Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,355 No bones left

"Sister, are you okay?"

Xiao Min ran over and said to Ji Ruxue.

"I'm fine, thanks to Chen Ping, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come back."

After Ji Ruxue finished speaking, she looked at Chen Ping affectionately.

Ji Ruxue's expression was reflected in Xiao Min's eyes. At this time, Xiao Min smiled mischievously, "Then I really have to thank Brother Chen. Oh, I can't call you Brother Chen. I think I should call you brother-in-law..."

Xiao Min's words made Ji Ruxue blush instantly and glared at Xiao Min, "You damn girl, what are you talking about? See if I don't hit you..."

Ji Ruxue chased Xiao Min into the Red Lotus Palace, while Chen Ping followed in with a faint smile.

Because there was no rest all night, several people fell asleep quickly!


After dawn, Wancheng, Zhou family!

Looking at the Zhou family that had long been in ruins, many people were pointing.

Especially some martial arts families, it is unbelievable that they don't know who they are, and they can turn the Zhou family into ruins overnight.

As the head of the Zhou family, Zhou Tianyin came back and looked at the body of his second brother and the Zhou family that had become rubble. He was extremely angry!

"Who is it? Who did it? I will cut him into pieces..."

Zhou Tianyin roared to the sky, and terrifying murderous intent rolled out!

As a Marquis of Wu, Zhou Tianyin usually only focused on looking for resources to practice and rarely cared about family affairs.

But I didn’t want the Zhou family to be like this when I came back this time.

After all, the Zhou family is also the top martial arts family in Wancheng. Who on earth has such a deep hatred for the Zhou family?

Not only did he kill his brother, he also destroyed the Zhou family.

"Master, he is... from the Red Lotus Palace..."

At this time, a Zhou family servant knelt down in front of Zhou Tianyin tremblingly and said.

"Red Lotus Palace?"

Zhou Tianyin frowned and said, "Red

With the strength of Lotus Palace, how could it be possible to destroy the Zhou family? Even if Ji Ruxue, the master of the Red Lotus Palace, comes forward in person, she is definitely no match for my Zhou family. How could she kill my second brother and destroy the Zhou family? "

"Where are Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu? I asked them to look after the home, but why are they nowhere to be seen?"

When Zhou Tianyin left, he specifically asked Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu to take care of the home, because he knew that his younger brother was lustful and prone to trouble.

Now the Zhou family is like this, but two people are not seen coming out, which makes Zhou Tianyin very angry.

"Master, Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu are dead, already dead..."

The servant said hurriedly.

"Dead?" Zhou Tianyin was stunned. "Where are their bodies?"

"There are no bones left. The two of them took the enhancement liquid, but they still couldn't stop it. They were directly blasted by the people from the Red Lotus Palace. There are no bones left..."

Thinking of the battle last night, the servants of the Zhou family were trembling with fear.

"What?" At this moment, Zhou Tianyin's face turned extremely ugly.

He really couldn't imagine how there could be such a powerful master in Honglian Palace?

If they were really from the Red Lotus Palace, then the Red Lotus Palace would not have remained unknown in the entire Southwest for such a long time.

"Tell me everything in detail. What happened to Xiao Da's body?"

Zhou Tianyin couldn't understand what happened during his absence, and why Xiao Da's body from the Holy Beast Palace would appear in the Zhou family.

Soon, the servant told Zhou Tianyin exactly what happened.

It's just that this person didn't know that it was Chen Ping who killed last night. He only knew that he came to save Ji Ruxue, and he should be from the Red Lotus Palace.

But Zhou Tianyin didn't think so, because he knew almost everyone in Honglian Palace and even the entire southwest who could use such methods, and there were only a few people.

"You immediately gather people and follow me to the Red Lotus Palace. No matter who the other party is, I must avenge this..."

Zhou Tianyin gritted his teeth, murderous intent flashing in his eyes. "Sister, are you okay?"

Xiao Min ran over and said to Ji Ruxue.

"I'm fine, thanks to Chen Ping, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come back."

After Ji Ruxue finished speaking, she looked at Chen Ping affectionately.

Ji Ruxue's expression was reflected in Xiao Min's eyes. At this time, Xiao Min smiled mischievously, "Then I really have to thank Brother Chen. Oh, I can't call you Brother Chen. I think I should call you brother-in-law..."

Xiao Min's words made Ji Ruxue blush instantly and glared at Xiao Min, "You damn girl, what are you talking about? I won't hit you..."

Ji Ruxue chased Xiao Min into the Red Lotus Palace, while Chen Ping followed in with a faint smile.

Because there was no rest all night, several people fell asleep quickly!


After dawn, Wancheng, Zhou family!

Looking at the Zhou family that had long been in ruins, many people were pointing.

Especially some martial arts families, it is unbelievable that they don't know who they are, and they can turn the Zhou family into ruins overnight.

As the head of the Zhou family, Zhou Tianyin came back and looked at the body of his second brother and the Zhou family that had become rubble. He was extremely angry!

"Who is it? Who did it? I will cut him into pieces..."

Zhou Tianyin roared to the sky, and terrifying murderous intent rolled out!

As a Marquis of Wu, Zhou Tianyin usually only focused on looking for resources to practice and rarely cared about family affairs.

But I didn’t want the Zhou family to be like this when I came back this time.

After all, the Zhou family is also the top martial arts family in Wancheng. Who on earth has such a deep hatred for the Zhou family?

Not only did he kill his brother, he also destroyed the Zhou family.

"Master, he is... from the Red Lotus Palace..."

At this time, a Zhou family servant knelt down in front of Zhou Tianyin tremblingly and said.

"Red Lotus Palace?"

Zhou Tianyin frowned and said, "Red

With the strength of Lotus Palace, how could it be possible to destroy the Zhou family? Even if Ji Ruxue, the master of the Red Lotus Palace, comes forward in person, she is definitely no match for my Zhou family. How could she kill my second brother and destroy the Zhou family? "

"Where are Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu? I asked them to look after the home, but why are they nowhere to be seen?"

When Zhou Tianyin left, he specifically asked Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu to take care of the home, because he knew that his younger brother was lustful and prone to trouble.

Now the Zhou family is like this, but two people are not seen coming out, which makes Zhou Tianyin very angry.

"Master, Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu are dead, already dead..."

The servant said hurriedly.

"Dead?" Zhou Tianyin was stunned. "Where are their bodies?"

"There are no bones left. The two of them took the enhancement liquid, but they still couldn't stop it. They were directly blasted by the people from the Red Lotus Palace. There are no bones left..."

Thinking of the battle last night, the servants of the Zhou family were trembling with fear.

"What?" At this moment, Zhou Tianyin's face turned extremely ugly.

He really couldn't imagine how there could be such a powerful master in Honglian Palace?

If they were really from the Red Lotus Palace, then the Red Lotus Palace would not have remained unknown in the entire Southwest for such a long time.

"Tell me everything that happened in detail. What happened to Xiao Da's body?"

Zhou Tianyin couldn't understand what happened during his absence, and why Xiao Da's body from the Holy Beast Palace would appear in the Zhou family.

Soon, the servant told Zhou Tianyin exactly what happened.

It's just that this person didn't know that it was Chen Ping who killed last night. He only knew that he came to save Ji Ruxue, and he should be from the Red Lotus Palace.

But Zhou Tianyin didn't think so, because he knew almost everyone in Honglian Palace and even the entire southwest who could use such methods, and there were only a few people.

"You immediately gather people and follow me to the Red Lotus Palace. No matter who the other party is, I must avenge this..."

Zhou Tianyin gritted his teeth, murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

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