Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,773 Changing bodies

Kyoto, Martial Arts Alliance!

Since the Martial Arts Alliance was destroyed, more glorious buildings have been re-erected in just a few days!

And this time, there are seven black and silver robes in the martial arts alliance. Each black and silver robe has the strength of the late Great Wuhou, and among these seven people, two of them hold martial arts weapons in their hands. This kind of strength, no one else It is said that in the Kyoto martial arts world, even the entire Daxia martial arts world is a top-notch existence!

These seven black and silver robes are considered the best among the entire black and silver robes. It won't take long for them to be promoted to black and gold robes!

This time they are sitting in the Martial Arts Alliance, which can be regarded as a test before promotion! .??.

And on the master's seat of the Martial Arts Alliance, the hunchbacked old man suddenly appeared on it!

"Lord Demon Envoy..."

Seeing this, the seven men in black and silver robes quickly shouted respectfully.

"As long as the seven of you can catch Chen Ping, you can be promoted to the Black Gold Robe. Now that the martial arts weapon in Chen Ping's hand has been destroyed, and the puppet corpse is probably out of control, so the seven of you join forces to catch him. Not difficult!”

"But don't take it lightly. The most important thing is not to destroy his body. His body and power are still useful!"

The hunchbacked old man said to the seven people.

"As ordered..."

Seven people nodded.

Soon, the figure of the hunchbacked old man disappeared from his seat. When he appeared, he was already in the secret realm!

The hunchbacked old man walked quickly to a secret room and opened a mysterious window in the secret room. It was pitch black inside!

The hunchbacked old man recited a few mantras silently, and the secret room suddenly lit up.

I saw a pool of dark liquid in the secret room, which looked very disgusting!

But at this moment, in the pool, Ning Zhi was naked and soaking in it!

"This boy's physical body is really good. It seems that the time has come..."

The hunchbacked old man glanced at his body with disgust, then opened the door and walked in


The hunchbacked old man waved his hand, and a black mist emerged from Ning Zhi's body, and then turned into a human form!

This is the soul in Ning Zhi's body, and it has been coexisting with Ning Zhi.

"Lord Demon Envoy..."

When the soul saw the hunchbacked old man, he hurriedly saluted!

"This boy's physical body is really strong. He can soak in this black devil pool for such a long time. Such a good physical body has been ruined by you..."

The hunchbacked old man said coldly to the soul.

When the soul heard this, it immediately trembled with fear. "Master Demon Envoy, I just found a body randomly. I didn't choose it at the time..."

"Whether you chose it randomly or not, I want this body now..."

As the hunchbacked old man opened his mouth, he saw the soul struggling twice and being swallowed into his stomach in an instant!

Then a black mist emerged from the hunchbacked old man's body, and then entered Ning Zhi's body!

And the hunchbacked old man instantly lost consciousness and fell to the ground, and then fell into the black water!

The physical body was instantly corrupted and turned into white bones, and finally disappeared completely!

But Ning Zhi suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, with a terrifying light in his eyes!

"Haha, this body is really good..."

The soul of the demon couldn't help laughing as he looked at the strong body.

"Who are you?"

At this time, Ning Zhi also felt something strange, because he found that the soul aura in his body had obviously changed!

Moreover, the energy in his body became extremely turbulent, and his strength was obviously much higher.

"Boy, you should feel lucky that I have taken notice of your body. I am the demon envoy, commanding all of you people in black robes. Do you understand?"

Soul said in a proud tone.

Ning Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then his whole face showed an incredible expression. Kyoto, Martial Arts Alliance!

Since the Martial Arts Alliance was destroyed, more glorious buildings have been re-erected in just a few days!

Moreover, there are seven black and silver robes in the martial arts alliance this time. Each black and silver robe has the strength of the late Great Wuhou, and among these seven people, two have martial arts holy weapons in their hands. This kind of strength, others It is said that in the Kyoto martial arts world, even the entire Daxia martial arts world is a top-notch existence!

These seven black and silver robes are considered the best among the entire black and silver robes. It won't take long for them to be promoted to black and gold robes!

This time they are sitting in the Martial Arts Alliance, which can be regarded as a test before promotion!

And on the master's seat of the Martial Arts Alliance, the hunchbacked old man suddenly appeared on it!

"Lord Demon Envoy..."

Seeing this, the seven men in black and silver robes quickly shouted respectfully.

"As long as the seven of you can catch Chen Ping, you can be promoted to the Black Gold Robe. Now that the martial arts weapon in Chen Ping's hand has been destroyed, and the puppet corpse is probably out of control, so the seven of you join forces to catch him. Not difficult!”

"But don't take it lightly. The most important thing is not to destroy his body. His body and power are still useful!"

The hunchbacked old man said to the seven people.

"As ordered..."

Seven people nodded.

Soon, the figure of the hunchbacked old man disappeared from his seat. When he appeared, he was already in the secret realm!

The hunchbacked old man walked quickly to a secret room and opened a mysterious window in the secret room. It was pitch black inside!

The hunchbacked old man recited a few mantras silently, and the secret room suddenly lit up.

I saw a pool of dark liquid in the secret room, which looked very disgusting!

But at this moment, in the pool, Ning Zhi was naked and soaking in it!

"This boy's physical body is really good. It seems that the time has come..."

The hunchbacked old man glanced at his body with disgust, then opened the door and walked in


The hunchbacked old man waved his hand, and a black mist emerged from Ning Zhi's body, and then turned into a human form!

This is the soul in Ning Zhi's body, and it has been coexisting with Ning Zhi.

"Lord Demon Envoy..."

When the soul saw the hunchbacked old man, he hurriedly saluted!

"This boy's physical body is indeed strong. He can soak in this black devil pool for such a long time. Such a good physical body has been ruined by you..."

The hunchbacked old man said coldly to the soul.

When the soul heard this, it immediately trembled with fear, "Master Demon Envoy, this villain just found a body at random, and didn't choose it at the time..."

"Whether you chose it randomly or not, I want this body now..."

As the hunchbacked old man opened his mouth, he saw the soul struggling twice and being swallowed into his stomach in an instant!

Then a black mist emerged from the hunchbacked old man's body, and then entered Ning Zhi's body!

And the hunchbacked old man instantly lost consciousness and fell to the ground, and then fell into the black water!

The physical body was instantly corrupted and turned into white bones, and finally disappeared completely!

But Ning Zhi suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, with a terrifying light in his eyes!

"Haha, this body is really good..."

The soul of the demon couldn't help laughing as he looked at the strong body.

"Who are you?"

At this time, Ning Zhi also felt something strange, because he found that the soul aura in his body had obviously changed!

Moreover, the energy in his body also became extremely turbulent, and his strength was obviously much higher.

"Boy, you should feel lucky that I have taken notice of your body. I am the demon envoy, commanding all of you people in black robes. Do you understand?"

Soul said in a proud tone.

Ning Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then his whole face showed an incredible expression.

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