Dragon King Order

Chapter 1368: Now that we are here, let us make peace with it

"Nine Shadows Sword Technique, this is Nine Shadows Sword Technique, right?"

Chen Ping looked at the scene in front of him and yelled desperately.

However, the Nine Shadows Sword Technique displayed by this swordsman, which Chen Ping secretly learned from Ichiro Watanabe, is not the same, and the similarities are only one-tenth of the tenth.

The Nine Shadows Sword Technique displayed by this swordsman is obviously more powerful.

Chen Ping wanted to rush down from the boulder and have a good chat with the swordsman.

But Chen Ping's body hadn't moved yet. He saw the scene in front of him shattered instantly, and then his body shook.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Chen Ping retreated directly from the spiritual world.

"Chen Ping, are you okay?"

Hu Mazi's face was pale, and a charm was stuck on Chen Ping's forehead.

"How is this going?"

Chen Ping frowned, it seemed like he had just had a dream, and it seemed like it was real.

"Your mental strength is too weak. You must have been caught in the illusion here and almost fell into it. If I hadn't pulled you out, you would have been trapped in it for the rest of your life..."

"You are not allowed to touch things here randomly from now on, and don't look around blindly. This place is too weird!"

Hu Mazi warned Chen Ping.

But Chen Ping didn't seem to hear Hu Mazi's instructions, and was still thinking about the scene just now, because the scene just now was too short. In just a few seconds, Chen Ping was pulled out by Hu Mazi before he could see it clearly.

"No, I still have to go in and take a look..."

Chen Ping was filled with excitement when he thought of the Nine Shadows Sword Technique used by the swordsman just now.

Although he also learned some Nine Shadows Sword Technique, it was only superficial. Judging from the Nine Shadows Sword Technique that the swordsman just performed, the Nine Shadows Sword Technique he secretly learned was too rubbish.

Chen Ping ripped off the talisman that Hu Mazi had attached to his forehead, and looked straight at the stone tablet in front of him. He wanted to enter that world again and watch the swordsman finish using the Nine Shadows Sword Technique.

"what are you up to?

Are you crazy? "

Hu Mazi thought Chen Ping had been obsessed with his mind, and immediately shouted sharply.

Moreover, this sound also had a terrifying mental impact, and Hu Mazi wanted to completely wake Chen Ping up!

But it was useless, Chen Ping still stared at the stone tablet.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?"

No matter how hard Chen Ping tried, he could no longer enter the world he had just entered.

After a moment, Chen Ping sighed helplessly and looked back.

"It's a pity, it's such a pity..."

Chen Ping's face was full of annoyance.

Hu Mazi looked at Chen Ping in confusion, wondering what was wrong with Chen Ping and why he was suddenly so sorry.

Seeing Hu Mazi like that, Chen Ping could only tell him what happened to him just now.

After finishing speaking, Hu Mazi's expression changed again and again.

"Chen Ping, maybe it was a wrong choice for the two of us to rush into this real person's tomb..."

Hu Mazi was a little scared.

There are many things here that they may not understand at all.

"Now that you're here, you should go in and take a look. Now that you're here, let's settle down..."

Chen Ping smiled lightly.

Things have reached this point, and there is no turning back.

Hu Mazi nodded, and then led Chen Ping towards the altar. This is the real mausoleum.

After entering this ancient tomb, there is a cave in this ancient tomb, a lead-gray mausoleum, and the air is slightly cold and damp.

"Oh my God." After entering this tomb, Chen Ping couldn't restrain his shock.

What level of real people can this mausoleum be repaired? Looking around, the ceiling of the mausoleum is pitch black and as deep as the starry sky, with countless luminous pearls like stars inlaid on it.

Hu Mazi looked at every place in the mausoleum carefully, very carefully, and his face was very solemn, and he was careful every step he took! "Nine Shadows Sword Technique, this is Nine Shadows Sword Technique, right?"

Chen Ping looked at the scene in front of him and yelled desperately.

However, the Nine Shadows Sword Technique displayed by this swordsman, which Chen Ping secretly learned from Ichiro Watanabe, is not the same, and the similarities are only one-tenth of the tenth.

The Nine Shadows Sword Technique displayed by this swordsman is obviously more powerful.

Chen Ping wanted to rush down from the boulder and have a good chat with the swordsman.

But Chen Ping's body hadn't moved yet. He saw the scene in front of him shattered instantly, and then his body shook.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Chen Ping retreated directly from the spiritual world.

"Chen Ping, are you okay?"

Hu Mazi's face was pale, and a charm was stuck on Chen Ping's forehead.

"How is this going?"

Chen Ping frowned, it seemed like he had just had a dream, and it seemed like it was real.

"Your mental power is too weak. You must have been caught in the illusion here and almost fell into it. If I hadn't pulled you out, you would have been trapped in it for the rest of your life..."

"You are not allowed to touch things here randomly from now on, and don't look around blindly. This place is too weird!"

Hu Mazi warned Chen Ping.

But Chen Ping didn't seem to hear Hu Mazi's instructions, and was still thinking about the scene just now, because the scene just now was too short. In just a few seconds, Chen Ping was pulled out by Hu Mazi before he could see it clearly.

"No, I still have to go in and take a look..."

Chen Ping was filled with excitement when he thought of the Nine Shadows Sword Technique used by the swordsman just now.

Although he also learned some Nine Shadows Sword Technique, it was only superficial. Judging from the Nine Shadows Sword Technique that the swordsman just performed, the Nine Shadows Sword Technique he secretly learned was too rubbish.

Chen Ping ripped off the talisman that Hu Mazi had attached to his forehead, and looked straight at the stone tablet in front of him. He wanted to enter that world again and watch the swordsman finish using the Nine Shadows Sword Technique.

"what are you up to?

Are you crazy? "

Hu Mazi thought Chen Ping had been obsessed with his mind, and immediately shouted sharply.

Moreover, this sound also had a terrifying mental impact, and Hu Mazi wanted to completely wake Chen Ping up!

But it was useless, Chen Ping still stared at the stone tablet.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?"

No matter how hard Chen Ping tried, he could no longer enter the world he had just entered.

After a moment, Chen Ping sighed helplessly and looked back.

"It's a pity, it's such a pity..."

Chen Ping's face was full of annoyance.

Hu Mazi looked at Chen Ping in confusion, not understanding what was wrong with Chen Ping and why he suddenly felt regretful.

Seeing Hu Mazi like that, Chen Ping could only tell him what happened to him just now.

After finishing speaking, Hu Mazi's expression changed again and again.

"Chen Ping, maybe it was a wrong choice for the two of us to rush into this real person's tomb..."

Hu Mazi was a little scared.

There are many things here that they may not understand at all.

"Now that you're here, you should go in and take a look. Now that you're here, let's settle down..."

Chen Ping smiled lightly.

Things have reached this point, and there is no turning back.

Hu Mazi nodded, and then led Chen Ping towards the altar. This is the real mausoleum.

After entering this ancient tomb, there is a cave in this ancient tomb, a lead-gray mausoleum, and the air is slightly cold and damp.

"Oh my God." After entering this tomb, Chen Ping couldn't restrain his shock.

What level of real people can this mausoleum be repaired? Looking around, the ceiling of the mausoleum is pitch black and as deep as the starry sky, with countless luminous pearls like stars inlaid on it.

Hu Mazi looked at every place in the mausoleum carefully, very carefully, and his face was very solemn, and he was careful every step he took!

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