Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,324 You are too weak

However, in the early stage of Wuzong's strength, he had such a strong mental power, which shows that the control of magic by these two people must be very powerful.

"Who are you?"

Chen Ping frowned, pretending to be in pain, and asked the two people.

However, the two of them had frosty expressions on their faces, and neither of them answered Chen Ping's question.

I saw the woman slowly raising her hand, and then a huge spiritual consciousness enveloped Chen Ping, directly invading Chen Ping's mind, seeming to be searching for something.

After a moment, the woman frowned, looked at the man next to her, and shook her head slightly.

The man nodded, and then the two of them turned and left!

Neither of them made a move against Chen Ping, nor even said a word to Chen Ping!

This made Chen Ping confused.

He wanted to stop the two people and ask them what was going on.

Chen Ping tiptoed, jumped up, and landed steadily in front of the two people.

This time, the two people were frightened. They all thought that Chen Ping was under control, but they didn't expect Chen Ping to appear in front of them.

Seeing Chen Ping stopping them, the woman hurriedly released her mental power to regain control of Chen Ping's mind.

But as soon as the woman's mental power entered Chen Ping's mind, it was instantly cut off by a golden light!


The woman screamed in surprise and stepped back, while the man's expression changed drastically and he hurriedly stepped forward to help the woman.

The woman frowned at this moment, with fear in her eyes: "You...how can your mental power be so strong?"

"Is yours too weak?"

Chen Ping smiled coldly.

After hearing this, a hint of anger appeared on the woman's face. Her strength was not strong. Others could say that about her, but they could not say that her mental power was too weak.

You must know that their Blood Corpse Cult is famous in the martial arts world for its spiritual power.


"Brother, let's go together..."

The woman said to the man.

The man nodded, and then the two of them muttered words, and huge amounts of spiritual power attacked Chen Ping's mind.

At this moment, Chen Ping seemed to be in chaos. Even though his body was strong, his physical strength had no effect on the mental attack.

The two people couldn't help but feel relieved when they saw Chen Ping's expression changed and his eyes were dull under their mental attack.

But just when the two people wanted to take the opportunity to escape, they saw a golden light flash in Chen Ping's mind, followed by a clear light that knocked back the two people's mental power!

Chen Ping recited the Heart-Cleaning Mantra, and a stream of peaceful and incomparable spiritual power began to envelope the bodies of the man and the woman.

The expressions of the two people changed greatly, and they tried their best to resist with their spiritual power, and then quickly retreated.

Both of these people practice evil arts, and this Purifying Mantra is specifically aimed at evil arts, which can make people calm down and prevent them from going crazy.

"Stop thinking about it..."

The woman struggled desperately and seemed to be in great pain!

"Chen Ping, let us go quickly, or if our leader finds out, you will die in an ugly way..."

The man threatened Chen Ping.

"Leader? Aren't you from the Martial Arts Alliance?"

Chen Ping put away the Heart-Cleaning Curse and asked the man.

The man's forehead was already covered in cold sweat, and his whole body seemed to be bitten by thousands of insects and ants!

"We are members of the Blood Corpse Cult, and our leader is the Seven Evil Star Lord. If you dare to kill us, you are an enemy of the Blood Corpse Cult. Our leader will never let you go."

The woman threatened Chen Ping loudly.

She knew that if Chen Ping could not be controlled mentally, then the two of them would have no power to fight back in front of Chen Ping.

How can two early Wu Zong deal with one Wu Hou? However, in the early stage of Wuzong's strength, he had such a strong mental power, which shows that the control of magic by these two people must be very powerful.

"Who are you?"

Chen Ping frowned, pretending to be in pain, and asked the two people.

However, the two of them had frosty expressions on their faces, and neither of them answered Chen Ping's question.

I saw the woman slowly raising her hand, and then a huge spiritual consciousness enveloped Chen Ping, directly invading Chen Ping's mind, seeming to be searching for something.

After a moment, the woman frowned, looked at the man next to her, and shook her head slightly.

The man nodded, and then the two of them turned and left!

Neither of them made a move against Chen Ping, nor even said a word to Chen Ping!

This made Chen Ping confused.

He wanted to stop the two people and ask them what was going on.

Chen Ping tiptoed, jumped up, and landed steadily in front of the two people.

This time, the two people were frightened. They all thought that Chen Ping was under control, but they didn't expect Chen Ping to appear in front of them.

Seeing Chen Ping stopping them, the woman hurriedly released her mental power to regain control of Chen Ping's mind.

But as soon as the woman's mental power entered Chen Ping's mind, it was instantly cut off by a golden light!


The woman screamed in surprise and stepped back, while the man's expression changed drastically and he hurriedly stepped forward to help the woman.

The woman frowned at this moment, with fear in her eyes: "You...how can your mental power be so strong?"

"Is yours too weak?"

Chen Ping smiled coldly.

After the woman heard this, a hint of anger appeared on her face. She was not strong. Others could say that she was weak, but they could not say that her mental power was too weak.

You must know that their Blood Corpse Cult is famous in the martial arts world for its spiritual power.


"Brother, let's go together..."

The woman said to the man.

The man nodded, and then the two of them muttered words, and huge amounts of spiritual power attacked Chen Ping's mind.

At this moment, Chen Ping seemed to be in chaos. Even though his body was strong, his physical strength had no effect on the mental attack.

The two people couldn't help but feel relieved when they saw Chen Ping's expression changed and his eyes were dull under their mental attack.

But just when the two people wanted to take the opportunity to escape, they saw a golden light flash in Chen Ping's mind, followed by a clear light that knocked back the two people's mental power!

Chen Ping recited the Heart-Cleaning Mantra, and a stream of peaceful and incomparable spiritual power began to envelope the bodies of the man and the woman.

The expressions of the two people changed greatly, and they tried their best to resist with their spiritual power, and then quickly retreated.

Both of these people practice evil arts, and this Purifying Mantra is specifically aimed at evil arts, which can make people calm down and prevent them from going crazy.

"Stop thinking about it..."

The woman struggled desperately and seemed to be in great pain!

"Chen Ping, let us go quickly, or if our leader finds out, you will die in an ugly way..."

The man threatened Chen Ping.

"Leader? Aren't you from the Martial Arts Alliance?"

Chen Ping put away the Heart-Cleaning Curse and asked the man.

The man's forehead was already covered in cold sweat, and his whole body seemed to be bitten by thousands of insects and ants!

"We are members of the Blood Corpse Cult, and our leader is the Seven Evil Star Lord. If you dare to kill us, you are an enemy of the Blood Corpse Cult. Our leader will never let you go."

The woman threatened Chen Ping loudly.

She knew that if Chen Ping could not be controlled mentally, then the two of them would have no power to fight back in front of Chen Ping.

How can two early Wu Zong deal with one Wu Hou?

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