Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,161 Critical Moment

Looking at the bones scattered all over the mountains and plains, the legs of the cruise ship staff became weak and they had to be carried away.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Chen Ping saw several houses piled up with stones in a relatively flat area.

The pirate with the red skull on his chest walked straight towards a relatively large house.

Chen Ping and the others were locked up.

When the pirate entered the largest house, there was a man with disheveled hair sitting inside.

Looking at the man's hair, it looked like it hadn't been cut for several years.

The smell of blood permeated the body.

This man is the pirate leader on Skull Island, named Batu.

Seeing the pirates coming in, Batu frowned slightly.

"Xue Hand, why did you come back so soon this time? How was the harvest?"

Batu asked the pirate coldly.

"Boss, this time we got a cruise ship, but there are no tourists, only fifteen people!"

Xue Hand said cautiously.

"What? Fifteen people?"

Batu's anger instantly erupted, "What's the use of fifteen people? My magic is at a critical moment now, and I must have fifty people!"

"Boss, please calm down. I'll take someone to look for you right away..."

Xue Hand trembled with fear.

"Forget it, I'll go to the sea in person in two days!"

Batu waved his hand and then asked, "Are there any warriors among these fifteen people?"

Xue Hand shook his head, "No, they are all ordinary people."

Upon hearing this, Batu frowned even deeper, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "Which company does the cruise ship belong to? Find a way to contact them and ask them to redeem it, and then we can detain everyone who comes!"


Bloody Hand nodded and then left.

Batu looked depressed. With the energy of fifty more people, he would be able to step into the Wuzong in one step, and his strength would make a qualitative leap!

Originally, Batu and the others

These people were all evil cultivators. They were later hunted down and forced to come to this deserted island.

It was later renamed Skull Island, and Batu lived on Skull Island by robbing at sea.

Materials are scarce on Skull Island, and there are almost no resources for cultivation, so the essence of living people has become Batu's only resource for cultivation.

At this time, Chen Ping, who was locked in the stone house, his consciousness spread, and he quickly understood the situation of the entire island clearly.

And in a place near the sea in the southwest of Skull Island, there is so much gloom there that there should be many bones buried underground.

Just when Chen Ping's consciousness spread and he headed towards the largest stone house.

Batu, who originally looked depressed, suddenly stood up.

Then he looked around nervously.

Because he just felt an extremely dangerous aura.

Although this breath disappeared briefly, he was still aware of it.

Batu frowned and his face became extremely ugly.

This kind of aura would never be exuded by his men.

"Bloody hands, bloody hands..."

Batu shouted loudly.

Soon, Xue Hand pushed the door open and walked in.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Bloody Hand asked.

"Where is the person you captured? Take me to see..."

Batu said.

Xue Hand nodded, and then led Batu towards the stone house where Chen Ping and the others were imprisoned.

At this time, those who were captured were huddled together, shivering, and some kept praying.

Only Chen Ping stood aside, looking at the situation outside through the small window.

The door was pushed open, and Xue Hand walked in with Batu.

Those who were captured were even more frightened and panicked when they saw Batu who was like a savage, and some even screamed in terror.

"What is it called? If you are not honest, I will kill you all..."

Bloody Hand scolded loudly. Looking at the bones scattered all over the mountains and plains, the legs of the cruise ship staff became weak and they had to be carried away.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Chen Ping saw several houses piled up with stones in a relatively flat area.

The pirate with the red skull on his chest walked straight towards a relatively large house.

Chen Ping and the others were locked up.

When the pirate entered the largest house, there was a man with disheveled hair sitting inside.

Looking at the man's hair, it looked like it hadn't been cut for several years.

The smell of blood permeated the body.

This man is the pirate leader on Skull Island, named Batu.

Seeing the pirates coming in, Batu frowned slightly.

"Xue Hand, why did you come back so soon this time? How was the harvest?"

Batu asked the pirate coldly.

"Boss, this time we got a cruise ship, but there are no tourists, only fifteen people!"

Xue Hand said cautiously.

"What? Fifteen people?"

Batu's anger instantly erupted, "What's the use of fifteen people? I'm at a critical moment in my magical power now, so I need fifty people!"

"Boss, please calm down. I'll take someone to look for you right away..."

Xue Hand trembled with fear.

"Forget it, I'll go to the sea in person in two days!"

Batu waved his hand and then asked, "Are there any warriors among these fifteen people?"

Xue Hand shook his head, "No, they are all ordinary people."

Upon hearing this, Batu frowned even deeper, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "Which company does the cruise ship belong to? Find a way to contact them and ask them to redeem it, and then we can detain everyone who comes!"


Bloody Hand nodded and then left.

Batu looked depressed. With the energy of fifty more people, he would be able to step into the Wuzong in one step, and his strength would make a qualitative leap!

Originally, Batu and the others

These people were all evil cultivators. They were later hunted down and forced to come to this deserted island.

It was later renamed Skull Island, and Batu lived on Skull Island by robbing at sea.

Materials are scarce on Skull Island, and there are almost no resources for cultivation, so the essence of living people has become Batu's only resource for cultivation.

At this time, Chen Ping, who was locked in the stone house, his consciousness spread, and he quickly understood the situation of the entire island clearly.

And in a place near the sea in the southwest of Skull Island, there is so much gloom there that there should be many bones buried underground.

Just when Chen Ping's consciousness spread and he headed towards the largest stone house.

Batu, who originally looked depressed, suddenly stood up.

Then he looked around nervously.

Because he just felt an extremely dangerous aura.

Although this breath disappeared briefly, he was still aware of it.

Batu frowned and his face became extremely ugly.

This kind of aura would never be exuded by his men.

"Bloody hands, bloody hands..."

Batu shouted loudly.

Soon, Xue Hand pushed the door open and walked in.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Bloody Hand asked.

"Where is the person you captured? Take me to see..."

Batu said.

Xue Hand nodded, and then led Batu towards the stone house where Chen Ping and the others were imprisoned.

At this time, those who were captured were huddled together, shivering, and some kept praying.

Only Chen Ping stood aside, looking at the situation outside through the small window.

The door was pushed open, and Xue Hand walked in with Batu.

Those who were captured were even more frightened and panicked when they saw Batu who was like a savage, and some even screamed in terror.

"What is it called? If you are not honest, I will kill you all..."

Bloody Hand scolded loudly.

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