Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,742 Take some time to relax

"This guy won't bully you and only let you protect the law, right?"

Chen Ping said and walked towards Hu Mazi's room.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard a woman's voice coming from inside!

Chen Ping instantly understood why Ge Yuhan blushed just now!

"Is this old guy possessed by a sex demon?"

Chen Ping stepped forward and kicked open the door! .??.??


There was a woman's scream, and then a girl ran out disheveled!

When Hu Mazi saw it was Chen Ping, he said with a face full of displeasure, "You guy, I have protected you for so many days, and now you want to relax, and you actually bother me?"

"Master Hu, I am doing this for your own good. Don't let your body collapse in the end. You will never become a true immortal..."

Chen Ping said to Hu Mazi.

"It doesn't matter if you are a true immortal or not, just live one day at a time..."

Hu Mazi put on his clothes haphazardly, "Now that you're awake, I'm going back to Baihai City. It's okay if no one is guarding the ancient ruins of Tianfu Sect..."

Hu Mazi planned to return to Baihai City, but Chen Ping knew that he was not guarding the ancient relics of Tianfu Sect, but thinking about the two girls of the Shen family!

"You accompany me to Penglai Island. After finishing your work, you are going to Baihai City..."

Chen Ping said to Hu Mazi.

"What are you going to Penglai Island for? The formation there has been broken, and there is not much spiritual energy left. What are you going to do there?"

Hu Mazi asked.

"Have you forgotten that there is that sculpture? It contains a lot of spiritual power. Please accompany me for a walk. I will have a companion on the way..."

Chen Ping said with a slightly pleading tone.

"Forget it, I don't want to run away. You still have that little girl with you. It just so happens that you two want to do whatever you want. I am not an eyesore to this old man..."

Hu Mazi waved his hand!

"I don't have what you have. If you don't come with me, don't come to me again about the Fu Sect thing that day, and I won't take the risk to pass on those talismans to you..."

After Chen Ping finished speaking, he turned around and walked out!


Seeing this, Zi hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Chen Ping. "Look, I was just joking, but you took it seriously. Clean up. Let's leave now. It's just a good time to relax..."

Chen Ping looked at Hu Mazi like that and smiled slightly.

The three people simply packed up and then headed towards Penglai Island!

After two days and two nights of travel, we arrived at Penglai Island.

Just when the three people landed on the island, Ge Yuhan suddenly stopped!

"What's wrong?"

Chen Ping asked.

"Why is there the scent of the Blood Demon here?"

Ge Yuhan's face became very ugly!

"The Blood Demon is on this island, but now it's a stone statue!"

Chen Ping explained.

"Stone statue?" Ge Yuhan looked confused.

"Let's go, just follow me and have a look!"

Chen Ping pulled Ge Yuhan towards the palace on Penglai Island!

Du Nan knew that Chen Ping was back and hurriedly brought people to greet him with high standards!

"You're the boss here, you seem to be very happy..."

After Hu Mazi saw Du Nan, he stepped forward and patted Du Nan on the shoulder.

"Master Hu is here too, please come in quickly..."

Du Nan said with an embarrassed smile.

"I ask you, do you have any..."

Hu Mazi said, leaning into Du Nan's ear and asking.

After hearing this, Du Nan nodded repeatedly, "Yes, I will definitely arrange it for Master Hu..."

"Hahaha, not bad..."

Hu Mazi walked into the palace with a smile!

And when Chen Ping looked at Hu Mazi's appearance, he knew without asking him what request Hu Mazi made with Du Nan.

"Has there been any change in the forbidden area while I've been away?"

Chen Ping asked Du Nan.

"Back to Mr. Chen, after you left, I sent people to seal off the forbidden area. No one has ever entered..."

Du Nan replied.

"Okay, let's go directly to the forbidden area..."

Chen Ping wants to see how the stone statue is doing. "This guy won't bully you and only let you protect the law by yourself, right?"

Chen Ping said and walked towards Hu Mazi's room.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard a woman's voice coming from inside!

Chen Ping instantly understood why Ge Yuhan blushed just now!

"Is this old guy possessed by a sex demon?"

Chen Ping stepped forward and kicked open the door!


There was a woman's scream, and then a girl ran out disheveled!

When Hu Mazi saw it was Chen Ping, he said with a face full of displeasure, "You guy, I have protected you for so many days, and now you want to relax, and you actually bother me?"

"Master Hu, I am doing this for your own good. Don't let your body collapse in the end. You will never become a true immortal..."

Chen Ping said to Hu Mazi.

"It doesn't matter if you are a true immortal or not, just live one day at a time..."

Hu Mazi put on his clothes haphazardly, "Now that you're awake, I'm going back to Baihai City. It's okay if no one is guarding the ancient ruins of Tianfu Sect..."

Hu Mazi planned to return to Baihai City, but Chen Ping knew that he was not guarding the ancient relics of Tianfu Sect, but thinking about the two girls of the Shen family!

"You accompany me to Penglai Island. After finishing your work, you are going to Baihai City..."

Chen Ping said to Hu Mazi.

"What are you going to Penglai Island for? The formation there has been broken, and there is not much spiritual energy left. What are you going to do there?"

Hu Mazi asked.

"Have you forgotten that there is that sculpture? It contains a lot of spiritual power. Please accompany me for a walk. I will have a companion on the way..."

Chen Ping said with a slightly pleading tone.

"Forget it, I don't want to run away. You still have that little girl with you. It just so happens that you two want to do whatever you want. I am not an eyesore to this old man..."

Hu Mazi waved his hand!

"I don't have what you have. If you don't come with me, don't come to me again about the Fu Sect thing that day, and I won't take the risk to pass on those talismans to you..."

After Chen Ping finished speaking, he turned around and walked out!


Seeing this, Zi hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Chen Ping. "Look, I was just joking, but you took it seriously. Clean up. Let's leave now. It's just a good time to relax..."

Chen Ping looked at Hu Mazi like that and smiled slightly.

The three people simply packed up and then headed towards Penglai Island!

After two days and two nights of travel, we arrived at Penglai Island.

Just when the three people landed on the island, Ge Yuhan suddenly stopped!

"What's wrong?"

Chen Ping asked.

"Why is there the scent of the Blood Demon here?"

Ge Yuhan's face became very ugly!

"The Blood Demon is on this island, but now it's a stone statue!"

Chen Ping explained.

"Stone statue?" Ge Yuhan looked confused.

"Let's go, just follow me and have a look!"

Chen Ping pulled Ge Yuhan towards the palace on Penglai Island!

Du Nan knew that Chen Ping was back and hurriedly brought people to greet him with high standards!

"You're the boss here, you seem to be very happy..."

After Hu Mazi saw Du Nan, he stepped forward and patted Du Nan on the shoulder.

"Master Hu is here too, please come in quickly..."

Du Nan said with an embarrassed smile.

"I ask you, have you ever..."

Hu Mazi said, leaning into Du Nan's ear and asking.

After hearing this, Du Nan nodded repeatedly, "Yes, I will definitely arrange it for Master Hu..."

"Hahaha, not bad..."

Hu Mazi walked into the palace with a smile!

And when Chen Ping looked at Hu Mazi's appearance, he knew without asking what kind of request Hu Mazi had made with Du Nan.

"Has there been any change in the forbidden area while I've been away?"

Chen Ping asked Du Nan.

"Back to Mr. Chen, after you left, I sent people to seal off the forbidden area. No one has ever entered..."

Du Nan replied.

"Okay, let's go directly to the forbidden area..."

Chen Ping wants to see how the stone statue is doing.

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