Dragon King Order

Chapter 1375 Treasure

"Where are you taking me? This place is like a maze..."

Chen Ping couldn't help but asked Hu Mazi.

"Just follow me..."

After Hu Mazi finished speaking, he took out a compass the size of a palm, and then dropped a drop of blood on the compass!

Then the compass began to shake crazily, the pointer rotated rapidly, and finally stayed in one direction.

Hu Mazi walked forward according to the instructions of the compass.

When Chen Ping saw this, he could only follow closely behind him, emitting spiritual consciousness and being very vigilant.

In one breath, he passed through six or seven caves, and finally came to a square. Chen Ping's pupils shrank slightly.

Directly in front is an entrance. At this entrance, there is obviously a huge restraining force.

Seeing this entrance, Hu Mazi's eyes flashed and he whispered, "It should be here."

"Have you found a place?"

Chen Ping asked excitedly.

Hu Mazi nodded, "This place should be the sun-swallowing terrain."

Hearing what Hu Mazi said, Chen Ping clenched his fingers slightly and was very excited.

"Let's go in."

Chen Ping was very excited to find such a tomb.

He didn't know what kind of treasures he could find here, but he also didn't know what dangers he would encounter.

It is impossible for there to be no restrictions in such a tomb.

But facing the treasure here, Qing Yeats is definitely much better.

Hu Mazi nodded and walked in first, asking Chen Ping to follow closely and not to move.

After entering the grotto, Hu Mazi clasped his hands behind his back. Instead of being anxious, he looked carefully. It turned out that it was indeed a pattern of seven stars swallowing the sun, and the last one was "sun".

A rather majestic grotto, with carved beams and painted buildings on both sides, and some divine residences that none of them had ever seen before.

These rows of divine mansions go straight to the front, all the way to the end.

Spectacular summit.

There are ninety-nine jade steps. At the top of the jade steps, there is a white marble chair.

The rest is empty, nothing.

But this throne is shrouded by a strong restraining force, and no casual person can get on it.

This road leading to the seat seems to be not easy to get up.

"This? There's nothing here? Where is the baby?"

Chen Ping took a look and asked with some disappointment.

As for Hu Mazi, his eyes were wide open and he was staring at the seat above.

"Seven Stars Devouring the Sun, the Tomb of the Real Man, there must be a treasure on this seat!"

Hu Mazi's voice was so excited that it even trembled with excitement.

Hu Mazi seemed to have lost his mind at this moment, his eyes were gleaming, and he ran directly towards the throne.

But just as he stepped onto the step, Hu Mazi's body suddenly felt a terrifying force pressing towards him.

Hu Mazi's mind sank, and then he took out a spell and started drawing on it instantly.

"Light wind spell..."

Hu Mazi put the talisman on his body. Suddenly, Hu Mazi's body became extremely light, and the terrifying oppression just now disappeared.

Hu Mazi walked up quickly, but as soon as he took a few steps, the terrifying force pressed him again.

Without paying attention, Hu Mazi was instantly pressed to one knee and cracks appeared on the steps on the ground!

And the talisman on Hu Mazi instantly ignited into flames, and finally turned into ashes!

Hu Mazi only felt that there was a heavy weight on his body, which was so heavy that he could not stand upright.

But Hu Mazi gritted his teeth and stood up, finally holding on and taking another step upward!

But as soon as he took this step, another terrifying force hit him. Hu Mazi lost his balance and was instantly thrown away by this force.

Hu Mazi's body fell heavily to the ground. Fortunately, it was not high enough. Hu Mazi fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood. "Where are you taking me? This place is like a maze..."

Chen Ping couldn't help but asked Hu Mazi.

"Just follow me..."

After Hu Mazi finished speaking, he took out a compass the size of a palm, and then dropped a drop of blood on the compass!

Then the compass began to shake crazily, the pointer rotated rapidly, and finally stayed in one direction.

Hu Mazi walked forward according to the instructions of the compass.

When Chen Ping saw this, he could only follow closely behind him, emitting spiritual consciousness and being very vigilant.

In one breath, he passed through six or seven caves, and finally came to a square. Chen Ping's pupils shrank slightly.

Directly in front is an entrance. At this entrance, there is obviously a huge restraining force.

Seeing this entrance, Hu Mazi's eyes flashed and he whispered, "It should be here."

"Have you found a place?"

Chen Ping asked excitedly.

Hu Mazi nodded, "This place should be the sun-swallowing terrain."

Hearing what Hu Mazi said, Chen Ping clenched his fingers slightly and was very excited.

"Let's go in."

Chen Ping was very excited to find such a tomb.

He didn't know what kind of treasures he could find here, but he also didn't know what dangers he would encounter.

It is impossible for there to be no restrictions in such a tomb.

But facing the treasure here, Qing Yeats is definitely much better.

Hu Mazi nodded and walked in first, asking Chen Ping to follow closely and not to move.

After entering the cave, Hu Mazi put his hands behind his back and looked carefully. It was indeed the pattern of seven stars swallowing the sun, and the last grid was the "sun".

A rather majestic cave, with carved beams and painted buildings on both sides, and some gods, none of them had ever seen before.

These rows of gods went straight forward to the most spectacular peak.

There were ninety-nine jade steps, and at the top of the jade steps, there was a white marble chair.

The rest was empty, with nothing.

But this throne was shrouded by a strong forbidden force, and ordinary people could not get up.

This road to the chair seemed not so easy to get up.

"This? There is nothing here? Where is the treasure?"

Chen Ping took a look and asked with some disappointment.

And Hu Mazi opened his eyes wide and stared at the chair above.

"Seven stars swallowing the sun, the tomb of the real person, there must be a treasure on this chair!"

Hu Mazi's voice was trembling with excitement.

Hu Mazi seemed to have lost his mind at this moment, his eyes were shining, and he ran directly towards the throne.

But just after he stepped onto the steps, Hu Mazi's body suddenly trembled, and he felt a terrifying force pressing on him.

Hu Mazi's mind sank, and then he took out a talisman and instantly drew it on it.

"Light Wind Spell..."

Hu Mazi stuck the talisman on himself, and suddenly Hu Mazi's body became extremely light, and the terrifying pressure just now disappeared.

Hu Mazi walked up quickly, but just after taking a few steps, the terrifying force pressed again.

Hu Mazi was not careful, and was instantly pressed to one knee on the ground, and cracks appeared on the steps on the ground!

The talisman on Hu Mazi's body also instantly ignited a raging fire, and finally turned into ashes!

Hu Mazi only felt that there was a heavy burden on his body, and he couldn't stand up.

But Hu Mazi gritted his teeth and stood up, and finally took another step up!

But just as he took this step, another terrifying force attacked him, and Hu Mazi lost his balance and was instantly thrown out by this force.

Hu Mazi's body fell heavily to the ground, but fortunately he didn't fall too high. Hu Mazi fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood.

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