Ping agreed, a group of women immediately cheered and high-fived in celebration!

He seemed as happy as if he had won a battle!

Looking at the excited group of women, Chen Ping was still helpless. He could fight with any powerful enemy without fear!

But facing so many women, he really didn't know what to do...

At this moment, a resentful voice suddenly came from the door, "Have you forgotten me?"

Chen Ping turned around and found that Ge Jiayi was already standing at the door without knowing it, with tears in her eyes, looking like she had been wronged!

Seeing Ge Jiayi appear again, Chen Ping's head got bigger!

Seeing that Ge Jiayi was about to shed tears, Chen Ping hurriedly said, "Go, you go too, you are the only one left..."

After hearing Chen Ping's promise, Ge Jiayi burst into tears and turned into a smile!

Chen Ping did not dare to stay in the Red Lotus Palace for long, he was afraid that these women would eat him!

the next day!

At Kyoto Airport, Long Wu brought a group of people to see Chen Ping off!

Originally, Chen Ping planned to take Hu Mazi and Fan Jiang to Ice Bear Island, but now there are more than a dozen people!

In order to have someone to watch these women, Chen Ping asked Zhao Chuang to go with him, so that Zhao Chuang and Xiaoru could enhance their relationship with each other!

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