Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,756 One slap in the face


Although he didn't use his full strength, this punch had a force of tens of thousands of kilograms. It wouldn't be a problem to knock down a mountain!

But when this punch hit the blood demon, it was like a fart!

The blood demon didn't react at all, but the black silver robe suddenly felt a huge shock force, and then the arm bones broke instantly, directly piercing the skin and exposing it!

The white bones and bright red blood made the scene very scary!

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

Especially the black and silver robe who made the move, I was shocked for a moment, and then quickly retreated! ??

He knew that the breathless guy in front of them was far more powerful than they imagined.

But just as the figure in the black silver robe retreated, the Blood Demon moved, and the Blood Demon slapped him out!

This slap seems slow, but it is extremely fast!

The black and silver robe didn't have time to react, only to be hit by a slap!


The head of the black and silver robe was exploded by a slap from the blood demon. Scarlet blood splashed everywhere, and the terrifying bloody smell also filled the air!

At this time, Nie Cheng and those men in black robes were dumbfounded!

"This...how is this possible?" Nie Cheng looked at the black and silver robe who died tragically, his face full of disbelief.

This is Da Wuhou, Da Wuhou!

How could he be beaten to death with just one slap?

Just want to swat a fly to death?

Is this too outrageous?

What kind of strength would it be that could kill Lord Wu with one slap?

Martial Saint? Transformation?

Nie Cheng felt that his brain was a little hard to use at this moment!

And those in black and silver robes looked at their companions, who were slapped to death, and their expressions were extremely ugly!

At this time, no one in the remaining black and silver robes dared to move, and involuntarily took a step back!

"If you release my girlfriend now and kneel down to apologize, I can spare your lives."

Chen Ping said.


Nie Cheng said with a cold face, "Chen Ping, don't be complacent. Although I don't know where you hired the masters from, don't underestimate our martial arts alliance."

"Even if the person you invite is a Martial Saint, so what? Do you think there are no Martial Saints in our Martial Arts Alliance?"

"The Martial Saint weapon in my hand can also bring out the strength of the Martial Saint."

Nie Cheng holds the vajra in his hand, and the aura on his body is rising!

"Okay, then let's all die..."

Chen Ping stopped talking nonsense and directly controlled the blood demon to take action!

"Let's go together. Even if it's a Martial Saint, we don't have to be afraid."

Nie Cheng said loudly.

The remaining six men in black and silver robes could only grit their teeth and fight together. Do they still dare to escape?

You must know the punishment meted out by the Almighty to those who run away, it is worse than death.

The six men in black and silver robes all headed towards the Blood Demon, but Nie Cheng was at the end, holding a vajra in his hand, ready to find an opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to the Blood Demon!

But before Nie Cheng could make a move, he saw the blood demon waving his big palm!

One slap at a time, and they are gone very fast!

In the blink of an eye, the six men in black and silver robes turned into headless corpses, and the entire hall was filled with a thick smell of blood.

Nie Cheng, who originally wanted to take action, suddenly became an idiot!

He stared blankly at the corpse on the ground, his face full of horror!

You must know that these black and silver robes are all Dawuhou, and some are even as strong as the late Dawuhou, and none of them are weaker than him.

But such a top person in the martial arts world was just shot to death?

The problem is that if one is slapped to death, even the souls in these black and silver robes will not have time to escape.

Instantly disappeared into ashes...

Seeing this, those black copper robes could no longer control themselves, and they all ran out desperately. Even the black silver robes could not withstand a slap from someone. They, these black copper robes, would probably be blown to death in one breath!

"Don't let them escape..."

Chen Ping said a word, and the blood demon's figure shook slightly, and then the whole person appeared in front of those black copper robes! Bang...

Although he didn't use his full strength, this punch still had a force of tens of thousands of kilograms. It wouldn't be a problem to knock down a mountain!

But when this punch hit the blood demon, it was like a fart!

The blood demon didn't react at all, but the black silver robe suddenly felt a huge shock force, and then the arm bones broke instantly, directly piercing the skin and exposing it!

The white bones and bright red blood made the scene very scary!

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

Especially the black and silver robe who made the move, I was shocked for a moment, and then quickly retreated!

He knew that the breathless guy in front of them was far more powerful than they imagined.

But just as the figure in the black silver robe retreated, the Blood Demon moved, and the Blood Demon slapped him out!

This slap seems slow, but it is extremely fast!

The black and silver robe didn't have time to react, only to be hit by a slap!


The head of the black and silver robe was exploded by a slap from the blood demon. Scarlet blood splashed everywhere, and the terrifying bloody smell also filled the air!

At this time, Nie Cheng and those men in black robes were dumbfounded!

"This... how is this possible?" Nie Cheng looked at the black and silver robe who died tragically, his face full of disbelief.

This is Da Wuhou, Da Wuhou!

How could he be beaten to death with just one slap?

Just want to swat a fly to death?

Is this too outrageous?

What kind of strength would it be that could kill Lord Wu with one slap?

Martial Saint? Transformation?

Nie Cheng felt that his brain was not working right now!

And those in black and silver robes looked at their companions, who were slapped to death, and their expressions were extremely ugly!

At this time, no one in the remaining black and silver robes dared to move, and involuntarily took a step back!

"If you release my girlfriend now and kneel down to apologize, I can spare your lives."

Chen Ping said.


Nie Cheng said with a cold face, "Chen Ping, don't be complacent. Although I don't know where you hired the masters from, don't underestimate our martial arts alliance."

"Even if the person you invite is a Martial Saint, so what? Do you think there are no Martial Saints in our Martial Arts Alliance?"

"The Martial Saint weapon in my hand can also bring out the strength of the Martial Saint."

Nie Cheng holds the vajra in his hand, and the aura on his body is rising!

"Okay, then let's all die..."

Chen Ping stopped talking nonsense and directly controlled the blood demon to take action!

"Let's go together. Even if it's a Martial Saint, we don't have to be afraid."

Nie Cheng said loudly.

The remaining six men in black and silver robes could only grit their teeth and fight together. Do they still dare to escape?

You must know the punishment meted out by the Almighty to those who run away, it is worse than death.

The six men in black and silver robes all headed towards the Blood Demon, but Nie Cheng was at the end, holding a vajra in his hand, ready to find an opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to the Blood Demon!

But before Nie Cheng could make a move, he saw the blood demon waving his big palm!

One slap in the face, and they are gone very fast!

In the blink of an eye, the six men in black and silver robes turned into headless corpses, and the entire hall was filled with a thick smell of blood.

Nie Cheng, who originally wanted to take action, suddenly became an idiot!

He stared blankly at the corpse on the ground, his face full of horror!

You must know that these black and silver robes are all Dawuhou, and some are even as strong as the late Dawuhou, and none of them are weaker than him.

But such a top person in the martial arts world was shot to death like this?

The problem is that if one is slapped to death, even the souls in these black and silver robes will not have time to escape.

Instantly disappeared into ashes...

Seeing this, those black copper robes could no longer control themselves, and they all ran out desperately. Even the black silver robes could not withstand a slap from someone. They, these black copper robes, would probably be blown to death in one breath!

"Don't let them escape..."

Chen Ping said a word, and the blood demon's figure shook slightly, and then the whole person appeared in front of those black copper robes!

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