Dragon King Order

Chapter 1303 Dungeon Entrance

The boss's body kept shaking, and his face began to twist in pain, as if he was suffering from great pain!

"You evil cultivators, let me give you a taste of being sucked..."

At this moment, Chen Ping looked cold and cruel.

Soon, the boss's body continued to shrink, and finally only a small pile of skin and bones remained, and he collapsed on the ground.

Seeing the tragic death of the boss, the other three guys were so frightened that they were speechless.

They have always relied on absorbing the essence of others to increase their time, but they never thought that one day, their skills would be absorbed by others.

Chen Ping flicked his fingers, and a ball of light blue flame fell on the boss's body, and soon the body was completely burned.

"Chen...Chen Ping, we have no grievances or grudges. I hope you can let us go. What you are looking for is the Martial Arts Alliance. We are not members of the Martial Arts Alliance!"

The second child trembled and said to Chen Ping.

"Where is Zhuzhi Mountain?"

Chen Ping asked coldly.

The second child shook his head, "I don't know, maybe it's in the backyard!"

Chen Ping looked at the three people who were already frightened, and with a wave of his hand, the forbidden space was lifted.

"Now you take me to the dungeon of the Martial Arts Alliance..."

Chen Ping said to the three guys.

"I...we have no way to open the dungeon. Every time we enter, Leader Zhu takes us in."

The second child said softly.

"You just need to take me there. Whether I can open it or not is none of your business!"

Chen Ping said coldly.

"Then...then we will take you there, can you let us go?"

The second child asked Chen Ping.

Just as the second child finished speaking, Chen Ping's eyes burst with murderous intent, "Are you negotiating terms with me?"

After saying that, golden light flashed on Chen Ping's palm, and he grabbed the dick!

Before the second child could react, he was directly caught in Chen Ping's hands.

The energy in the body was rapidly draining away, and it only took a few dozen seconds to

In seconds, that dick turned into a pile of withered bones...

This time, the third and fourth boys were so frightened that they almost peed their pants.

They cursed Zhu Zhishan desperately in their hearts.

Such a powerful person actually asked only four of them to die, but there was no one left in Zhu Zhishan.

"You two take me there..."

Chen Ping looked at the third and fourth children and said coldly.

"Okay, okay..."

The two people nodded repeatedly, and then took Chen Ping to the backyard!

The two people did not dare to make any move, so they took Chen Ping to a rockery, then pointed to a hole in the rockery and said, "This is the entrance to the dungeon..."

"You two go in first..."

Chen Ping pointed to the entrance of the cave and said.

The two guys didn't dare to say anything and just got in, followed by Chen Ping.

After walking not far, I saw a gate.

The door is bronze with two lion heads carved on it, which looks a bit scary.

"We don't know how to open this door. Only Alliance Leader Zhu can open it."

The third child said tremblingly.

Chen Ping looked at the door, then stood at the door and gently put his palm on it.

A ray of spiritual consciousness was emitted, and he wanted to send it into the dungeon to explore it!

But as soon as his spiritual consciousness was emitted, it seemed to be blocked by something.

Here, although his consciousness was not cut off, he could not enter the dungeon at all.

Chen Ping raised his hand, and golden light shone on his palm.

Then he slapped a palm toward the door.

Chen Ping's palm was powerful enough to weigh ten thousand kilograms, but when he hit it on the door, nothing happened.

Not even a sound was made, as if the ten thousand kilograms of power disappeared after touching the door.

Chen Ping frowned, and then smacked his palm again!

After several slaps in a row, the door did not move at all, and Chen Ping was sweating profusely on his forehead! The boss's body kept shaking, and his face began to twist in pain, as if he was suffering from great pain!

"You evil cultivators, let me give you a taste of being sucked..."

At this moment, Chen Ping looked cold and cruel.

Soon, the boss's body continued to shrink, and finally only a small pile of skin and bones remained, and he collapsed on the ground.

Seeing the tragic death of the boss, the other three guys were so frightened that they were speechless.

They have always relied on absorbing the essence of others to increase their time, but they never thought that one day, their skills would be absorbed by others.

Chen Ping flicked his fingers, and a ball of light blue flame fell on the boss's body, and soon the body was completely burned.

"Chen...Chen Ping, we have no grievances or grudges. I hope you can let us go. What you are looking for is the Martial Arts Alliance. We are not members of the Martial Arts Alliance!"

The second child trembled and said to Chen Ping.

"Where is Zhuzhi Mountain?"

Chen Ping asked coldly.

The second child shook his head, "I don't know, maybe it's in the backyard!"

Chen Ping looked at the three people who were already frightened, and with a wave of his hand, the forbidden space was lifted.

"Now you take me to the dungeon of the Martial Arts Alliance..."

Chen Ping said to the three guys.

"I...we have no way to open the dungeon. Every time we enter, Leader Zhu takes us in."

The second child said softly.

"You just need to take me there. Whether I can open it or not is none of your business!"

Chen Ping said coldly.

"Then...then we will take you there, can you let us go?"

The second child asked Chen Ping.

Just as the second child finished speaking, Chen Ping's eyes burst with murderous intent, "Are you negotiating terms with me?"

After saying that, golden light flashed on Chen Ping's palm, and he grabbed the dick!

Before the second child could react, he was directly caught in Chen Ping's hands.

The energy in the body was rapidly draining away, and it only took a few dozen seconds to

In seconds, that dick turned into a pile of withered bones...

This time, the third and fourth boys were so frightened that they almost peed their pants.

They cursed Zhu Zhishan desperately in their hearts.

Such a powerful person actually asked only four of them to die, but there was no one left in Zhu Zhishan.

"You two take me there..."

Chen Ping looked at the third and fourth children and said coldly.

"Okay, okay..."

The two people nodded repeatedly, and then took Chen Ping to the backyard!

The two people did not dare to make any move, so they took Chen Ping to a rockery, then pointed to a hole in the rockery and said, "This is the entrance to the dungeon..."

"You two go in first..."

Chen Ping pointed to the entrance of the cave and said.

The two guys didn't dare to say anything and just got in, followed by Chen Ping.

After walking not far, I saw a gate.

The door is bronze with two lion heads carved on it, which looks a bit scary.

"We don't know how to open this door. Only Alliance Leader Zhu can open it."

The third child said tremblingly.

Chen Ping looked at the door, then stood at the door and gently put his palm on it.

A ray of spiritual consciousness was emitted, and he wanted to send it into the dungeon to explore it!

But as soon as his spiritual consciousness was emitted, it seemed to be blocked by something.

Here, although his consciousness was not cut off, he could not enter the dungeon at all.

Chen Ping raised his hand, and golden light shone on his palm.

Then he slapped a palm toward the door.

Chen Ping's palm was powerful enough to weigh ten thousand kilograms, but when he hit it on the door, nothing happened.

Not even a sound was made, as if the ten thousand kilograms of power disappeared after touching the door.

Chen Ping frowned, and then smacked his palm again!

After several slaps in a row, the door did not move at all, and Chen Ping was sweating profusely on his forehead!

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