Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,345 Looking for Someone

"Xiao Da, you... you are so shameless..."

Ji Ruxue stood up angrily and wanted to slap Xiao Da with a palm.

But as soon as he got up, he found that he had no strength, and the energy in his body could not be raised at all.

This time, Ji Ruxue became even more excited, and her whole body was trembling.

"Palace Master Ji, stop trying to resist, just be obedient and I will treat you well!"

Zhou Tiancheng had a sinister smile on his face and reached out to touch Ji Ruxue's face.

"Palace Master, leave quickly..."

At this moment, the two Red Lotus Palace disciples who had been standing behind Ji Ruxue suddenly thrust their swords towards Zhou Tiancheng.

Two people, one on the left and one on the right, attacked Zhou Tiancheng at the same time.

Seeing this, Zhou Tiancheng snorted coldly, reached out and grabbed the swords in the hands of the two Red Lotus Palace disciples, and then twisted hard! .??.


Both swords were broken, and half of the sword remained in Zhou Tiancheng's hand.

Then Zhou Tiancheng waved his backhand, and a cold light flashed through.

A blood mark instantly appeared on the necks of the two Red Lotus Palace disciples, and then the blood mark expanded and blood spurted out 1

Ji Ruxue's eyes widened as she looked at the two disciples who died tragically. Although she no longer had any strength, Ji Ruxue still slammed into Zhou Tiancheng.

Zhou Tiancheng reached out and grabbed Ji Ruxue's wrist, and controlled Ji Ruxue.

"Beast, let me go, kill me if you can..."

Ji Ruxue cursed loudly.

But Zhou Tiancheng didn't care. The more Ji Ruxue scolded him, the happier he became.

"Palace Master Xiao, you have done a good job. When I get back, I will order someone to send you the Strength Condensing Pill..."

Zhou Tiancheng said to Xiao Da.

"Master Zhou is being polite, so I'd rather be respectful than obey. Should I send someone to take Master Zhou back?"

Xiao Da said flatteringly.

"No need, we ourselves

Just go back..."

After Zhou Tiancheng finished speaking, he picked up Ji Ruxue and walked out.

Ji Ruxue struggled desperately, "Asshole, let me go..."

But no matter how hard Ji Ruxue struggled, she could not escape Zhou Tiancheng, and finally bit Zhou Tiancheng hard on the shoulder.


Zhou Tiancheng shouted in pain, and then hit Ji Ruxue on the back of the neck with a knife!

Ji Ruxue passed out instantly, while Zhou Tiancheng cursed and said, "This little girl is quite fierce, I like it..."


Red Lotus Palace.

Xiao Min led people to guard the mountain at the back. Not far up there was the cave. Xiao Min didn't let anyone enter the cave.

But not far away from them, a black shadow slowly appeared. After looking at Xiao Min and the others, it quickly jumped to the back mountain and quickly got into the cave.

The black shadow moved very quickly and lightly, making no sound at all, so Xiao Min and the others didn't know it at all.

As the sky gradually darkened, Xiao Min looked at the time and said, "Why isn't sister back yet? Is there anything going on?"

Xiao Min always feels restless and her eyelids always beat.

So she arrived at the palace gate and waited anxiously for Ji Ruxue to come back!

Seeing that the stars in the sky had risen, it was already past dinner time, but there was still no news from Ji Ruxue, which made Xiao Min worried.

Because Ji Ruxue had never stayed out so late before, and it had been such a long time now. If she didn't come back, there might be something unexpected.

After all, many sect families here have thoughts about the Red Lotus Palace, and they are even more coveted for Ji Ruxue's beauty.

Seeing this, Xiao Min could only summon people and planned to go to the Holy Beast Palace to find Ji Ruxue and find out what was going on.

But just when Xiao Min led people out of the Red Lotus Palace, they saw a person slowly walking towards them.

Xiao Min frowned slightly and ordered the person to get ready. "Xiao Da, you... you are so shameless..."

Ji Ruxue stood up angrily and wanted to slap Xiao Da with a palm.

But as soon as he got up, he found that he had no strength, and the energy in his body could not be raised at all.

This time, Ji Ruxue became even more excited, and her whole body was trembling.

"Palace Master Ji, stop trying to resist, just be obedient and I will treat you well!"

Zhou Tiancheng had a sinister smile on his face and reached out to touch Ji Ruxue's face.

"Palace Master, leave quickly..."

At this moment, the two Red Lotus Palace disciples who had been standing behind Ji Ruxue suddenly thrust their swords towards Zhou Tiancheng.

Two people, one on the left and one on the right, attacked Zhou Tiancheng at the same time.

Seeing this, Zhou Tiancheng snorted coldly, reached out and grabbed the swords in the hands of the two Red Lotus Palace disciples, and then twisted hard!


Both swords were broken, and half of the sword remained in Zhou Tiancheng's hand.

Then Zhou Tiancheng waved his backhand, and a cold light flashed through.

A blood mark instantly appeared on the necks of the two Red Lotus Palace disciples, and then the blood mark expanded and blood spurted out 1

Ji Ruxue's eyes widened as she looked at the two disciples who died tragically. Although she no longer had any strength, Ji Ruxue still slammed into Zhou Tiancheng.

Zhou Tiancheng reached out and grabbed Ji Ruxue's wrist, and controlled Ji Ruxue.

"Beast, let me go, kill me if you can..."

Ji Ruxue cursed loudly.

But Zhou Tiancheng didn't care. The more Ji Ruxue scolded him, the happier he became.

"Palace Master Xiao, you have done a good job. When I get back, I will order someone to send you the Strength Condensing Pill..."

Zhou Tiancheng said to Xiao Da.

"Master Tuesday is being polite, so I'd rather be respectful than obey your orders. Should I send someone to take Master Zhou back?"

Xiao Da said flatteringly.

"No need, we ourselves

Just go back..."

After Zhou Tiancheng finished speaking, he picked up Ji Ruxue and walked out.

Ji Ruxue struggled desperately, "Asshole, let me go..."

But no matter how hard Ji Ruxue struggled, she couldn't escape Zhou Tiancheng, and finally bit Zhou Tiancheng hard on the shoulder.


Zhou Tiancheng shouted in pain, and then hit Ji Ruxue on the back of the neck with a knife!

Ji Ruxue passed out instantly, while Zhou Tiancheng cursed and said, "This little girl is quite fierce, I like it..."


Red Lotus Palace.

Xiao Min led people to guard the mountain at the back. Not far up there was the cave. Xiao Min didn't let anyone enter the cave.

But not far away from them, a black shadow slowly appeared. After looking at Xiao Min and the others, it quickly jumped to the back mountain and quickly got into the cave.

The black shadow moved very quickly and lightly, making no sound at all, so Xiao Min and the others didn't know it at all.

As the sky gradually darkened, Xiao Min looked at the time and said, "Why isn't sister back yet? Is there anything going on?"

Xiao Min always feels restless and her eyelids always beat.

So she arrived at the palace gate and waited anxiously for Ji Ruxue to come back!

Seeing that the stars in the sky had risen, it was already past dinner time, but there was still no news from Ji Ruxue, which made Xiao Min worried.

Because Ji Ruxue had never stayed out so late before, and it had been such a long time now. If she didn't come back, there might be something unexpected.

After all, many sects and families here have thoughts about the Red Lotus Palace, and they are even more coveted for Ji Ruxue's beauty.

Seeing this, Xiao Min could only summon people and planned to go to the Holy Beast Palace to find Ji Ruxue and find out what was going on.

But just when Xiao Min led people out of the Red Lotus Palace, they saw a person slowly walking towards them.

Xiao Min frowned slightly and ordered the person to get ready.

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