Dragon King Order

Chapter 1395 Please help

And Chen Ping's current strength is unfathomable. If Long Xiaozhen doesn't underestimate Chen Ping, it will be in danger.

"Of course I understand this. The place of trial, life and death are determined by fate..."

Mr. Shi said coldly.

Seeing that Mr. Shi had already said this, Long Jingguo could only nod his head and said, "Since Mr. Shi said so, Chen Ping can participate, but if something unexpected happens, I hope Mr. Shi will not blame the Long family..."

"Don't worry!" Mr. Shi said and threw the document back. "The application was approved..."

Mr. Shi waved his hand, and Long Jingguo withdrew from the Dharma Protector Pavilion!

After leaving the command of the Protector Pavilion, Long Jingguo's face looked ugly. He wanted to go back and plan this trial again. No accidents would happen because of Chen Ping's participation!


South China Sea, Penglai Island...

After two days of sailing from Zhuzhi Mountain, we finally arrived at this fascinating island!

There are only tens of thousands of people on Penglai Island, but everyone here is a powerful master, there are no ordinary people, and the weakest ones are said to have reached the level of a grandmaster!

Penglai Island is located in the distant sea and is surrounded by a vast ocean, so the aura here is obviously much more abundant than other places!

Slowly, some immortal cultivators gathered on Penglai Island.

Later, word of mouth spread, and Penglai Island became a fairy island!

However, only those who really know understand that Penglai Island is not as beautiful as people imagine, and the people here are not gods flying into the sky. Most of them still live ordinary lives!

The entire Penglai Island is controlled by a guy named Duda. He is the emperor of Penglai Island, and everything is governed by him alone.

But this Duda had a friendship with Zhu Zhishan. After Zhu Zhishan discovered Chen Ping's identity as an immortal cultivator, he immediately thought of Duda.

Because Zhu Zhishan knows that in this society with exhausted spiritual energy, immortal cultivators have long been unable to adapt to the development of the times, and many immortal cultivators have very low strength.

But this Chen Ping,

But in just a few months, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. There must be some reason for this, and Zhu Zhishan wants to use this to get Du Da to take action against Chen Ping!

"who are you?"

Outside a palace, two guards stopped Zhu Zhishan!

At this moment, Zhu Zhishan had lost an arm, and after two days of sailing, he was already exhausted and looked haggard, like a beggar!

"I'm here to see Duda, please let me know..."

Zhu Zhishan said very politely.

A guard looked Zhu Zhishan up and down, and then said with a cold face, "How dare you, a beggar, dare to call our King Du by his first name?"

"Brother, you have misunderstood. I am not a beggar. I am a friend of your King Du. I came here specifically from the interior to find him."

Zhu Zhishan hurriedly explained in a low voice.

The dignified leader of the Martial Arts Alliance is now so groveling.

The guard looked at Zhu Zhishan again, and then said coldly, "Come with me..."

Zhu Zhishan followed the guard through a palace, and then came to a stone wall. After pressing the button, a door opened in the stone wall!

There are birds singing and flowers fragrant here, and the environment is very beautiful!

Zhu Zhishan looked at the scenery here and couldn't help but admire. It would be extremely comfortable to be a local emperor in a place like this.

Soon, the guard took Zhu Zhishan to a place filled with immortal energy, and then said, "Prince Du, an old friend of yours is visiting..."

"It's my wish, brother, let him come in..."

A loud voice came over!

After Zhu Zhishan heard this, he immediately walked in quickly, "Brother Du, your place is really a paradise on earth..."

"Brother Zhu, you are so complimentary. How can I be as cool as you, the leader of the Martial Arts Alliance? In Kyoto, which sect and family wouldn't flatter you?"

Duda said with a faint smile!

When Du Da saw Zhu Zhishan's appearance clearly, he suddenly frowned, "Brother Zhu, what's wrong with you?" And Chen Ping's current strength is unfathomable. If Long Xiaozhen doesn't underestimate Chen Ping, it will be dangerous. .

"Of course I understand this. The place of trial, life and death are determined by fate..."

Mr. Shi said coldly.

Seeing that Mr. Shi had already said this, Long Jingguo could only nod his head and said, "Since Mr. Shi said so, Chen Ping can participate, but if something unexpected happens, I hope Mr. Shi will not blame the Long family..."

"Don't worry!" Mr. Shi said and threw the document back. "The application was approved..."

Mr. Shi waved his hand, and Long Jingguo withdrew from the Dharma Protector Pavilion!

After leaving the command of the Guardian Pavilion, Long Jingguo's face looked ugly. He wanted to go back and plan this trial again. There should be no accidents because of Chen Ping's participation!


South China Sea, Penglai Island...

After two days of sailing from Zhuzhi Mountain, we finally arrived at this fascinating island!

There are only tens of thousands of people on Penglai Island, but everyone here is a powerful master, there are no ordinary people, and the weakest ones are said to have reached the level of a grandmaster!

Penglai Island is located in the distant sea and is surrounded by a vast ocean, so the aura here is obviously much more abundant than other places!

Slowly, some immortal cultivators gathered on Penglai Island.

Later, word of mouth spread, and Penglai Island became a fairy island!

However, only those who really know understand that Penglai Island is not as beautiful as people imagine, and the people here are not gods flying into the sky. Most of them still live ordinary lives!

The entire Penglai Island is controlled by a guy named Duda. He is the emperor of Penglai Island, and everything depends on him.

But this Duda had a friendship with Zhu Zhishan. After Zhu Zhishan discovered Chen Ping's identity as an immortal cultivator, he immediately thought of Duda.

Because Zhu Zhishan knows that in this society with exhausted spiritual energy, immortal cultivators have long been unable to adapt to the development of the times, and many immortal cultivators have very low strength.

But this Chen Ping,

But in just a few months, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. There must be some reason for this, and Zhu Zhishan wants to use this to get Du Da to take action against Chen Ping!

"who are you?"

Outside a palace, two guards stopped Zhu Zhishan!

At this moment, Zhu Zhishan had lost an arm, and after two days of sailing, he was already exhausted and looked haggard, like a beggar!

"I'm here to see Duda, please let me know..."

Zhu Zhishan said very politely.

A guard looked Zhu Zhishan up and down, and then said with a cold face, "How dare you, a beggar, dare to call our King Du by his first name?"

"Brother, you have misunderstood. I am not a beggar. I am a friend of your King Du. I came here specifically from the interior to find him."

Zhu Zhishan hurriedly explained in a low voice.

The dignified leader of the Martial Arts Alliance is now so groveling.

The guard looked at Zhu Zhishan again, and then said coldly, "Come with me..."

Zhu Zhishan followed the guard through a palace, and then came to a stone wall. After pressing the button, a door opened in the stone wall!

There are birds singing and flowers fragrant here, and the environment is very beautiful!

Zhu Zhishan looked at the scenery here and couldn't help but admire. It would be extremely comfortable to be a local emperor in a place like this.

Soon, the guard took Zhu Zhishan to a place filled with immortal energy, and then said, "Prince Du, an old friend of yours is visiting..."

"It's my wish, brother, let him come in..."

A loud voice came over!

After Zhu Zhishan heard this, he immediately walked in quickly, "Brother Du, your place is really a paradise on earth..."

"Brother Zhu, you are so complimentary. How can I be as cool as you, the leader of the Martial Arts Alliance? In Kyoto, which sect and family wouldn't flatter you?"

Duda said with a faint smile!

When Duda saw Zhu Zhishan's appearance clearly, he suddenly frowned, "Brother Zhu, what's wrong with you?"

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