Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,725 ​​Tracking Talisman

Originally, the Saintess' soul was already very weak. Without the protection of her physical body, she would definitely not be able to survive under the suppression of the power of heaven and earth.


Ge Fuhai directly activated the space spell and disappeared instantly with Chen Ping!

When the two people arrived at the Ge family's land, they found Ge Cangsheng chatting with an old man!

Ge Cangsheng knew that Chen Ping was coming, and hurriedly got up and went out to greet him, which shocked the old man.

The dignified elder of the Ge family went out to welcome guests. Even if he came, he had never received such treatment!

With doubts, the old man also followed out!

"Mr. Chen......"

Ge Cangsheng stepped forward quickly and followed Chen Ping respectfully and shouted!

"Elder Ge clan, I have something to ask you, so I took the liberty to come here!"

Chen Ping said.

"If anything happens to Mr. Chen, let us tell you inside!"

Ge Cangsheng hurriedly invited Chen Ping into the room!

And when the old man saw that Ge Cangsheng went out to greet a young man, he couldn't help but look surprised!

"Lao Ge, who is this person? How could he be so respectful to you?"

The old man asked Ge Cangsheng.

"This is Mr. Chen Pingchen." After Ge Cangsheng finished speaking, he said to Chen Ping, "Mr. Chen, this is Jiang Wuya, the owner of Tianluo Tower."

"Hello, Mr. Jiang!"

Chen Ping nodded towards Jiang Wuya.

Jiang Wuya looked at Chen Ping in shock, and then said excitedly, "Are you the one who founded Longmen, followed the martial arts alliance to fight, and killed the Watanabe family in the island country?"

Chen Ping was stunned for a moment, with a face full of surprise. He didn't understand how Jiang Wuya could know so much about his situation when he was in a secret realm!

"Mr. Chen, the family that represents Tianluo Tower in the secular world is the Jiang family, so Jiang Wei is from Tianluo Tower!"

At this time, Ge Fuhai stepped forward and explained to Chen Ping!

When Chen Ping heard this, he suddenly realized,

Only then did I realize that it was Jiang Wei who said everything.

And it seems that the Ge family has a good relationship with Tianluo Tower. No wonder when Jiang Wei met him for the first time, he was not as full of hostility as others!

"What Mr. Jiang said is not worth mentioning..."

Chen Ping smiled slightly.

"You are really young and promising, you are young and promising..."

Jiang Wuya's eyes were full of envy!

"Thank you very much, Master Jiang. I have something to ask Elder Ge Clan, I'm sorry!"

Chen Ping said apologetically.

"You guys talk, you guys talk..."

Jiang Wuya walked aside very wisely!

Ge Cangsheng waved his hand lightly, and a closed space appeared. Then he said to Chen Ping, "Mr. Chen, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

Chen Ping directly told Ge Cangsheng about Ge Yuhan's disappearance, and even told Ge Yuhan that he was possessed by the spirit of the saint. After all, it was always wrong to hide this matter from Ge Cangsheng.

When Ge Cangsheng heard that Ge Yuhan was missing, he was immediately worried. As for being possessed by the soul of the saint, it was nothing. When Ge Yuhan's soul returned to its place, the soul of the saint in her body would just leave!

"Elder Ge Clan, is there any way you can locate Ge Yuhan's exact location so that I can rescue her..."

Chen Ping came to Ge Cangsheng just to know Ge Yuhan's location.

Ge Cangsheng frowned, "It is too difficult for us to locate Yuhan's location, but if there are spell masters, it is not difficult. They only need to draw the tracking charm and sense the opponent's breath to find it." people!"

"It's just that the magic of spells has long since declined, and there are even fewer people who know it. I don't know where to find a spell master!"

When Chen Ping heard what Ge Cangsheng said, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "By the way, I know who can draw the tracking charm."

Chen Ping immediately thought of Hu Mazi. When Zhu Zhishan was tracking Chen Ping, he asked Hu Mazi to draw the tracking charm. This made Chen Ping unable to escape Zhu Zhishan's pursuit no matter how he escaped. ! The saint's soul was already very weak. Without the protection of her physical body, she would definitely not be able to survive the suppression of the power of heaven and earth.


Ge Fuhai directly activated the space spell and disappeared instantly with Chen Ping!

When the two people arrived at the Ge family's land, they found Ge Cangsheng chatting with an old man!

Ge Cangsheng knew that Chen Ping was coming, and hurriedly got up and went out to greet him, which shocked the old man.

The dignified elder of the Ge family went out to welcome guests. Even if he came, he had never received such treatment!

With doubts, the old man also followed out!

"Mr. Chen......"

Ge Cangsheng stepped forward quickly and followed Chen Ping respectfully and shouted! .??.

"Elder Ge clan, I have something to ask you, so I took the liberty to come here!"

Chen Ping said.

"If anything happens to Mr. Chen, let us tell you inside!"

Ge Cangsheng hurriedly invited Chen Ping into the room!

And when the old man saw that Ge Cangsheng went out to greet a young man, he couldn't help but look surprised!

"Lao Ge, who is this person? How could he be so respectful to you?"

The old man asked Ge Cangsheng.

"This is Mr. Chen Pingchen." After Ge Cangsheng finished speaking, he said to Chen Ping, "Mr. Chen, this is Jiang Wuya, the owner of Tianluo Tower."

"Hello, Mr. Jiang!"

Chen Ping nodded towards Jiang Wuya.

Jiang Wuya looked at Chen Ping in shock, and then said excitedly, "Are you the one who founded Longmen, followed the martial arts alliance to fight, and killed the Watanabe family in the island country?"

Chen Ping was stunned, his face full of surprise, he didn't understand how Jiang Wuya, who was in the secret realm, could know his situation so well!

"Mr. Chen, the representative family of Tianluo Tower in the secular world is the Jiang family, and Jiang Wei is from Tianluo Tower!"

At this time, Ge Fuhai stepped forward and explained to Chen Ping!

Chen Ping was suddenly enlightened when he heard it,

and then he realized that it was all said by Jiang Wei.

And it seems that the Ge family has a good relationship with Tianluo Tower. No wonder Jiang Wei was not full of hostility when he met him for the first time like other people!

"What the owner of Jiang Tower said is not worth mentioning..."

Chen Ping smiled slightly.

"You are really young and promising, young and promising..."

Jiang Wuya's eyes were full of envy!

"The owner of Jiang Tower is too kind, I have something to ask the elders of the Ge clan, I'm sorry!"

Chen Ping said apologetically.

"You guys chat, you guys chat..."

Jiang Wuya walked aside very tactfully!

Ge Cangsheng waved his hand gently, and a closed space appeared. Then he said to Chen Ping, "Mr. Chen, why are you looking for me so anxiously?"

Chen Ping directly told Ge Cangsheng about Ge Yuhan's disappearance, and even told him that Ge Yuhan was possessed by the Holy Maiden's soul. After all, it was always wrong to hide this from Ge Cangsheng.

When Ge Cangsheng heard that Ge Yuhan was missing, he was immediately anxious. As for being possessed by the Holy Maiden's soul, that was nothing. When Ge Yuhan's soul returned to its place, the Holy Maiden's soul in her body would leave!

"Ge clan elder, do you have a way to locate Ge Yuhan's exact location so that I can save her..."

Chen Ping came to Ge Cangsheng just to know Ge Yuhan's location.

Ge Cangsheng frowned, "It's too difficult for us to locate Yu Han, but if there is a talisman master, it's not a difficult task. They only need to draw a tracking talisman and sense the other person's breath to find the person!" "But now the talisman technique has long been in decline, and there are even fewer people who can use this technique. I don't know where to find a talisman master!" Chen Ping's eyes lit up when he heard what Ge Cangsheng said, "Oh, I know who can draw a tracking talisman." Chen Ping instantly thought of Hu Mazi. When Zhu Zhishan was tracking Chen Ping, he asked Hu Mazi to draw the tracking talisman, which made Chen Ping unable to escape Zhu Zhishan's pursuit no matter how he fled!

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