Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,372 On-site practice

Chen Ping went up to the island and looked at Qingye Zhi excitedly!

Chen Ping walked over cautiously, fearing that there might be some hidden weapon or something.

As he got closer and closer to Qingye Zhi, the pure spiritual energy became more intense. At this time, Chen Ping felt as if he was in a hot spring, not to mention how comfortable he was.

Just when Chen Ping stretched out his hand to pick off the green leaf mushroom, he heard Hu Mazi yelling, "Don't move..."

Chen Ping was stunned and looked at Hu Mazi in confusion.

Hu Mazi jumped up, stepped on the water with his toes, and then came to the island.

"Don't move it. If this green leaf mushroom leaves the spiritual soil, it will wither immediately." .??.

Hu Mazi said to Chen Ping.

"What should we do?"

Chen Ping asked with a surprised look on his face.

If you can't take it away, what's the use?

"We can practice again and absorb the spiritual energy of Qingye Zhi and Lingtu until the spiritual energy is absorbed completely..."

Hu Mazi said to Chen Ping.

"What? Are we practicing here on the spot?"

Chen Ping frowned.

"Yes, that's the only way. This Qing Ye Zhi can never leave here."

Hu Mazi nodded.

"How long will it take?" Chen Ping frowned. He still had many things to deal with. If he practiced here for a long time, what would Su Yuqi do? What should I do with my own mother?

"I don't know either, but I look at the size of this Qingye Zhi. If the two of us practice at the same time, it could be as fast as a month or as slow as half a year. We will definitely be able to absorb clean spiritual energy."

Hu Mazi said.

Chen Ping hesitated for a moment and finally nodded, "Okay, let's practice here!"

Chen Pingyuan originally came to Red Lotus Palace for training, but he couldn't stay for too long.

He can stay for a month at most, regardless of whether the spiritual energy in Qingye Zhi can be absorbed completely.

, he will leave.

Soon, Chen Ping sat cross-legged with Hu Mazi, turned his skills away, and began to practice.


Kyoto Martial Arts Alliance!

Zhu Zhishan's nose was almost crooked with anger at this moment.

He was extremely angry, and the news that Chen Ping was still alive had reached Kyoto.

Zhu Zhishan suddenly became the laughing stock of the martial arts world!

First it was Ning Dahai who lied about killing Chen Ping, and now it's Zhu Zhishan!

And Zhu Zhishan is the leader of the Martial Arts Alliance, and he actually did such a lie.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. I killed Chen Ping with my own hands. He is already dead. How could he still be alive..."

Zhu Zhishan roared and threw things on the table angrily.

"Leader, there are indeed rumors on the martial arts forum that Chen Ping is not dead, and this news was released by the Zhou family in Wancheng, southwest China."

An elder said to Zhu Zhishan.

"Southwestern Wancheng? Then what is Chen Ping doing there?"

Zhu Zhishan frowned slightly.

The elder didn't speak, just shook his head, how could he know where Chen Ping was going and what he was doing.

After pondering for a moment, Zhu Zhishan waved his hand and said, "You should contact the Zhou family in Wancheng right away. I want to ask personally, is Chen Ping a god and can he come back from the dead?"

The elder quickly contacted the Zhou family in Wancheng, and Zhu Zhishan personally spoke with Zhou Tianyin!

After receiving Zhou Tianyin's confirmation, Zhu Zhishan had to admit that he had fallen into Chen Ping's hands.

As the leader of the Kyoto Martial Arts Alliance, the entire martial arts world is laughing at him for doing such a thing.

"Then how come Chen Ping is not dead? I have obviously killed him!"

Zhu Zhishan couldn't understand for a moment. He had obviously killed Chen Ping, and Chen Ping's entire chest had been punched directly through.

If he still doesn't die, unless Chen Ping is not a human, but a god... Chen Ping went up to the island and looked at Qingye Zhi excitedly!

Chen Ping walked over cautiously, fearing that there might be some hidden weapon or something.

As he got closer and closer to Qingye Zhi, the pure spiritual energy became more intense. At this time, Chen Ping felt as if he was in a hot spring, not to mention how comfortable he was.

Just when Chen Ping stretched out his hand to pick off the green leaf mushroom, he heard Hu Mazi yelling, "Don't move..."

Chen Ping was stunned and looked at Hu Mazi in confusion.

Hu Mazi jumped up, stepped on the water with his toes, and then came to the island.

"Don't move it. If this Qingye Zhi leaves the spiritual soil, it will wither immediately."

Hu Mazi said to Chen Ping.

"What should we do?"

Chen Ping asked with a surprised look on his face.

If you can't take it away, what's the use?

"We can practice again and absorb the spiritual energy of Qingye Zhi and Lingtu until the spiritual energy is absorbed completely..."

Hu Mazi said to Chen Ping.

"What? Are we practicing here on the spot?"

Chen Ping frowned.

"Yes, that's the only way. This Qing Ye Zhi can never leave here."

Hu Mazi nodded.

"How long will it take?" Chen Ping frowned. He still had many things to deal with. If he practiced here for a long time, what would Su Yuqi do? What should I do with my own mother?

"I don't know either, but I look at the size of this Qingye Zhi. If the two of us practice at the same time, it could be as fast as a month or as slow as half a year. We will definitely be able to absorb clean spiritual energy."

Hu Mazi said.

Chen Ping hesitated for a moment and finally nodded, "Okay, let's practice here!"

Chen Pingyuan originally came to Red Lotus Palace for training, but he couldn't stay for too long.

He can stay for a month at most, regardless of whether the spiritual energy in Qingye Zhi can be absorbed completely.

, he will leave.

Soon, Chen Ping sat cross-legged with Hu Mazi, turned his skills away, and began to practice.


Kyoto Martial Arts Alliance!

Zhu Zhishan's nose was almost crooked with anger at this moment.

He was extremely angry, and the news that Chen Ping was still alive had reached Kyoto.

Zhu Zhishan suddenly became the laughing stock of the martial arts world!

First it was Ning Dahai who lied about killing Chen Ping, and now it's Zhu Zhishan!

And Zhu Zhishan is the leader of the Martial Arts Alliance, and he actually did such a lie.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. I killed Chen Ping with my own hands. He is already dead. How could he still be alive..."

Zhu Zhishan roared and threw things on the table angrily.

"Leader, there are indeed rumors on the martial arts forum that Chen Ping is not dead, and this news was released by the Zhou family in Wancheng, southwest China."

An elder said to Zhu Zhishan.

"Southwestern Wancheng? Then what is Chen Ping doing there?"

Zhu Zhishan frowned slightly.

The elder didn't speak, just shook his head, how could he know where Chen Ping was going and what he was doing.

After pondering for a moment, Zhu Zhishan waved his hand and said, "You should contact the Zhou family in Wancheng right away. I want to ask personally, is Chen Ping a god and can he come back from the dead?"

The elder quickly contacted the Zhou family in Wancheng, and Zhu Zhishan personally spoke with Zhou Tianyin!

After receiving Zhou Tianyin's confirmation, Zhu Zhishan had to admit that he had fallen into Chen Ping's hands.

As the leader of the Kyoto Martial Arts Alliance, the entire martial arts world is laughing at him for doing such a thing.

"Then how come Chen Ping is not dead? I have obviously killed him!"

Zhu Zhishan couldn't understand for a moment. He had obviously killed Chen Ping, and Chen Ping's entire chest had been punched directly through.

If you still don't die like this, unless Chen Ping is not a human, but a god...

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