Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,761 Formation Eye

When Chen Ping heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes. Everyone knows that if you find the eye of the formation, the formation can be broken. After all, the eye of the formation is the weakest point of every formation!

But the most difficult thing is how to find the formation eye!

Fan Jiang also seemed to see what Chen Ping was thinking, and quickly said, "Mr. Chen, Master Hu is the master of spells, and each spell actually corresponds to a magic circle. If you find him, maybe Master Hu can know Where the formation eye is, it might be possible to break the formation."

When Chen Ping heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. Indeed, the reason why each talisman has different abilities is because the magic circle given to each talisman is different, so the abilities are different!

For example, the killing formation and the mountain-protecting formation are just condensing the formation onto the talisman paper, which makes each talisman have different abilities!

It's just that this ability to draw symbols is not available to everyone.

You can set up formations, but you may not be able to draw talismans. Arrange formations on talisman paper!

In the same way, Hu Mazi can draw talismans and is almost invincible in spells, but if he is really asked to set up a mountain-protecting formation arranged by a sect, he can't do it!

All things are interoperable, but they are also different!

After thinking about it, Chen Ping decided to go find Hu Mazi immediately after beheading Nie Cheng in public tomorrow. ??

If Hu Mazi can't do it, they can go to the ruins of Tianfu Sect, and maybe they can have an adventure!

Now that the Blood Demon's body is here, he is like a walking tank. There is no need to worry about the traps set up in the ruins!

Early the next morning!

The martial arts arena was crowded with people because Chen Ping decided to publicly execute Nie Cheng here today!

This is the first leader of the Martial Arts Alliance to be executed since its existence!

Officials should come forward to stop this kind of thing. After all, Chen Ping's Longmen is just a sect and has no right to execute the leader of the Martial Arts Alliance!

Officials needed to speak out, but when Chen Ping decided to execute Nie Cheng, there was no official voice.

Everyone also understood that given the relationship between Chen Ping and Mr. Shi, it was normal for the officials to remain silent.

In Longmen, in a dungeon, Chen Ping personally took Nie Cheng out!

Nie Cheng also seemed to know his fate, and his face became extremely pale!

"Chen Ping, you...can you not kill me? I can tell you more secrets of the Martial Arts Alliance..."

Nie Cheng said with his body trembling.

When Chen Ping heard this, he was stunned and said, "What other secrets do you know about the Martial Arts Alliance?"

"You promise not to kill me first, and then I will tell you..."

Nie Cheng said.

"Do you think you are still qualified to bargain with me?"

Chen Ping said with a cold expression.

Feeling the cold chill on Chen Ping's body, Nie Cheng hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'm telling you, I hope you can let me go..."

Nie Cheng said, and just as he was about to speak, he heard an old voice from the side: "You know it's just superficial, and you dare to claim it's a secret?"

Chen Ping and Nie Cheng were startled at the same time, and turned around hurriedly to look!

They discovered that at some point, an old man with a hunchback appeared behind them!

Chen Ping was startled and asked the old man, "Who are you? How did you get in?"

You must know that the dragon gate is now heavily guarded, how could a stranger enter casually.

Moreover, this person was very close to Chen Ping and the others at this time, and Chen Ping didn't even notice it yet, which shows how strong the opponent is!

"It's not important how I got in. What's important is that Tangtang Black Silver Robe is so afraid of death. It really embarrasses the Martial Arts Alliance."

The hunchbacked old man sighed, shook his head and said.

"Are you from the Martial Arts Alliance?" Chen Ping frowned.

Nie Cheng's face was so frightened that he didn't know the hunchbacked old man because they were all wearing black robes during the meeting and no one knew the other's identity. When Chen Ping heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes. Everyone knows that if you find the eye of the formation, the formation can be broken. After all, the eye of the formation is the weakest point of every formation!

But the most difficult thing is how to find the formation eye!

Fan Jiang also seemed to see what Chen Ping was thinking, and quickly said, "Mr. Chen, Master Hu is the master of spells, and each spell actually corresponds to a magic circle. If you find him, maybe Master Hu can know Where the formation eye is, it might be possible to break the formation."

When Chen Ping heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. Indeed, the reason why each talisman has different abilities is because the magic circle given to each talisman is different, so the abilities are different!

For example, the killing formation and the mountain-protecting formation are just condensing the formation onto the talisman paper, which makes each talisman have different abilities!

It's just that this ability to draw symbols is not available to everyone.

You can set up formations, but you may not be able to draw talismans. Arrange formations on talisman paper!

In the same way, Hu Mazi can draw talismans and is almost invincible in spells, but if he is really asked to set up a mountain-protecting formation set up by a sect, he can't do it!

All things are interoperable, but they are also different!

After thinking about it, Chen Ping decided to go find Hu Mazi immediately after beheading Nie Cheng in public tomorrow.

If Hu Mazi can't do it, they can go to the ruins of Tianfu Sect, and maybe they can have an adventure!

Now that the Blood Demon is here, he is like a walking tank. There is no need to worry about the traps set up in the ruins!

Early the next morning!

The martial arts arena was crowded with people because Chen Ping decided to publicly execute Nie Cheng here today!

This is the first leader of the Martial Arts Alliance to be executed since its existence!

Officials should come forward to stop this kind of thing. After all, Chen Ping's Longmen is just a sect and has no right to execute the leader of the Martial Arts Alliance!

Officials needed to speak out, but when Chen Ping decided to execute Nie Cheng, there was no official voice.

Everyone also understood that given the relationship between Chen Ping and Mr. Shi, it was normal for the officials to remain silent.

In Longmen, in a dungeon, Chen Ping personally took Nie Cheng out!

Nie Cheng also seemed to know his fate, and his face became extremely pale!

"Chen Ping, you...can you not kill me? I can tell you more secrets of the Martial Arts Alliance..."

Nie Cheng said with his body trembling.

When Chen Ping heard this, he was stunned and said, "What other secrets do you know about the Martial Arts Alliance?"

"You promise not to kill me first, and then I will tell you..."

Nie Cheng said.

"Do you think you are still qualified to bargain with me?"

Chen Ping said with a cold expression.

Feeling the cold chill on Chen Ping's body, Nie Cheng hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'm telling you, I hope you can let me go..."

Nie Cheng said, and when he was about to speak, he heard an old voice from the side: "You know it's just superficial, and you dare to call it a secret?"

Chen Ping and Nie Cheng were startled at the same time, and turned around hurriedly to look!

They discovered that at some point, an old man with a hunchback appeared behind them!

Chen Ping was startled and asked the old man, "Who are you? How did you get in?"

You must know that the dragon gate is now heavily guarded, how could a stranger enter casually.

Moreover, this person was very close to Chen Ping and the others at this time, and Chen Ping didn't even notice it yet, which shows how strong the opponent is!

"It's not important how I got in. What's important is that Tangtang Black Silver Robe is so afraid of death. It really embarrasses the Martial Arts Alliance."

The hunchbacked old man sighed, shook his head and said.

"Are you from the Martial Arts Alliance?" Chen Ping frowned.

Nie Cheng was so frightened that he looked extremely ugly. He didn't know the hunchbacked old man because they were all wearing black robes during the meeting, and no one knew the other's identity.

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