Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,149 The Heart-Pure Curse

Chen Ping was very surprised when he saw this. This was the second time he heard someone mention the word "Son of the Dragon".

And the golden dragon that was surrounding him now, Chen Ping couldn't control it at all.

He never knew when the golden dragon would appear.

"Is my father a dragon?"

Suddenly, a ridiculous idea popped up in Chen Ping's mind.

When he was on the Dragon Locking Island, the ferocious fire dragon willingly spit out the dragon crystal for him after touching him.

Is it because he has dragon blood in his body?

"Senior, can you tell me what the Son of the Dragon is? Am I a child of a dragon?"

Chen Ping looked at the old man with a look of desire and asked.

At that time, he wanted to ask the old man who was trapped in the Demon Suppression Tower, but who knew that the guy ran away without saying anything.

Now Chen Ping has met someone who said the Son of the Dragon again. He can't let him go and must ask clearly.

The old man smiled faintly, "When you should know, you will definitely know. Now think about how to defeat me..." After that, the old man waved his hand, and the giant dragon soared into the sky. The golden dragon on Chen Ping also let out a dragon roar, and then soared into the sky. The two dragons instantly entangled with each other. Chen Ping widened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. Because the scene of the two dragons fighting was too shocking. Even if his current strength could kill the existence of the peak of the martial arts sect, he seemed so small and insignificant in front of these two dragons. Any dragon could kill him with one claw! The golden dragon that rushed out of Chen Ping's body exuded golden light all over, and every scale flashed with light, just like the scales attached to Chen Ping's indestructible golden body. The golden dragon let out a dragon roar, and then both claws came out, directly grabbing the old man's giant dragon, and then pressing it to the ground. In a blink of an eye, the giant dragon turned back into a dragon-headed cane and returned to the old man's hand. The golden dragon also hovered over Chen Ping's head, and finally returned to Chen Ping's body in an instant.

Although the old man was defeated, he was not angry, but had a smile on his face.

"The road to immortal cultivation is long and arduous. In the future, the Three Realms may be guarded by you young people..."

"This Demon Suppression Tower is given to you. I hope that one day you can take it, eliminate demons and protect the common people..."

"You have too much bloodthirsty energy, it is easy to go astray. I have a set of Qingxin Mantra here, I hope it will be useful to you!"

After the old man finished speaking, he waved his hand gently.

A gentle force instantly enveloped Chen Ping, and then the Qingxin Mantra appeared in Chen Ping's mind.

Chen Ping was very surprised. He didn't understand why the old man helped him and gave him a Qingxin Mantra.

But just when he wanted to ask, he found that the old man had disappeared.

Chen Ping looked around, but still didn't find the shadow of the old man. Finally, he set his sights on the Demon Suppression Tower.

Chen Ping reached out to pick up the Demon Suppression Tower. The moment he picked up the Demon Suppression Tower, his eyes suddenly went dark!

When Chen Ping opened his eyes, he found himself on the top floor of the tower. He fell to the ground, as if he had had a long dream. On his right hand, the Demon Suppression Tower was quietly placed on the ground.

Chen Ping slowly stood up with the Demon Suppression Tower. At this time, a rumbling sound began to sound outside.

Then the whole tower trembled, and Chen Ping knew that the killing array had been broken.

He put the Demon Suppression Tower into the storage ring, and then quickly ran down the tower.

As soon as he ran out of the Demon Suppression Tower, he ran into Luo Xiang, who had already broken the killing array.

"Are you trying to run away?"

Luo Xiang looked at Chen Ping coldly.

"I'll give you this place. I won't fight with you..."

Chen Ping lowered his posture. At this time, it would be better for him not to conflict with Luo Xiang. Seeing this, Chen Ping felt very surprised. This was the second time he heard someone mention the three words "Son of the Dragon".

And the golden dragon surrounding him now, Chen Ping couldn't control it at all.

He never knew when this golden dragon would appear.

"Is my father a dragon?"

Suddenly, an absurd idea popped up in Chen Ping's mind.

When he was on the Dragon Locking Island, the ferocious fire dragon willingly spit out dragon crystals for him after touching him.

Is it because he has dragon blood in his body?

"Senior, can you tell me what the Son of Dragon is? Am I a child of a dragon?"

Chen Ping looked at the old man eagerly and asked.

At that time, he wanted to ask the old man trapped in the Demon Suppression Tower, but who knew that the guy ran away without saying anything.

Now Chen Ping met another person who said the Son of Dragon, he couldn't let him go, and he must ask clearly.

The old man smiled faintly, "When you should know, you will definitely know. Now think about how to defeat me..."

After that, the old man waved his hand, and the dragon soared into the sky.

The golden dragon on Chen Ping also let out a dragon roar, and then soared into the sky.

The two dragons instantly entangled with each other.

Chen Ping's eyes widened, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.

Because the scene of the two dragons fighting was too shocking.

Even if his current strength could kill a peak martial arts master, he seemed so small and insignificant in front of these two dragons.

Any dragon could kill him with one claw!

The golden dragon that rushed out of Chen Ping's body was exuding golden light, and every scale was flashing with light, just like the scales attached to Chen Ping's indestructible golden body.

The golden dragon let out a dragon roar, then stretched out both claws, directly grabbed the old man's giant dragon, and then pinned it to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the giant dragon turned back into a dragon-headed crutch and returned to the old man's hand.

And the golden dragon also hovered above Chen Ping's head, and finally returned to Chen Ping's body.

Although the old man was defeated, he was not angry, but had a smile on his face.

"The road to cultivating immortality is long and arduous. The three realms in the future may be guarded by young people like you..."

"This Demon Suppressing Tower is given to you. I hope that one day you can use it to eliminate demons, defend the law, and protect the common people..."

"The bloodthirsty energy in your body is too strong, and it is easy to go astray and go astray. I have a set of heart-purifying spells here, I hope it will be useful to you!"

After the old man finished speaking, he waved his palm lightly.

A gentle force instantly enveloped Chen Ping, and then the Heart-Cleaning Mantra appeared in Chen Ping's mind.

Chen Ping was very surprised and didn't understand why the old man helped him and gave him a heart-clearing spell.

But just when he wanted to ask, he found that the old man had disappeared.

Chen Ping looked around, but still couldn't find the old man's shadow, and finally set his sights on the Demon Suppression Tower.

Chen Ping reached out and picked up the Demon Suppressing Tower. The moment he picked up the Demon Suppressing Tower, his eyes suddenly went dark!

When Chen Ping opened his eyes, he found that he was on the top floor of the tower. He fell to the ground as if he had had a long dream. To his right, the Demon Suppressing Tower lay quietly on the ground. With.

Chen Ping slowly stood up with the Demon Suppressing Tower, when a rumbling sound began to be heard outside.

Then the whole tower trembled, and Chen Ping knew that the killing array had been broken.

Put the Demon Suppressing Tower into the storage ring, and then quickly ran towards the bottom of the tower.

As soon as he ran out of the Demon Suppressing Tower, he ran into Luo Xiang, who had already broken the killing formation.

"Are you trying to run away?"

Luo Xiang looked at Chen Ping coldly.

"I'll give you this place, I won't make any more money with you..."

Chen Ping lowered his stance. At this time, it would be better for him not to start a conflict with Luo Xiang.

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