Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,736 Soul Searching Technique

"Wait a minute." Ge Yuhan took out the small bottle from his pocket and handed it to Chen Ping. "If there is danger, this spider beast can help you withstand it."

Then Ge Yuhan told Chen Ping two spells, and then left with Hu Mazi!

Chen Ping put the small bottle into his pocket, deliberately exposed his breath, and started running in the other direction!

Kazuo Kawaguchi and Masamura Nasakata pursued him in hot pursuit, and finally caught up with Chen Ping on a hill.

"It's really your boy..."

Looking at Chen Ping in front of him, Kawaguchi Kazuo's eyes were full of murderous intent. Just now he felt that the aura belonged to Chen Ping.

Chen Ping killed Watanabe Shun and now destroyed their secret base. Kawaguchi Kazuo will never let him go.

"Child Kawaguchi, your island country dares to set up a private base here, mutilate our compatriots, and feed you monsters. I will kill you today to avenge those who died."

Chen Ping yelled at Kazuo Kawaguchi.

"Haha, don't you think you're funny? You can kill me too?"

Kazuo Kawaguchi laughed, not taking Chen Ping into consideration at all.

"If I can kill you, I'll find out if I try."

Chen Ping's body began to glow with golden light, his indestructible golden body activated, and his body was instantly covered with scales!

At the same time, Chen Ping was holding the small bottle in his hand, preparing to release the spider beast. As long as the spider beast blocked Kawaguchi Kazuo for a while, he could escape.

Chen Ping is not stupid enough to actually fight with Kazuo Kawaguchi.

Now Chen Ping has no advantage in terms of strength or numbers.

"Hmph, you don't overestimate your capabilities..."

Kazuo Kawaguchi snorted coldly, and then the aura on his body began to rise, and then he was about to slap Chen Ping with his palm!

Kawaguchi Kazuo was about to take action, but was stopped by Sakata Masamura on the side: "Kawaguchi-sama, please don't kill him. This man's soul is too powerful. If you can raise him

If we take his soul and control it, we will have another master at our disposal. "

When Kazuo Kawaguchi heard this, he nodded slightly and then calmed down his aura!

"Sakata-kun, I'll help you..."

Kazuo Kawaguchi said.

"Kawaguchi-sama, just look at me..."

Sakata Masamura said, took two steps towards Chen Ping, and then sneered, "Boy, if you cooperate obediently, you can avoid the pain of scraping your bones and biting your heart. Do you understand?"

Chen Ping looked at Sakata Masamura, who didn't have much strength, so he smiled coldly, "I cooperate with your mother, but with your little strength, you still want to catch me?"

"Boy, don't be so harsh, you'll know after a while..."

After Sakata Masamura finished speaking, bursts of black mist began to appear all over his body, and then the black mist turned into a black shadow and instantly surrounded Chen Ping!

The moment the black shadow came into contact with Chen Ping, it directly entered Chen Ping's body.

Immediately, Chen Ping was stunned, and his eyes instantly became dull!

Seeing this scene, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Sakata Masamura's mouth!

Kazuo Kawaguchi said with a surprised look on his face, "Sakata-kun, your soul-searching skills are getting stronger and stronger..."

"Hahaha, Kawaguchi-sama has given me the award, it's just so-so..."

Sakata Masamura laughed.

Soon, black mist began to emerge from Chen Ping's body, and then the black shadow slowly left Chen Ping's body, and inside Chen Ping's body, a figure of only about half a meter was also taken out!

This figure was Chen Ping's soul. Seeing Chen Ping's soul escape from the body and being brought out, Sakata Masamura and Kawaguchi Kazuo laughed even louder!

But just after Chen Ping's soul escaped from the body, suddenly the soul flashed with golden light, and then turned into a golden man-like appearance!

Seeing this scene, Sakata Masamura and Kawaguchi Kazuo were both stunned, and they had not yet reacted! "Wait a minute." Ge Yuhan took out the small bottle from his pocket and handed it to Chen Ping. "If there is danger, this spider beast can help you withstand it."

Then Ge Yuhan told Chen Ping two spells, and then left with Hu Mazi!

Chen Ping put the small bottle into his pocket, deliberately exposed his breath, and started running in the other direction!

Kazuo Kawaguchi and Masamura Sakata pursued him in hot pursuit, and finally caught up with Chen Ping on a hill.

"It's really your boy..."

Looking at Chen Ping in front of him, Kawaguchi Kazuo's eyes were full of murderous intent. Just now he felt that the aura belonged to Chen Ping.

Chen Ping killed Watanabe Shun and now destroyed their secret base. Kawaguchi Kazuo will never let him go.

"Child Kawaguchi, your island country dares to set up a private base here, mutilate our compatriots, and feed you monsters. I will kill you today to avenge those who died."

Chen Ping yelled at Kazuo Kawaguchi.

"Haha, don't you think you're funny? You can kill me too?"

Kazuo Kawaguchi laughed, not taking Chen Ping into consideration at all.

"If I can kill you, I'll find out if I try."

Chen Ping's body began to glow with golden light, his indestructible golden body activated, and his body was instantly covered with scales!

At the same time, Chen Ping was holding the small bottle in his hand, preparing to release the spider beast. As long as the spider beast blocked Kawaguchi Kazuo for a while, he could escape.

Chen Ping is not stupid enough to actually fight with Kazuo Kawaguchi.

Now Chen Ping has no advantage in terms of strength or numbers.

"Hmph, you don't overestimate your capabilities..."

Kazuo Kawaguchi snorted coldly, and then the aura on his body began to rise, and then he was about to slap Chen Ping with a palm!

Kawaguchi Kazuo was about to take action, but was stopped by Sakata Masamura on the side: "Kawaguchi-sama, please don't kill him. This man's soul is too powerful. If you can raise him

If we take his soul and control it, we will have another master at our disposal. "

When Kazuo Kawaguchi heard this, he nodded slightly and then calmed down his aura!

"Sakata-kun, I'll help you..."

Kazuo Kawaguchi said.

"Kawaguchi-sama, just look at me..."

Sakata Masamura said, took two steps towards Chen Ping, and then sneered, "Boy, if you cooperate obediently, you can avoid the pain of scraping your bones and biting your heart. Do you understand?"

Chen Ping looked at Sakata Masamura, who didn't have much strength, so he smiled coldly, "I cooperate with your mother, but with your little strength, you still want to catch me?"

"Boy, don't be so harsh, you'll know after a while..."

After Sakata Masamura finished speaking, bursts of black mist began to appear all over his body, and then the black mist turned into a black shadow and instantly surrounded Chen Ping!

The moment the black shadow came into contact with Chen Ping, it directly entered Chen Ping's body.

Immediately, Chen Ping was stunned, and his eyes instantly became dull!

Seeing this scene, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Sakata Masamura's mouth!

Kazuo Kawaguchi said with a surprised look on his face, "Sakata-kun, your soul-searching skills are getting stronger and stronger..."

"Hahaha, Kawaguchi-sama has given me the award, it's just so-so..."

Sakata Masamura laughed.

Soon, black mist began to emerge from Chen Ping's body, and then the black shadow slowly left Chen Ping's body, and inside Chen Ping's body, a figure of only about half a meter was also taken out!

This figure was Chen Ping's soul. Seeing Chen Ping's soul escape from the body and being brought out, Sakata Masamura and Kawaguchi Kazuo laughed even louder!

But just after Chen Ping's soul escaped from the body, suddenly the soul flashed with golden light, and then turned into a golden man-like appearance!

Seeing this scene, Sakata Masamura and Kawaguchi Kazuo were both stunned, and they had not yet reacted!

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