Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,391 The Man in Black Robe

"Xing Jun, what do you mean?"

Chen Ping roared angrily, then held the Dragon-Slaying Sword in his hand, and then slashed hard at the iron gate in front of him.


The huge sound was deafening, but the terrifying counterattack force made Chen Ping retreat continuously, and the tiger's mouth was numb from the shock.

This terrifying sword actually only cut a small gap in the iron gate.

Chen Ping saw a gap in the iron gate, so he swung his sword and slashed at it again!

Dang Dang Dang…………

There was another roar, and there were many small gaps in the iron gate, but at this time, Chen Ping's tiger's mouth was already dripping with blood.

The entire house was shaking under Chen Ping's desperate slashes.

Xing Jun stood in the yard, looking at the shaking house, and listening to Chen Ping's roar, his face became a little unbearable!

At this time, Mr. Shi's figure slowly appeared and stood beside Xing Jun.

"Mr. Shi, we are..."

Xing Jun didn't understand what Mr. Shi was going to do and why he wanted to arrest Chen Ping.

"You are not allowed to let him out without my order..."

Mr. Shi did not explain, but coldly put down a word, turned around and left.

Xing Jun sighed, and finally turned around and left.

At this time, Chen Ping was still slashing desperately, even if the tiger's mouth was filled with blood, he did not give up.

In the end, the spiritual power in Chen Ping's body was completely exhausted. He could no longer swing a sword, and Chen Ping collapsed on the ground.

"why why…………"

Chen Ping roared angrily. He wanted to know why this was and why he had to lock himself up.

Just when Chen Ping was very depressed, he suddenly remembered that he still had the Qiankun Circle, a time and space weapon that could allow him to escape from here.

Chen Ping hurriedly took out the Qiankun Circle from the storage ring and hurriedly threw it into the air.

However, the space-time black hole did not appear, and the Universe Circle fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"This... this forbidden power can't even use this kind of time and space weapon..."

Chen Ping sat down again helplessly.

Go down, looking frustrated!


Within the Kyoto Martial Arts Alliance!

At the top of the hall, a looming person sat there, exuding a terrifying murderous aura.

On both sides of the hall, there are more than a dozen people wearing black robes, all of whom hide themselves under the black robes!

Because of the black robes, it was impossible to see the faces of these people. There was a circular pattern in the middle of the black robes these people wore, and these patterns were distinguished by color.

Some black robes are bronze in the middle, some are silver gray, and one is golden yellow. Each color represents the different strength and status of the black robe person.

"Where did that trash from Zhuzhishan go?"

Dang Neng, who was sitting on the main seat, asked coldly.

"Damneng, Zhu Zhishan went to Penglai Island, he should be looking for help..."

A man in black gold robe said respectfully.

"Hmph, this good-for-nothing did figure out the secret at the last moment."

Da Neng snorted coldly, "You must speed up the creation of masters now. We need stronger spokespersons in the martial arts world. As for Zhu Zhishan, we are giving him a chance..."


The black gold robe nodded.

Then there was a wave of fluctuation, the terrifying murderous aura disappeared, and the great power also left.

When Dang Neng left, everyone let out a long breath.

“Did you hear clearly what Mighty said?”

The black gold robe looked at everyone and asked coldly.

"Listen clearly..."

The other men in black robes responded in unison.

Then the black gold robe looked at a black bronze robe and said, "You stay in the Martial Arts Alliance to assist Zhu Zhishan and create more masters..."

"I obey my orders..."

The black copper robe said in a hoarse voice.

Soon, all the men in black robes left, leaving only the black copper robe standing in the hall.

The black copper robe slowly took off his black robe, revealing a fair and delicate face.

If Chen Ping saw this person, he would definitely be shocked. "Xing Jun, what do you mean?"

Chen Ping roared angrily, then held the Dragon-Slaying Sword in his hand, and then slashed hard at the iron gate in front of him.


The huge sound was deafening, but the terrifying counterattack force made Chen Ping retreat continuously, and the tiger's mouth was numb from the shock.

This terrifying sword actually only cut a small gap in the iron gate.

Chen Ping saw a gap in the iron gate, so he swung his sword and slashed at it again!

Dang Dang Dang…………

There was another roar, and there were many small gaps in the iron gate, but at this time, Chen Ping's tiger's mouth was already dripping with blood.

The entire house was shaking under Chen Ping's desperate slashes.

Xing Jun stood in the yard, looking at the shaking house, and listening to Chen Ping's roar, his face became a little unbearable!

At this time, Mr. Shi's figure slowly appeared and stood beside Xing Jun.

"Mr. Shi, we are..."

Xing Jun didn't understand what Mr. Shi was going to do and why he wanted to arrest Chen Ping.

"You are not allowed to let him out without my order..."

Mr. Shi did not explain, but coldly put down a word, turned around and left.

Xing Jun sighed, and finally turned around and left.

At this time, Chen Ping was still slashing desperately, even if the tiger's mouth was filled with blood, he did not give up.

In the end, the spiritual power in Chen Ping's body was completely exhausted, and he could no longer swing a sword. Chen Ping collapsed on the ground.

"why why…………"

Chen Ping roared angrily. He wanted to know why this was and why he had to lock himself up.

Just when Chen Ping was very depressed, he suddenly remembered that he still had the Qiankun Circle, a time and space weapon that could allow him to escape from here.

Chen Ping hurriedly took out the Qiankun Circle from the storage ring and hurriedly threw it into the air.

However, the space-time black hole did not appear, and the Universe Circle fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"This...this forbidden power can't even use this kind of time and space weapon..."

Chen Ping sat down again helplessly.

Go down, looking frustrated!


Within the Kyoto Martial Arts Alliance!

At the top of the hall, a looming person sat there, exuding a terrifying murderous aura.

On both sides of the hall, there are more than a dozen people wearing black robes, all of whom hide themselves under the black robes!

Because of the black robes, it was impossible to see the faces of these people. There was a circular pattern in the middle of the black robes these people wore, and these patterns were distinguished by color.

Some black robes are bronze in the middle, some are silver gray, and one is golden yellow. Each color represents the different strength and status of the black robe person.

"Where did that trash from Zhuzhishan go?"

Dang Neng, who was sitting on the main seat, asked coldly.

"Damneng, Zhu Zhishan went to Penglai Island, he should be looking for help..."

A man in black gold robe said respectfully.

"Hmph, this good-for-nothing did figure out the secret at the last moment."

Da Neng snorted coldly, "You must speed up the creation of masters now. We need stronger spokespersons in the martial arts world. As for Zhu Zhishan, we are giving him a chance..."


The black gold robe nodded.

Then there was a wave of fluctuation, the terrifying murderous aura disappeared, and the great power also left.

When Dang Neng left, everyone let out a long breath.

“Did you hear clearly what Mighty said?”

The black gold robe looked at everyone and asked coldly.

"Listen clearly..."

The other men in black robes responded in unison.

Then the black gold robe looked at a black bronze robe and said, "You stay in the Martial Arts Alliance to assist Zhu Zhishan and create more masters..."

"I obey my orders..."

The black copper robe said in a hoarse voice.

Soon, all the men in black robes left, leaving only the black copper robe standing in the hall.

The black copper robe slowly took off his black robe, revealing a fair and delicate face.

If Chen Ping saw this person, he would definitely be shocked.

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