Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,713 What do you know?

With this kick, Jun Watanabe's head will definitely be torn apart!

But just when Chen Ping was about to step down, he suddenly felt a terrifying aura coming, causing Chen Ping to instantly retreat!

After retreating for more than ten meters, Chen Ping stabilized his figure.

When Chen Ping looked at Kazuo Kawaguchi, he found that Kazuo Kawaguchi seemed to be a different person. The aura exuding from his body made Chen Ping feel scared!

Chen Ping frowned, his eyes full of surprise. He didn't understand what method Kazuo Kawaguchi used to hide his aura without leaking it at all!

"Thank you Mr. Kawaguchi..."

Jun Watanabe followed Kazuo Kawaguchi to say thank you!

"Watanabe Shun, can you still fight?" Kawaguchi Kazuo asked.

"Okay!" Watanabe Jun nodded!

"Since you can fight, let's continue. Our island warriors have no tradition of returning after failure..."

Kazuo Kawaguchi said.

"Hi!" Watanabe Jun nodded, his eyes filled with determination to die.

Chen Ping looked at Jun Watanabe. Although he could kill Jun Watanabe easily, the sudden appearance of Kazuo Kawaguchi now made Chen Ping afraid!

Kazuo Kawaguchi seemed to see Chen Ping's worries, and smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't take action. It's you two who are going to compete. As the head of the mission, of course I will abide by the rules!"

Seeing what Kazuo Kawaguchi said, Chen Ping breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the aura on Kazuo Kawaguchi's body just now was too terrifying!

"bring it on!"

Chen Ping waved to Jun Watanabe!

"Go ahead..." Kazuo Kawaguchi patted Jun Watanabe on the shoulder!

But with this shot, I saw the aura on Watanabe Jun's body change instantly, and then his strength increased rapidly, and soon reached the peak!

A terrifying power emanated from Watanabe Jun.

Watanabe Jun’s eyes at this moment

Became sharp, as if he were a different person!

Chen Ping's face began to look a little ugly, because the aura he felt from Jun Watanabe was somewhat similar to that of Kazuo Kawaguchi!

Chen Ping didn't understand what Kazuo Kawaguchi did to Jun Watanabe.

"Today, I will let you see the true strength of our island country..."

Watanabe Jun spoke slowly, but at this time, Watanabe Jun's voice even changed!

"Hmph, he's just a guy possessed by a soul. Why are you so arrogant? When I kill you, I will destroy the soul in your body..."

Chen Ping said coldly.

Chen Ping could tell that Watanabe Jun's current behavior was completely consistent with being possessed by a soul and controlling his body!

Chen Ping has killed many soul-possessed people, so he is not afraid!

After all, although those souls were very powerful when they were alive, after they turned into souls, their strength was very weak, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Hahaha, ignorant person, what do you know..."

Watanabe Jun laughed, and then his body slowly floated into the air, followed by a terrifying force that instantly enveloped the entire Long family.

At this time, many people became nervous. Now it is impossible for them to leave the Long family!

Watanabe Jun's body was slowly wrapped in red blood mist. The thick bloody smell, coupled with the terrifying power, instantly made many people unable to bear it!

Some of the weak ones began to look ugly.

Gu Ling'er and the others also frowned, exuding the aura in their bodies, resisting this terrifying power!

When Chen Ping saw this, the golden light on his body flashed, and auras emanated from his body, and he followed Watanabe Jun to resist!

With Chen Ping's resistance, many people were obviously relieved!

"Hmph, a bunch of ants really think they can fight against me..."

Watanabe Jun was in mid-air, his blood red color slowly transformed into a big turtle! With this kick, Jun Watanabe's head will definitely be torn apart!

But just when Chen Ping was about to step down, he suddenly felt a terrifying aura coming, causing Chen Ping to instantly retreat!

After retreating for more than ten meters, Chen Ping stabilized his figure.

And when Chen Ping looked at Kazuo Kawaguchi, he found that Kazuo Kawaguchi seemed to be a different person. The aura exuding from his body made Chen Ping feel scared!

Chen Ping frowned, his eyes full of surprise. He didn't understand what method Kazuo Kawaguchi used to hide his aura without leaking it at all!

"Thank you Mr. Kawaguchi..."

Jun Watanabe followed Kazuo Kawaguchi to say thank you!

"Watanabe Shun, can you still fight?" Kawaguchi Kazuo asked.

"Okay!" Watanabe Jun nodded!

"Since you can fight, let's continue. Our island warriors have no tradition of returning after failure..."

Kazuo Kawaguchi said.

"Hi!" Watanabe Jun nodded, his eyes filled with determination to die.

Chen Ping looked at Jun Watanabe. Although he could kill Jun Watanabe easily, the sudden appearance of Kazuo Kawaguchi now made Chen Ping afraid!

Kazuo Kawaguchi seemed to see Chen Ping's worries, and smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't take action. It's you two who have to discuss. As the head of the mission, of course I will abide by the rules!"

Seeing what Kazuo Kawaguchi said, Chen Ping breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the aura on Kazuo Kawaguchi's body just now was too terrifying!

"bring it on!"

Chen Ping waved to Jun Watanabe!

"Go..." Kazuo Kawaguchi patted Jun Watanabe on the shoulder!

But with this shot, I saw the aura on Watanabe Jun's body change instantly, and then his strength increased rapidly, and soon reached the peak!

A terrifying power emanated from Watanabe Jun.

Watanabe Jun’s eyes at this moment

Became sharp, as if he was a different person!

Chen Ping's face began to look a little ugly, because the aura he felt from Jun Watanabe was somewhat similar to that of Kazuo Kawaguchi!

Chen Ping didn't understand what Kazuo Kawaguchi did to Jun Watanabe.

"Today, I will let you see the true strength of our island country..."

Watanabe Jun spoke slowly, but at this time, Watanabe Jun's voice even changed!

"Hmph, he's just a guy possessed by a soul. Why are you so arrogant? When I kill you, I will destroy the soul in your body..."

Chen Ping said coldly.

Chen Ping could tell that Watanabe Jun's current behavior was completely consistent with being possessed by a soul and controlling his body!

Chen Ping has killed many soul-possessed people, so he is not afraid!

After all, although those souls were very powerful when they were alive, after they turned into souls, their strength was very weak, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Hahaha, ignorant person, what do you know..."

Watanabe Jun laughed, and then his body slowly floated into the air, followed by a terrifying force that instantly enveloped the entire Long family.

At this time, many people became nervous, and now it was impossible for them to leave the Long family!

Watanabe Jun's body was slowly wrapped in red blood mist. The thick bloody smell, coupled with the terrifying power, instantly made many people unable to bear it!

Some of the weak ones began to look ugly.

Gu Ling'er and the others also frowned, exuding the aura in their bodies, resisting this terrifying power!

When Chen Ping saw this, the golden light on his body flashed, and auras emanated from his body, and he followed Watanabe Jun to resist!

With Chen Ping's resistance, many people were obviously relieved!

"Hmph, a bunch of ants really think they can fight against me..."

Watanabe Jun was in mid-air, his blood red color slowly transformed into a big turtle!

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