Dragon King Order

Chapter 1170: The Clash of Powers

"If you have mastered the Indestructible Golden Body to such an extent, no wonder so many people want to kill you."

Zang Qing stared at Chen Ping, "If you are allowed to develop, the martial arts world will probably be reshuffled!"

After Zang Qing finished speaking, a dazzling golden light began to flash from his chest. This golden light followed Chen Ping, and it was as good as any!

Then Zang Qing's entire body seemed to be shrouded in golden armor.

"Let's see if my Holy Body Technique is more powerful or your Indestructible Golden Body is more powerful..."

After Zang Qing finished speaking, he began to exude endless power, and his energy began to rise. After an angry roar, he soared into the sky.

Zang Qing's body was like a launching rocket, with tail flames behind him, and he rushed towards Chen Ping at an extremely fast speed.

It was thought that the speed was so fast that there were bursts of piercing sounds in the sky, and the sound was so loud that others hurriedly covered their ears.

Chen Ping looked at Zang Qing who was rushing towards him, and his body fell rapidly, and he also crashed into Zang Qing.

The two of them were going to rely on speed and strength to see whose body was tougher.


A sound like metal colliding was heard, and the entire stone on the mountain was instantly turned into powder by the sound waves emitted.

And Zang Qing felt dizzy, and his internal organs began to tumble.

Pieces of golden light fell from mid-air, and the golden light was also mixed with pieces of scales!

But these golden lights and scales disappeared instantly after falling to the ground!

"Come again..."

Zang Qing yelled angrily, and then slammed into Chen Ping.



The two people turned into two golden streams of light, constantly colliding and separating in mid-air, colliding...

The others looked at this scene and were all stunned.

They have never seen such a competition. This is not a fight, it is simply the most primitive collision.

Xing Jun became more and more frightened as he watched. He was thinking, if it were him at this moment, could he withstand the collision of Zang Qing or Chen Ping with his physical body alone?

In the end, the answer Xing Jun got was no.

Xing Jun probably wouldn't be able to survive such a collision, and his physical body wasn't so indestructible.

Soon, the golden light on Zang Qing's body dimmed, his face became a little ugly, and he was breathing heavily.

Such a collision consumes too much energy.

"Chen Ping, at such a young age, you have such strength. You are truly a genius. I can just use your skills to help me reach the realm of Wuhou..."

Zang Qing gasped and looked at Chen Ping and said.

He wants to defeat Chen Ping, and then absorb Chen Ping's skills to help him practice.

If one could absorb Chen Ping's power, it would be hundreds of times more powerful than absorbing the energy of an ordinary person.

"That's exactly what I meant. A strength like yours can help me practice..."

Chen Ping looked at Zang Qing coldly.

Chen Ping also had this intention for a long time. He wanted to absorb all Zang Qing's cultivation and use it for his own purposes!

If it were just an ordinary martial arts master, it would not be of much help to Chen Ping's current cultivation level.

But for a half-step Wuhou like Zang Qing, the help is different.

"You can also absorb martial arts?" Zang Qing looked at Chen Ping in surprise, "Could it be that you have practiced evil martial arts?"

"Hmph, how could I be like you evil cultivators?"

Chen Ping snorted disdainfully, "You evil cultivators, for the sake of cultivation, you are no longer human. You are even worse than animals."


Zang Qing was furious, "In this world, force is respected. As long as my strength is high, who dares to say anything about me?"

Nang Qing waved his palms down, and the gravel and rubble on the barren mountain flew into the air one after another.

It's like being sucked directly up by the navy blue.

The gravel and rubble began to condense and wrap up, directly wrapping Tiang Qing.

Soon, Zang Qing was wrapped up and turned into a stone man more than ten meters tall.

In this way, Chen Ping looked very insignificant at the feet of this stone man. "If you have mastered the Indestructible Golden Body to such an extent, no wonder so many people want to kill you."

Zang Qing stared at Chen Ping, "If you are allowed to develop, the martial arts world will probably be reshuffled!"

After Zang Qing finished speaking, a dazzling golden light began to flash from his chest. This golden light followed Chen Ping, and it was as good as any!

Then Zang Qing's entire body seemed to be shrouded in golden armor.

"Let's see if my Holy Body Technique is more powerful or your Indestructible Golden Body is more powerful..."

After Zang Qing finished speaking, he began to exude endless power, and his energy began to rise. After an angry roar, he soared into the sky.

Zang Qing's body was like a launching rocket, with tail flames behind him, and he rushed towards Chen Ping at an extremely fast speed.

It was thought that the speed was so fast that there were bursts of piercing sounds in the sky, and the sound was so loud that others hurriedly covered their ears.

Chen Ping looked at Zang Qing who was rushing towards him, and his body fell rapidly, and he also crashed into Zang Qing.

The two of them were going to rely on speed and strength to see whose body was tougher.


A sound like metal colliding was heard, and the entire stone on the mountain was instantly turned into powder by the sound waves emitted.

And Zang Qing felt dizzy, and his internal organs began to tumble.

Pieces of golden light fell from mid-air, and the golden light was also mixed with pieces of scales!

But these golden lights and scales disappeared instantly after falling to the ground!

"Come again..."

Zang Qing yelled angrily, and then slammed into Chen Ping.



The two people turned into two golden streams of light, constantly colliding and separating in mid-air, colliding...

The others looked at this scene and were all stunned.

They have never seen such a competition. This is not a fight, it is simply the most primitive collision.

Xing Jun became more and more frightened as he watched. He was thinking, if it were him at this moment, could he withstand the collision of Zang Qing or Chen Ping with his physical body alone?

In the end, the answer Xing Jun got was no.

Xing Jun probably wouldn't be able to survive such a collision, and his physical body wasn't so indestructible.

Soon, the golden light on Zang Qing's body dimmed, his face became a little ugly, and he was breathing heavily.

Such a collision consumes too much physical energy.

"Chen Ping, at such a young age, you have such strength. You are truly a genius. I can just use your skills to help me reach the realm of Wuhou..."

Zang Qing gasped and looked at Chen Ping and said.

He wants to defeat Chen Ping, and then absorb Chen Ping's skills to help him practice.

If one could absorb Chen Ping's power, it would be hundreds of times more powerful than absorbing the energy of an ordinary person.

"That's exactly what I meant. A strength like yours can help me practice..."

Chen Ping looked at Zang Qing coldly.

Chen Ping also had this intention for a long time. He wanted to absorb all Zang Qing's cultivation and use it for his own purposes!

If it were just an ordinary martial arts master, it would not be of much help to Chen Ping's current cultivation level.

But for a half-step Wuhou like Zang Qing, the help is different.

"You can also absorb martial arts?" Zang Qing looked at Chen Ping in surprise, "Could it be that you have practiced evil martial arts?"

"Hmph, how could I be like you evil cultivators?"

Chen Ping snorted disdainfully, "You evil cultivators, for the sake of cultivation, you are no longer human. You are even worse than animals."


Zang Qing was furious, "In this world, force is respected. As long as my strength is high, who dares to say anything about me?"

Nang Qing waved his palms down, and the gravel and rubble on the barren mountain flew into the air one after another.

It's like being sucked directly up by the navy blue.

The gravel and rubble began to condense and wrap up, directly wrapping Tiang Qing.

Soon, Zang Qing was wrapped up and turned into a stone man more than ten meters tall.

In this way, Chen Ping looked very insignificant at the feet of this stone man.

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