Dragon King Order

Chapter 1311: Into the bag

He didn't believe that Chen Ping could break his barrier with one punch. Now Chen Ping was tortured to the point where he only had half his life left, and he no longer had such strong energy!

Chen Ping looked at Luo Jinyou who was not hiding and had a smile on his face, and he sneered in his heart!


Chen Ping struck the barrier with a punch. The barrier set up by Luo Jinyou had no effect at all under Chen Ping's punch and collapsed and disappeared instantly.

Luo Jinyou was startled and instinctively wanted to dodge, but found that it was too late! .??.??

Chen Ping's punch hit Luo Jinyou hard in the face!

Luo Jinyou spurted blood from his mouth, his teeth flew wildly, and he flew out.

Luo Jinyou stood up and looked at Chen Ping with a puzzled face. He didn't understand how Chen Ping could still exert such terrifying power when he was tortured half to death by him.

Half of Luo Jinyou's face has collapsed, and his appearance has become very scary!

"Recite it, continue to recite it if you have the ability..."

Chen Ping looked at Luo Jinyou and said with disdain.

Half of Luo Jinyou's face was ruined, his teeth were gone, his speech was slurred, and he could no longer recite spells.

Chen Ping stepped forward and slapped Luo Jinyou again with his palm.

Luo Jinyou hurriedly stood up to resist.


With this slap, Luo Jinyou was like a leaf, being blown away in an instant.

Then Chen Ping jumped up, directly in front of Luo Jinyou, and stepped on Luo Jinyou to the ground.

Luo Jinyou's body instantly fell into the ground, and he was in a miserable state!


Luo Jinyou was so angry that he roared loudly. He couldn't speak and could only scream.

Chen Ping raised his feet and looked at Luo Jinyou, who had long since changed into a human and a ghost, crawling out of the ground.

Luo Jinyou glared at Chen Ping, his whole aura collapsed and could no longer be condensed.

"Where is Ning Zhi? Tell me, and I will let you die happily..."\u003c


Chen Ping said to Luo Jinyou.

Luo Jinyou didn't speak, and he was speechless. He took out the teapot from behind!

Then he slowly put the spout of the pot to his mouth, and streams of tea flowed down his throat and into his stomach.

Chen Ping looked at Luo Jinyou in surprise. Even though he was about to die, he was still in the mood to drink tea!

After drinking the tea, Luo Jinyou's aura began to grow rapidly.

When Chen Ping saw this, he understood instantly and punched Luo Jinyou.

He couldn't let Luo Jinyou recover as before, otherwise the fight would continue.

When Luo Jinyou saw this, he threw the teapot in his hand towards Chen Ping!

The teapot hovered in the air, spinning rapidly, and streams of tea were thrown out of the teapot.

The tea instantly turned into water arrows, shooting towards Chen Ping with the power of heaven and earth!

There were more and more water arrows, and finally turned into a rain of arrows, directly covering Chen Ping.

"I didn't expect it to be a magic weapon..."

Golden light burst out from Chen Ping's body, and his indestructible golden body instantly activated!

The arrows hit Chen Ping, making a clanging sound!

Although the power of each arrow rain is not very great, the density of this saturated attack is still a bit unbearable for Chen Ping.

I saw the scales on my body falling off, and my indestructible golden body slowly disappearing.

Chen Ping hurriedly grabbed the Dragon-Slaying Sword and waved it with all his strength to create a vacuum area, so that the arrows could not fall on him.

The Dragon-Slaying Sword took off his hand and began to spin automatically, blocking the hail of arrows for Chen Ping, while Chen Ping jumped up with all his strength.

Chen Ping slapped Luo Jinyou on the head, and his head exploded instantly.

Luo Jinyou's breath suddenly weakened, and he suddenly fell to the ground.

Luo Jinyou was dead, and the teapot fell rapidly to the ground without anyone controlling it.

Chen Ping reached out and caught the teapot. After looking at it twice, he put it in the storage ring. He didn't believe that Chen Ping could break his barrier with one punch. Now Chen Ping was tortured to the point where he only had half his life left, and he no longer had such strong energy!

Chen Ping looked at Luo Jinyou who was not hiding and had a smile on his face, and he sneered in his heart!


Chen Ping struck the barrier with a punch. The barrier set up by Luo Jinyou had no effect at all under Chen Ping's punch and collapsed and disappeared instantly.

Luo Jinyou was startled and instinctively wanted to dodge, but found that it was too late!

Chen Ping's punch hit Luo Jinyou hard in the face!

Luo Jinyou spurted blood from his mouth, his teeth flew wildly, and he flew out.

Luo Jinyou stood up and looked at Chen Ping with a puzzled look. He didn't understand how Chen Ping could still exert such terrifying power when he was tortured to death by him.

Half of Luo Jinyou's face has collapsed, and his appearance has become very scary!

"Recite it, continue to recite it if you have the ability..."

Chen Ping looked at Luo Jinyou and said with disdain.

Half of Luo Jinyou's face was ruined, his teeth were gone, his speech was slurred, and he could no longer recite spells.

Chen Ping stepped forward and slapped Luo Jinyou again with his palm.

Luo Jinyou hurriedly stood up to resist.


With this slap, Luo Jinyou was like a leaf, being blown away in an instant.

Then Chen Ping jumped up, directly in front of Luo Jinyou, and stepped on Luo Jinyou to the ground.

Luo Jinyou's body instantly fell into the ground, and he was in a miserable state!


Luo Jinyou was furious and roared loudly. He couldn't speak and could only scream.

Chen Ping raised his feet and watched Luo Jinyou, who had long since changed into a ghost, climb out of the ground.

Luo Jinyou glared at Chen Ping, his whole aura collapsed and could no longer be condensed.

"Where is Ning Zhi? Tell me, and I will let you die happily..."\u003c


Chen Ping said to Luo Jinyou.

Luo Jinyou didn't speak, and he was speechless. He took out the teapot from behind!

Then he slowly put the spout of the pot to his mouth, and streams of tea flowed down his throat and into his stomach.

Chen Ping looked at Luo Jinyou in surprise. Even though he was about to die, he was still in the mood to drink tea!

After drinking the tea, Luo Jinyou's aura began to grow rapidly.

When Chen Ping saw this, he understood instantly and punched Luo Jinyou.

He couldn't let Luo Jinyou recover as before, otherwise the fight would continue.

When Luo Jinyou saw this, he threw the teapot in his hand towards Chen Ping!

The teapot hovered in the air, spinning rapidly, and streams of tea were thrown out of the teapot.

The tea instantly turned into water arrows, shooting towards Chen Ping with the power of heaven and earth!

There were more and more water arrows, and finally turned into a rain of arrows, directly covering Chen Ping.

"I didn't expect it to be a magic weapon..."

Golden light burst out from Chen Ping's body, and his indestructible golden body instantly activated!

The arrows hit Chen Ping, making a clanging sound!

Although the power of each arrow rain is not very great, the density of this saturated attack is still a bit unbearable for Chen Ping.

I saw the scales on my body falling off, and my indestructible golden body slowly disappearing.

Chen Ping hurriedly grabbed the Dragon-Slaying Sword and waved it with all his strength to create a vacuum area, so that the arrows could not fall on him.

The Dragon-Slaying Sword took off his hand and began to spin automatically, blocking the hail of arrows for Chen Ping, while Chen Ping jumped up with all his strength.

Chen Ping slapped Luo Jinyou on the head, and his head exploded instantly.

Luo Jinyou's breath suddenly weakened, and he suddenly fell to the ground.

Luo Jinyou was dead, and the teapot fell rapidly to the ground without anyone controlling it.

Chen Ping reached out and caught the teapot. After looking at it twice, he put it in the storage ring.

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