Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,721 Return to Penglai Island

"There is no order. I just came here to inspect and see if you are slacking off. As a nail planted in Daxia, you must always be vigilant!"

Kawaguchi Kazuo taught.

"Hey, Kawaguchi-sama taught you the right lesson!"

Ono Jiro said.

"In a few days, I will bring a woman over. You have to keep an eye on me."

Kazuo Kawaguchi said.

"Women?" Ono Jiro was stunned. "Kawaguchi-sama, our rules here do not allow women or people from Daxia to enter."

"I know this rule, but this woman is very important to us. I can't bring her back to the island country. I can only bring her here for research!"

Kazuo Kawaguchi narrowed his eyes slightly and said!

"What kind of woman is it that makes Lord Kawaguchi so attracted to her?"

Ono Jiro asked curiously.

"Baga..." Kawaguchi Kazuo frowned, "You are not qualified to ask these questions."

"Understood!" Ono Jiro nodded repeatedly!

Kazuo Kawaguchi only stayed in that secret base for one day and left quickly!

But this time, he was the only one left!


Kyoto, Longmen!

There were more than a dozen people standing on the square. The strength of these people varied, but all of them were energetic and full of energy!

"Brother Chen Ping, according to your request, only these people will be selected for the time being."

Long Xingxu said to Chen Ping!

Chen Ping nodded slightly, "Soldiers are more valuable than more. Have you clearly explained what you need to explain?"

"Everything has been explained!" Long Xingxu said.

"Okay, then let's set off now. When we return, I hope you can reach the peak of Wuhou..."

Chen Ping patted Long Xingxu on the shoulder.

"Brother Chen Ping, where exactly is it that can make people practice so quickly?"

Long Xingxu asked curiously.

"Waiting for you to go

Just know. "

Chen Ping smiled lightly!

Soon, Chen Ping led these people straight to Penglai Island. There is also the stone statue of the Blood Demon on Penglai Island, which contains infinite spiritual power. If it is absorbed, everyone's cultivation speed will definitely speed up!

Chen Ping decided to let these talented people enter the world of immortality. Although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was exhausted and suppressed the immortals, Chen Ping himself was not suppressed by the secular world at all, so he planned to use his bloodline to let these people Entering the world of immortality, this way they will not be suppressed by the secular world!

In the not-too-distant future, if spiritual energy is revived, the gods and demons will reappear, and the martial arts world will begin to fall into despair. If Chen Ping wants to gain the upper hand, he must start at this time!

This is why Chen Ping asked Long Xingxu to challenge talented people and bring everyone in Longmen into the world of immortality on a large scale. That was impossible. Chen Ping didn't have that ability.

When Chen Ping led everyone to Penglai Island, everyone felt so novel!

"Brother Chen Ping, is this Penglai Island? It's like a fairyland..."

Long Xingxu also sighed.

And Du Nan, after learning about Chen Ping's arrival, immediately led people to greet him, welcomed Chen Ping into the palace, and sat on the throne!

"Du Nan, has the stone statue moved during this period?"

Chen Ping asked Du Nan.

"Back to Mr. Chen, there is no movement on the stone statue. It's just that every night, a lot of dewdrops will condense on the stone statue. I don't know why!"

Du Nan replied.

"Dew is condensing late at night? Is it related to the humid weather?"

Chen Ping frowned slightly.

"No, the weather has been like this before, but this has never happened on the stone statue!"

Du Nan shook his head and said.

"This is strange. Take me to see it late at night!"

Chen Ping wanted to go and see what was going on. After he finished speaking, he said to Long Xingxu and the others, "You all go to rest. Get familiar with the environment in the past few days. I will teach you new things in a few days." "There is no order, I just came to inspect and see if you are slacking off. As a nail planted in Daxia, you must always be vigilant!"

Kawaguchi Kazuo taught.

"Hey, Kawaguchi-sama taught you the right lesson!"

Ono Jiro said.

"In a few days, I will bring a woman over. You have to keep an eye on me."

Kazuo Kawaguchi said.

"Women?" Ono Jiro was stunned. "Kawaguchi-sama, our rules here do not allow women or people from Daxia to enter."

"I know this rule, but this woman is very important to us. I can't bring her back to the island country. I can only bring her here for research!"

Kazuo Kawaguchi narrowed his eyes slightly and said!

"What kind of woman is it that makes Lord Kawaguchi so attracted to her?"

Ono Jiro asked curiously.

"Baga..." Kazuo Kawaguchi frowned, "You are not qualified to ask these questions."

"Understood!" Ono Jiro nodded repeatedly!

Kazuo Kawaguchi only stayed in that secret base for one day and left quickly!

But this time, he was the only one left!


Kyoto, Longmen!

There were more than a dozen people standing on the square. The strength of these people varied, but all of them were energetic and full of energy!

"Brother Chen Ping, according to your request, only these people will be selected for the time being."

Long Xingxu said to Chen Ping!

Chen Ping nodded slightly, "Soldiers are more valuable than more. Have you clearly explained what you need to explain?"

"Everything has been explained!" Long Xingxu said.

"Okay, then let's set off now. When we return, I hope you can reach the peak of Wuhou..."

Chen Ping patted Long Xingxu on the shoulder.

"Brother Chen Ping, where exactly is it that can make people practice so quickly?"

Long Xingxu asked curiously.

"Waiting for you to go

Just know. "

Chen Ping smiled lightly!

Soon, Chen Ping led these people straight to Penglai Island. There is also the stone statue of the Blood Demon on Penglai Island, which contains infinite spiritual power. If it is absorbed, everyone's cultivation speed will definitely speed up!

Chen Ping decided to let these talented people enter the world of immortality. Although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was exhausted and suppressed the immortals, Chen Ping himself was not suppressed by the secular world at all, so he planned to use his bloodline to let these people Entering the world of immortality, this way they will not be suppressed by the secular world!

In the not-too-distant future, if spiritual energy is revived, the gods and demons will reappear, and the martial arts world will begin to fall into despair. If Chen Ping wants to gain the upper hand, he must start at this time!

This is why Chen Ping asked Long Xingxu to challenge talented people and bring everyone in Longmen into the world of immortality on a large scale. That was impossible. Chen Ping didn't have that ability.

When Chen Ping led everyone to Penglai Island, everyone felt so novel!

"Brother Chen Ping, is this Penglai Island? It's like a fairyland..."

Long Xingxu also sighed.

And when Du Nan knew that Chen Ping had arrived, he immediately led people to greet him, welcomed Chen Ping into the palace, and sat on the throne!

"Du Nan, has the stone statue moved during this period?"

Chen Ping asked Du Nan.

"Back to Mr. Chen, there is no movement on the stone statue. It's just that every night, a lot of dewdrops will condense on the stone statue. I don't know why!"

Du Nan replied.

"Dew is condensing late at night? Is it related to the humid weather?"

Chen Ping frowned slightly.

"No, the weather has been like this before, but this has never happened on the stone statue!"

Du Nan shook his head and said.

"This is strange. Take me to see it late at night!"

Chen Ping wanted to go and see what was going on. After he finished speaking, he said to Long Xingxu and the others, "You all go to rest. Get familiar with the environment in the past few days. I will teach you new things in a few days." "

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