Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,738 Give you a chance

Kazuo Kawaguchi would not let Chen Ping get the beast pill. The katana in his hand flashed again, and then his right hand continued to slide, and sharp edges shot towards Chen Ping!

Chen Ping was about to get the beast pill, but sharp edges came at him quickly, with terrifying killing intent. Chen Ping did not dare to resist, so he could only keep retreating!

Boom boom boom......

A series of sharp edges continued to explode around Chen Ping, the surrounding mountains and rocks flew in all directions, and deep ravines appeared on the ground!

Looking at the mess at the scene, Chen Ping felt scared. Fortunately, in order to obtain the beast elixir, he did not resist Kawaguchi Kazuo's attack, otherwise his head would have been dismembered by now!

"I'm going to order this beast elixir today..."

Chen Ping looked at the beast pill and swung the dragon-slaying sword in his hand.

A golden ray of light instantly rose into the sky, and then slashed towards Kazuo Kawaguchi!

At the same time, Chen Ping rushed towards the beast pill.

"Hmph, you are not overestimating your own abilities!"

Kazuo Kawaguchi snorted and waved the katana in his hand rapidly!

The sword light that Chen Ping swung was instantly defeated, and then a dozen crescent-shaped blades suddenly appeared in front of Chen Ping!

The blade is extremely sharp and comes with a terrifying aura!

When Chen Ping saw this, he did not dare to take a step forward and quickly retreated.

However, the speed of these blades was extremely fast, and Chen Ping was swallowed up in an instant. Chen Ping gritted his teeth and used his indestructible golden body to the extreme.

And with his flexible speed, he can avoid these blades!

Swish, brush, brush...

The blades passed across Chen Ping's body one after another. At this moment, Chen Ping's clothes had many gaps and were in tatters!

And pieces of golden scales were scratched off, and then dissipated in the air!

Even with the indestructible golden body to protect his body, Chen Ping still had a lot of...

The wound on his body is also incomplete, and the indestructible golden body on his body is also incomplete!

Chen Ping looked at the wounds on his body, his face full of solemnity, "The speed is too fast, this guy's knife skills are really weird..."

Seeing that Chen Ping was in tatters and was also injured, Kawaguchi Kazuo raised his lips, "I told you, you are no match for me, and my sword skills are already superb, not that of Shun Watanabe." No fool can compare.”

"Now you obediently offer your soul, and I can save you from the pain of your skin and flesh, otherwise you will be worse than dead..."

"I will donate your mother, and I will donate your mother. Do you want it?"

Although Chen Ping was thinking about how to get the beast pill and escape at this moment, he didn't show weakness at all!

The corners of Kazuo Kawaguchi's eyes kept beating, and his anger rose. "I'm giving you a chance, but you don't want it!"

"Stop talking nonsense, your sword skills are great, and my sword skills are also good..."

As Chen Ping spoke, the light on his body continued to flicker. The originally incomplete and indestructible golden body was completely repaired at this moment, and the aura on his body also climbed to its peak!

Facing Kazuo Kawaguchi, Chen Ping knew that he had to go all out!

The power of the divine dragon was continuously injected into the Dragon-Slaying Sword. The Dragon-Slaying Sword emitted light, a dragon roar sounded, and then a golden dragon was seen hovering above Chen Ping's head!

The golden dragon is mighty and its aura is very powerful. Chen Ping is fighting to the death this time. If he can get the beast elixir, he will make a profit!

Kazuo Kawaguchi narrowed his eyes slightly, "Hmph, do you think that transforming into a golden dragon can change your fate of failure?"

After Kazuo Kawaguchi finished speaking, he waved the katana in his hand again, and then countless sharp edges shot out towards Chen Ping!

This time, Chen Ping did not dodge, but held the sword with both hands, and then swung forward fiercely, "Nine Shadows Divine Sword..."

The golden dragon roared and headed forward with endless light, while Chen Ping's body used his indestructible golden body to the extreme and followed closely behind! Kawaguchi Kazuo would not let Chen Ping get the beast pill. The katana in his hand flashed again, and then his right hand continued to slide, and sharp edges shot towards Chen Ping!

Chen Ping was about to get the beast elixir, but sharp edges came at him quickly with terrifying killing intent. Chen Ping did not dare to resist, so he could only keep retreating!

Boom boom boom......

A series of sharp edges continued to explode around Chen Ping, the surrounding mountains and rocks flew in all directions, and deep ravines appeared on the ground!

Looking at the mess at the scene, Chen Ping felt scared for a while. Fortunately, in order to obtain the beast elixir, he did not resist Kawaguchi Kazuo's attack, otherwise his head would have been dismembered by now!

"I'm going to order this beast elixir today..."

Chen Ping looked at the beast pill and swung the dragon-slaying sword in his hand.

A golden ray of light instantly rose into the sky, and then slashed towards Kazuo Kawaguchi!

At the same time, Chen Ping rushed towards the beast pill.

"Hmph, you are not overestimating your own abilities!"

Kazuo Kawaguchi snorted and waved the katana in his hand rapidly!

The sword light that Chen Ping swung was instantly defeated, and then a dozen crescent-shaped blades suddenly appeared in front of Chen Ping!

The blade is extremely sharp and comes with a terrifying aura!

When Chen Ping saw this, he did not dare to take a step forward and quickly retreated.

However, the speed of these blades was extremely fast, and Chen Ping was swallowed up in an instant. Chen Ping gritted his teeth and used his indestructible golden body to the extreme.

And with his flexible speed, he can avoid these blades!

Swish, brush, brush...

The blades passed across Chen Ping's body one after another. At this moment, Chen Ping's clothes had many gaps and were in tatters!

And pieces of golden scales were scratched off, and then dissipated in the air!

Even with the indestructible golden body to protect his body, Chen Ping still had a lot of...

The wounds on his body were damaged, and the indestructible golden body on his body was also incomplete!

Chen Ping looked at the wounds on his body, his face full of solemnity, "The speed is too fast, this guy's knife skills are really weird..."

Seeing that Chen Ping was in tatters and was also injured, Kawaguchi Kazuo raised his lips, "I told you, you are no match for me, and my sword skills are already superb, not that of Shun Watanabe." No fool can compare."

"If you obediently offer your soul now, I can save you from the pain of your skin and flesh, otherwise you will be worse than dead..."

"I'll donate your mother, I'll donate your mother, do you want it?"

Although Chen Ping was thinking about how to get the beast pill and escape at this moment, he didn't show weakness at all!

The corners of Kazuo Kawaguchi's eyes kept twitching, and his anger rose. "I'm giving you a chance, but you don't want it!"

"Stop talking nonsense, your sword skills are great, and my sword skills are also good..."

As Chen Ping spoke, the light on his body continued to flicker. The originally incomplete and indestructible golden body was completely repaired at this moment, and the aura on his body also climbed to its peak!

Facing Kazuo Kawaguchi, Chen Ping knew that he had to go all out!

The power of the divine dragon was continuously injected into the Dragon-Slaying Sword. The Dragon-Slaying Sword emitted light, a dragon roar sounded, and then a golden dragon was seen hovering above Chen Ping's head!

The golden dragon is mighty and its aura is very powerful. Chen Ping is fighting to the death this time. If he can get the beast elixir, he will make a profit!

Kazuo Kawaguchi narrowed his eyes slightly, "Hmph, do you think that transforming into a golden dragon can change your fate of failure?"

After Kazuo Kawaguchi finished speaking, he waved the katana in his hand again, and then countless sharp edges shot out towards Chen Ping!

This time, Chen Ping did not dodge, but held the sword with both hands, and then swung forward fiercely, "Nine Shadows Divine Sword..."

The golden dragon roared and headed forward with endless light, while Chen Ping's body used his indestructible golden body to the extreme and followed closely behind!

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