Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,388 Regeneration

But at this time, the martial arts alliance elders on the side looked surprised when they saw Zhu Zhishan's sudden appearance of armor.

He didn't expect that their alliance leader turned out to be an evil cultivator.

He could feel the evil energy entwined on the armor from a long distance away.

The elder looked at Zhu Zhishan in disbelief, his eyes full of disbelief, then turned around and ran directly into the distance.

Although Zhu Zhishan is the leader of the alliance, he is also an evil cultivator at this moment. This elder is unwilling to work for the evil cultivator!


Zhu Zhishan snorted coldly, and then slapped the fleeing elder with his palm.

A black energy instantly shot out from Zhu Zhishan's palm, directly penetrating the elder's back!

The elder died without even having time to scream.

"If you know my secret, you will die..."

After Zhu Zhishan killed the elder, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Ping.

"You scum in the martial arts world, today I will let you know what it feels like to be abused..."

Chen Ping gritted his teeth, and the golden light on his body surged!

Then he rushed straight towards Zhuzhi Mountain.

Bang bang bang…………

Chen Ping looked like he was going crazy. He punched Zhu Zhishan hard with both fists.

The power of the divine dragon surrounds both fists, and each punch has a force of ten thousand kilograms.

Zhu Zhishan, on the other hand, did not dodge or dodge, but also punched Chen Ping with both fists!

The two people faced each other and attacked each other crazily!

They are fighting, fighting each other's strength to run out, fighting each other's armor to break!

The two people didn't know how many punches they had thrown. At this moment, both Chen Ping's indestructible golden body and Zhu Zhishan's black gold armor were all damaged!

Soon, Chen Ping's indestructible golden body began to fall off and disappear, and Zhu Zhishan's black gold armor was also facing collapse, with cracks all over his body.



With one punch, Chen Ping's indestructible golden body completely disappeared.

And Zhu Zhishan's black gold armor instantly became fragmented and disappeared without a trace.

Both of them were breathing heavily, and Zhu Zhishan's forehead was still covered in cold sweat!

It can be seen that this duel just now consumed a lot of his physical strength.

"Today I will definitely give you a taste of frustration..."

Looking at Zhu Zhishan who was breathing heavily, Chen Ping said coldly.

But just as Chen Ping finished speaking, Zhu Zhishan burst out laughing.

"Chen Ping, you are too arrogant. Being so arrogant at such a young age is not a good thing. Even if you are an immortal cultivator, so what? I will kill you today..."

Zhu Zhishan laughed, and then another burst of black light flashed on his chest. Soon, the shattered and disappeared armor on Zhu Zhishan's body unexpectedly wrapped around his whole body again.

Chen Ping was very surprised to see that Zhu Zhishan had the ability to regenerate armor!

"Chen Ping, are you surprised?" Zhu Zhishan looked at Chen Ping with a sneer. "I can tell you that this armor of mine doesn't cost me any energy. If you have the ability to break it, I can defeat him." regenerate."

"I want to see how much strength you still have to break my armor..."

After saying that, Zhu Zhishan jumped up high and punched Chen Ping with a bang.

Chen Ping frowned and clenched his right fist, with golden light shining on his fist!

"Holy Light Fist..."

Although Chen Ping no longer has the indestructible golden body, his physical strength is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

He punched him hard, and the terrifying power exploded instantly.

Zhu Zhishan's body instantly took several steps back, and Chen Ping also stepped back one after another, until he took more than ten steps back before he stabilized his figure.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Zhishan finally had confidence on his face.

"Chen Ping, I want to taste the feeling of being abused, but it's a pity that you don't have the ability..."

Zhu Zhishan said with a joking expression. But at this time, the martial arts alliance elders on the side looked surprised when they saw Zhu Zhishan's sudden appearance of armor.

He didn't expect that their alliance leader turned out to be an evil cultivator.

He could feel the evil energy entwined on the armor from a long distance away.

The elder looked at Zhu Zhishan in disbelief, his eyes full of disbelief, then turned around and ran directly into the distance.

Although Zhu Zhishan is the leader of the alliance, he is also an evil cultivator at this moment. This elder is unwilling to work for the evil cultivator!


Zhu Zhishan snorted coldly, and then slapped the fleeing elder with his palm.

A black energy instantly shot out from Zhu Zhishan's palm, directly penetrating the elder's back!

The elder died without even having time to scream.

"If you know my secret, you will die..."

After Zhu Zhishan killed the elder, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Ping.

"You scum in the martial arts world, today I will let you know what it feels like to be abused..."

Chen Ping gritted his teeth, and the golden light on his body surged!

Then he rushed straight towards Zhuzhi Mountain.

Bang bang bang…………

Chen Ping looked like he was going crazy. He punched Zhu Zhishan hard with both fists.

The power of the divine dragon surrounds both fists, and each punch has a force of ten thousand kilograms.

Zhu Zhishan, on the other hand, did not dodge or dodge, but also punched Chen Ping with both fists!

The two people faced each other and attacked each other crazily!

They are fighting, fighting each other's strength to run out, fighting each other's armor to break!

The two people didn't know how many punches they had thrown. At this moment, both Chen Ping's indestructible golden body and Zhu Zhishan's black gold armor were all damaged!

Soon, Chen Ping's indestructible golden body began to fall off and disappear, and Zhu Zhishan's black gold armor was also facing collapse, with cracks all over his body.



With one punch, Chen Ping's indestructible golden body completely disappeared.

And Zhu Zhishan's black gold armor instantly became fragmented and disappeared without a trace.

Both of them were breathing heavily, and Zhu Zhishan's forehead was still covered in cold sweat!

It can be seen that this duel just now consumed a lot of his physical strength.

"Today I will definitely give you a taste of frustration..."

Looking at Zhu Zhishan who was breathing heavily, Chen Ping said coldly.

But just as Chen Ping finished speaking, Zhu Zhishan burst into laughter.

"Chen Ping, you are too arrogant. Being so arrogant at such a young age is not a good thing. Even if you are an immortal cultivator, so what? I will kill you today..."

Zhu Zhishan laughed, and then another burst of black light flashed on his chest. Soon, the shattered and disappeared armor on Zhu Zhishan's body unexpectedly wrapped around his whole body again.

Chen Ping was very surprised to see that Zhu Zhishan had the ability to regenerate armor!

"Chen Ping, are you surprised?" Zhu Zhishan looked at Chen Ping with a sneer. "I can tell you that this armor of mine doesn't cost me any energy. If you have the ability to break it, I can defeat him." regenerate."

"I want to see how much strength you still have to break my armor..."

After saying that, Zhu Zhishan jumped up high and punched Chen Ping with a bang.

Chen Ping frowned and clenched his right fist, with golden light shining on his fist!

"Holy Light Fist..."

Although Chen Ping no longer has the indestructible golden body, his physical strength is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

He punched him hard, and the terrifying power exploded instantly.

Zhu Zhishan's body instantly took several steps back, and Chen Ping also stepped back one after another, until he took more than ten steps back before he stabilized his figure.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Zhishan finally had confidence on his face.

"Chen Ping, I want to taste the feeling of being abused, but it's a pity that you don't have the ability..."

Zhu Zhishan said with a joking expression.

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