Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,352 Medicine Liquid

this moment.

The whole world was filled with deathly silence, and everyone was stunned!

Shocking, too shocking, three people joined forces and were killed by Chen Ping so easily.

Especially Xiao Da, his legs began to weaken at this moment, and he instinctively wanted to escape, but his legs no longer obeyed his command.

Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu were even more shocked. Looking at the severed body of Zhou Tiancheng, the second master of the Zhou family, an icy coldness arose spontaneously from the bottom of their hearts.

The two people couldn't help but trembled for a moment, and then looked at Chen Ping in horror.

Ji Ruxue was in Chen Ping's arms at the moment, and she could really feel the beating of Chen Ping's heart.

Seeing Zhou Tiancheng's body cut off by Chen Ping's sword, Ji Ruxue was also shocked.

After all, the Zhou family is also a wealthy family in Wancheng. Chen Ping actually killed Zhou Tiancheng directly for himself, without fear of offending the Zhou family.

At this moment, Ji Ruxue's heart felt warm, and she leaned even more closely in Chen Ping's arms.

"I said that if you dare to touch Miss Ji, I will pay with the lives of everyone in your Zhou family. Now it's your turn..."

Chen Ping looked at the two of them coldly.

Feeling Chen Ping's cold gaze, their hearts were extremely heavy and their whole bodies were trembling.

The two of them were afraid. Ever since Chen Ping cut off Zhou Tiancheng's body with a sword, the two of them had been afraid. It seemed that Chen Ping was not afraid of the reputation of their Zhou family at all.

At this moment, the faces of the two people were getting more and more ugly, and their hearts were filled with regret. If they had not stood up, they would not have fallen to this point.

"Chen...Mr. Chen, it was Zhou Tiancheng who touched Palace Master Ji. Although he is the second master of my Zhou family, he is always flirting with women. Now that the master of the family is not here, we can't control him. Now Zhou Tiancheng is dead. I also hope Mr. Chen can let the Zhou family go..."

At this time, Zhou Feng began to beg for mercy from Chen Ping.

Zhou Tiancheng died, but he deserved it. If he hadn't done it for a woman,

How could the Zhou family be in such a disaster!

"Yes, yes, it was all done by Zhou Tiancheng and has nothing to do with us. Now that he is dead, I hope you can let us go..."

Zhou Yu also hurriedly followed Chen Ping to beg for mercy.

Xiao Da listened to the words of the two people with disbelief on his face. He did not expect that they, servants of the Zhou family, would dare to say such things about Zhou Tiancheng.

However, it also reflects from the side that those in the Zhou family don't seem to like Zhou Tiancheng very much.

"I said before, if you dare to touch Miss Ji, then all of your Zhou family will pay for it with their lives."

"You two commit suicide now, and you can still avoid the pain of your flesh and blood..."

Chen Ping's indifferent voice contained no emotion.

Zhou Tiancheng dared to taint Ji Ruxue, and there was no way Chen Ping would let the Zhou family go.


Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu's faces suddenly turned red!

They all begged Chen Ping so lowly, and Zhou Tiancheng was also killed. Do they have to kill all the Zhou family?

Chen Ping held a sword in one hand and looked at the two of them coldly, "Are you ready to die?"

"Chen Ping, don't think that we are really afraid of you, we just don't want to hurt both sides. If that's the case, don't blame us for working so hard..."

Zhou Feng roared angrily, his face was ferocious and full of madness, and then he took out a red medicine bottle from his body, opened the cap of the bottle, and poured the liquid inside into his mouth.

Seeing the medicine bottle in Zhou Feng's hand, Chen Ping frowned slightly, because the moment he opened the bottle cap, he smelled a manic smell, and it also smelled of corpse.

How could a normal martial arts family refine this kind of medicine?

Could it be that the Zhou family has also become an evil cultivator?

Just as Chen Ping was meditating, Zhou Feng's body suddenly swelled up a lot, and the clothes on his body shattered in response, revealing two horned dragon-like arms, his chest bulged high, and the aura on his body began to rage! this moment.

The whole world was filled with deathly silence, and everyone was stunned!

Shocking, too shocking, three people joined forces and were killed by Chen Ping so easily.

Especially Xiao Da, his legs began to weaken at this moment, and he instinctively wanted to escape, but his legs no longer obeyed his command.

Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu were even more shocked. Looking at the severed body of Zhou Tiancheng, the second master of the Zhou family, an icy coldness arose spontaneously from the bottom of their hearts.

The two people couldn't help but trembled for a moment, and then looked at Chen Ping in horror.

Ji Ruxue was in Chen Ping's arms at the moment, and she could really feel the beating of Chen Ping's heart.

Seeing Zhou Tiancheng's body cut off by Chen Ping's sword, Ji Ruxue was also shocked.

After all, the Zhou family is also a wealthy family in Wancheng. Chen Ping actually killed Zhou Tiancheng directly for himself, without fear of offending the Zhou family.

At this moment, Ji Ruxue's heart felt warm, and she leaned even more closely in Chen Ping's arms.

"I said that if you dare to touch Miss Ji, I will pay with the lives of everyone in your Zhou family. Now it's your turn..."

Chen Ping looked at the two of them coldly.

Feeling Chen Ping's cold gaze, their hearts were extremely heavy and their whole bodies were trembling.

The two of them were afraid. Ever since Chen Ping cut off Zhou Tiancheng's body with a sword, the two of them had been afraid. It seemed that Chen Ping was not afraid of the reputation of their Zhou family at all.

At this moment, the faces of the two people were getting more and more ugly, and their hearts were filled with regret. If they had not stood up, they would not have fallen to this point.

"Mr. Chen... Mr. Chen, the one who touched Palace Master Ji was Zhou Tiancheng. Although he is the second master of my Zhou family, he is a playboy. Now that the head of the family is not here, we can't control him. Now Zhou Tiancheng is dead. I hope Mr. Chen can let the Zhou family go..." At this time, Zhou Feng began to beg for mercy from Chen Ping. Zhou Tiancheng died, but he deserved it. If it weren't for him for a woman, how could the Zhou family have such a disaster! "Yes, yes, it was all done by Zhou Tiancheng. It has nothing to do with us. Now he is dead. I hope you can let us go..." Zhou Yu also hurriedly followed Chen Ping to beg for mercy. Xiao Da listened to the words of the two people with disbelief on his face. He didn't expect that the servants of the Zhou family dared to say this about Zhou Tiancheng. However, it also reflected from the side that those people in the Zhou family didn't seem to like Zhou Tiancheng very much. "I said, if you dare to touch Miss Ji, let all the lives of your Zhou family pay for it." "You two can still avoid physical pain if you commit suicide now..." Chen Ping's indifferent voice was without a trace of emotion. Zhou Tiancheng dared to defile Ji Ruxue, Chen Ping would never let the Zhou family go.


Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu's faces turned red with anger!

They had begged Chen Ping so humbly, and Zhou Tiancheng was also killed. Must the Zhou family be wiped out?

Chen Ping held a sword in one hand and looked at the two coldly, "Are you ready to die?"

"Chen Ping, don't think we are really afraid of you, we just don't want both sides to suffer. In this case, don't blame us for fighting desperately..."

Zhou Feng roared, his face was hideous and full of madness, and then he took out a red medicine bottle from his body, opened the bottle cap directly, and poured the liquid medicine into his mouth.

Seeing the medicine bottle in Zhou Feng's hand, Chen Ping frowned slightly, because he smelled a manic smell from the moment the bottle cap was opened, and it also had the smell of corpse cave.

How could a normal martial arts family refine such medicine?

Could it be that the Zhou family has also become an evil cultivator?

Just as Chen Ping was thinking, Zhou Feng's body suddenly grew a lot bigger, and his clothes shredded, revealing two dragon-like arms. His chest bulged high, and the aura on his body began to rage!

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