Dragon King Order

Chapter 1382: Kill the world with one sword

Chen Ping carried an aura that looked down on the world. At this moment, Chen Ping's thin figure became extremely tall in the eyes of Ji Ruxue and the others!

That kind of arrogant and domineering attitude gives people a sense of coercion, makes people fear, and even make them worship!

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Chen Ping's Dragon-Slaying Sword flashed out, and the body of the Dragon-Slaying Sword shone with a gray light.

As soon as the Dragon-Slaying Sword was released, Chen Ping's domineering power became even stronger!

I saw the dragon-slaying sword spitting light and making a buzzing sound.

"Die to me..."

Chen Ping shouted softly, then swung his sword and slashed out.

The sword energy soared into the sky and was as powerful as a broken bamboo!

Instantly cutting the stormy waves in front of him into pieces, the sword energy instantly arrived in front of Zhou Tianyin.

Zhou Tianyin's eyes widened and he could fit an egg into his mouth.

"This...is this a spiritual sword?"

Zhou Tianyin made a sound in shock, his heart was full of souls, and his whole body was cold!

As soon as the dragon-slaying sword in Chen Ping's hand came out, Zhou Tianyin knew that he was finished.

The gray light on the blade of the Dragon-Slaying Sword gives people a breathtaking feeling!

Zhou Tianyin was scared and wanted to ask for mercy...

It's a pity that the sword energy arrived in an instant, leaving him no chance to speak!


Blood spattered, and the sword energy was seen scratching Zhou Tianyin's neck, and then Zhou Tianyin's head flew up in an instant.

The body fell to the ground with a thud!

The heads rolled down in front of the servants of the Zhou family.

All the servants of the Zhou family looked on in disbelief.

One move, indeed one move!

Cut off Zhou Tianyin's head with one move!

Everyone in the Zhou family was stupid!

In their hearts, they have always been obsessed with martial arts and the powerful head of the family!

At this moment, his head was chopped off in an instant!

This kind of spiritual shock caused many servants of the Zhou family to be frightened out of their wits!


Soon, everyone in the Zhou family knelt down and begged for mercy!

Chen Ping put away the dragon-slaying sword but did not kill these servants of the Zhou family.

These people were so grateful that they packed up Zhou Tianyin's body and escaped in an instant!

After everyone in the Zhou family left, it took a long time for Ji Ruxue and the others to come back to their senses.

"Brother Chen Ping, you... you are so awesome, I don't even know how to praise you..."

Xiao Min looked at Chen Ping with admiration, her face full of excitement!

"Practice hard and you will be as good as me in the future..."

Chen Ping smiled lightly!

"Monster, you are such a monster..."

Hu Mazi looked at Chen Ping and sighed.

Ji Ruxue said nothing, but looked at Chen Ping with undisguised tenderness in her eyes.

Feeling Ji Ruxue's gaze, Chen Ping looked a little helpless and embarrassed!

When Hu Mazi saw this, he smiled lightly!


The news that Chen Ping killed Zhou Tianyin spread on the martial arts forum in a short period of time!

Everyone was surprised that Chen Ping's strength increased so fast!

Among these people, the most surprised one was Zhu Zhishan, who was on his way to Wancheng in the southwest.

He was planning to kill Chen Ping, but now such news broke out, which put Zhu Zhishan in a dilemma for a while.

He knew very well that Zhou Tianyin's strength was as good as his own.

But now, Zhou Tianyin was killed by Chen Ping?

He is going to kill Chen Ping, is he still sure?

Zhu Zhishan felt unsure now. He couldn't figure out how Zhou Tianyin could be killed by Chen Ping.

But now Zhu Zhishan has an arrow on the string and has to shoot. No matter what Chen Ping's strength is, Zhu Zhishan must kill Chen Ping.

If Chen Ping doesn't die, then he will die.

Zhu Zhishan slowly took out a dark ball from his arms. The ball seemed to be covered with dark clouds, and there were streaks of lightning flashing continuously! Chen Ping carried an aura that looked down on the world. At this moment, Chen Ping's thin figure became extremely tall in the eyes of Ji Ruxue and the others!

That kind of arrogant and domineering attitude gives people a sense of coercion, makes people fear, and even make them worship!

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Chen Ping's Dragon-Slaying Sword flashed out, and the body of the Dragon-Slaying Sword shone with a gray light.

As soon as the Dragon-Slaying Sword was released, Chen Ping's domineering power became even stronger!

I saw the dragon-slaying sword spitting light and making a buzzing sound.

"Die to me..."

Chen Ping shouted softly, then swung his sword and slashed out.

The sword energy soared into the sky and was as powerful as a broken bamboo!

Instantly cutting the turbulent waves in front of him into pieces, the sword energy instantly arrived in front of Zhou Tianyin.

Zhou Tianyin's eyes widened and he could fit an egg into his mouth.

"This...is this a spiritual sword?"

Zhou Tianyin made a sound in shock, his heart was full of souls, and his whole body was cold!

As soon as the dragon-slaying sword in Chen Ping's hand came out, Zhou Tianyin knew that he was finished.

The gray light on the blade of the Dragon-Slaying Sword gives people a breathtaking feeling!

Zhou Tianyin was scared and wanted to ask for mercy...

It's a pity that the sword energy arrived in an instant, leaving him no chance to speak!


Blood spattered, and the sword energy was seen scratching Zhou Tianyin's neck, and then Zhou Tianyin's head flew up in an instant.

The body fell to the ground with a thud!

The heads rolled down in front of the servants of the Zhou family.

All the servants of the Zhou family looked on in disbelief.

One move, it really is one move!

One move cut off Zhou Tianyin's head!

All the people in the Zhou family were stunned!

In their hearts, the head of the family who had always been obsessed with martial arts and powerful!

But at this moment, his head was cut off in an instant!

This kind of spiritual shock made many of the Zhou family's servants directly scared silly!


Soon, these people in the Zhou family knelt down and begged for mercy!

Chen Ping put away the Dragon Slaying Sword and did not kill these Zhou family servants.

These people were grateful, cleaned up Zhou Tianyin's body, and fled in an instant!

After the Zhou family left, it took Ji Ruxue and the others a long time to come back to their senses.

"Brother Chen Ping, you... you are so awesome, I don't know how to praise you..."

Xiao Min looked at Chen Ping with admiration, her face full of excitement!

"If you practice well, you can be as awesome as me in the future..."

Chen Ping smiled faintly!

"Monster, you are really a monster..."

Hu Mazi looked at Chen Ping and sighed.

Ji Ruxue didn't say anything, but the tenderness in her eyes was undisguised as she looked at Chen Ping.

Feeling Ji Ruxue's gaze, Chen Ping seemed a little helpless and embarrassed!

Seeing this, Hu Mazi smiled faintly!


The news that Chen Ping killed Zhou Tianyin spread in the martial arts forum in a very short time!

Everyone was surprised at Chen Ping's strength, and the speed of growth was so fast!

Among these people, the most surprised was Zhu Zhishan, who was on his way to Wancheng in the southwest at this time.

He was going to kill Chen Ping, but now such news broke out, making Zhu Zhishan a little dilemma for a while.

He knew Zhou Tianyin's strength very well, and he was on par with him.

But now, Zhou Tianyin was killed by Chen Ping?

If he was going to kill Chen Ping, would he still be sure?

Zhu Zhishan was now unsure, and he couldn't figure out why Zhou Tianyin was killed by Chen Ping.

But now Zhu Zhishan had to shoot the arrow on the string. No matter how strong Chen Ping was, Zhu Zhishan had to kill Chen Ping.

If Chen Ping didn't die, he would be the one to die.

Zhu Zhishan slowly took out a dark ball from his arms. The ball seemed to be covered with dark clouds, and there were flashes of lightning!

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