Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,179 True Face

Soon, the tea was served, and Dong Liqun personally poured a cup for Chen Ping.

"Mr. Chen, how about you try it?"

Dong Liqun made a gesture of invitation, and then tried to keep himself calm!

He couldn't reveal his flaws at this time.

"Thank you, Master Dong."

Chen Ping thanked him, then picked up the teacup and took a sip gently.

"Not bad, but I don't know much about tea!"

Chen Ping said a little embarrassed.

"Haha, in fact, I only know a little bit. Since it's not bad, drink more..."

Dong Liqun laughed.

Chen Ping held the teacup and drank it all!

At this moment, Dong Liqun breathed a sigh of relief.

Dong Jiahao also drank with Chen Ping, but Dong Liqun did not stop him.

He had the antidote on him, so it was okay for Dong Jiahao to drink it!

Soon, after three rounds of wine and five dishes, Chen Ping felt that it was almost time and wanted to get up and leave!

"Mr. Chen, now all the major clans and families in Kyoto are eyeing you. If you don't mind, then stay in our Dong family and keep Jiahao company!" Seeing Chen Ping was about to leave, Dong Liqun said to Chen Ping. "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Dong. I still have a lot of things to deal with, so I won't bother you any more!" Chen Ping declined politely. "Mr. Chen, please stay for now. I still have something to ask you!" Dong Liqun stopped Chen Ping, then looked at Dong Jiahao and said, "Jiahao, your mother just called and asked you to pick her up. Go quickly!" Dong Jiahao heard that he could only go to pick up his mother, so he looked at Chen Ping apologetically, "Brother Chen, I'll leave you then." "Brother Dong is too polite. Go quickly!" Chen Ping smiled slightly. Dong Jiahao left, and Chen Ping looked at Dong Liqun and asked, "Master Dong, do you have anything else to ask?"

"Mr. Chen, I heard

that you have a lot of treasures on you, and there is also a fused dragon crystal that can produce the power of the dragon. I wonder if it is true?"

Dong Liqun asked.

Chen Ping was slightly stunned, but still nodded, "Yes, it is true!"

Seeing Chen Ping admit it personally, Dong Liqun's eyes flashed with brilliance, and his face was full of excitement.

Seeing Dong Liqun's expression, Chen Ping's heart was slightly shocked.

"Mr. Chen, then I will speak frankly. Even if you don't have so many dragon crystals, your current strength can be ranked among the top in the martial arts world of the younger generation."

"But my family's Jiahao is not good. He is weak and doesn't work hard. Not to mention being on the Xiaoyao List, even the younger generation of the martial arts world in Kyoto are better than him."

Dong Liqun sighed, looking like he was disappointed.

"What does Master Dong mean by this?"

Chen Ping frowned slightly at this moment.

"Nothing else. I see you and Jiahao are friends. Can you give the dragon crystal to Jiahao? I can exchange other treasures with you!" Dong Liqun said. Chen Ping's face immediately turned cold when he heard it. "I'm sorry. If it's other things, I will definitely help, but I can't give this dragon crystal to others..." "I have something else to do. Goodbye..." Chen Ping got up and walked out. He found that Dong Liqun was not what he imagined. But as soon as Chen Ping walked to the door, he was stopped by the housekeeper and his men. Chen Ping turned his head and looked at Dong Liqun. "Master Dong, what do you mean?" At this time, Dong Liqun showed his true face and smiled coldly, "Nothing else. Since you don't want to give it, I can only take it myself." Chen Ping's eyes condensed, and his eyes were full of coldness. "For Brother Dong's sake, I don't want to kill people in the Dong family. Don't force me..." Chen Ping's face was as gloomy as water. "Hahaha!" Dong Liqun laughed. "Killing people? Do you think you can still use your strength now? You have been hit by my Qi Control Pill, and now you are a useless person." Soon, the tea was served, and Dong Liqun personally poured a cup for Chen Ping.

"Mr. Chen, how about you try it?"

Dong Liqun made a gesture of invitation, and then tried to keep himself calm!

He couldn't reveal his flaws at this time.

"Thank you, Master Dong."

Chen Ping thanked him, then picked up the teacup and took a sip gently.

"Not bad, but I don't know much about tea!"

Chen Ping said a little embarrassedly.

"Haha, in fact, I only know a little bit. Since it's not bad, drink more..."

Dong Liqun laughed.

Chen Ping held the teacup and drank it all!

At this moment, Dong Liqun breathed a sigh of relief.

Dong Jiahao also drank with Chen Ping, but Dong Liqun did not stop him.

He had the antidote on him, so it was okay for Dong Jiahao to drink it!

Soon, after three rounds of wine and five dishes, Chen Ping felt that it was almost time and wanted to get up and leave!

"Mr. Chen, now all the major clans and families in Kyoto are staring at you. If you don't mind, then stay in our Dong family and keep Jiahao company!"

Seeing Chen Ping was about to leave, Dong Liqun said to Chen Ping.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Dong. I still have a lot of things to deal with, so I won't bother you any more!"

Chen Ping politely declined.

"Mr. Chen, please stay for a while. I still have something to ask you!"

Dong Liqun stopped Chen Ping, then looked at Dong Jiahao and said, "Jiahao, your mother just called and asked you to pick her up. Go quickly!"

When Dong Jiahao heard this, he could only pick up his mother, so he looked at Chen Ping apologetically, "Brother Chen, I'll excuse you."

"Brother Dong, you're welcome, go ahead!"

Chen Ping smiled slightly.

Dong Jiahao left, and Chen Ping looked at Dong Liqun and asked, "Master Dong, do you have anything else to ask?"

"Mr. Chen, I heard

, you have a lot of treasures on your body, and there is also a fused dragon crystal that can produce the power of a dragon. I wonder if it is true? "

Dong Liqun asked.

Chen Ping was slightly startled, but still nodded, "Yes, it's true!"

Seeing Chen Ping personally admit it, Dong Liqun's eyes flashed instantly and his face was full of excitement.

Seeing Dong Liqun's expression, Chen Ping was slightly shocked.

"Mr. Chen, let me tell you the truth. Your current strength, even if you are not as strong as Dragon Crystal, is still among the best in the younger generation of martial arts."

"But the wealthy man from my family is not good enough. His strength is poor and he has not yet worked hard. Let alone being on the Xiaoyao Ranking, even the younger generation in Kyoto's martial arts circles are better than him."

Dong Liqun sighed, looking like he hated iron.

"Master Dong, what does this mean?"

Chen Ping frowned slightly at this moment.

"It doesn't mean anything else. I see that you and Jiahao are also friends. Can you give the dragon crystal to Jiahao? I can exchange it with you for other treasures!"

Dong Liqun said.

When Chen Ping heard this, his face turned cold immediately, "I'm sorry, if it was something else, I would definitely help, but I can't give this dragon crystal away..."

"I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave..."

Chen Ping stood up and walked out. He found that Dong Liqun was not what he thought.

But as soon as Chen Ping reached the door, he was stopped by the housekeeper and others.

Chen Ping turned to look at Dong Liqun: "Master Dong, what do you mean?"

At this time, Dong Liqun showed his true colors, smiled coldly and said, "Nothing else. Since you don't want to give it, I have to take it myself."

Chen Ping's eyes narrowed, filled with coldness.

"For Brother Dong's sake, I don't want to go on a killing spree in the Dong family. Don't force me..."

Chen Ping's face was as gloomy as water.

"Hahaha!" Dong Liqun laughed. "Go on a killing spree? Do you think you can still use your strength now? You have been hit by my Qi Control Pill, and now you are a useless person."

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