Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,147 Carrier

Luo Xiang stopped and looked at Chen Ping in front of him.

Although the two people were several meters apart, Luo Xiang could not get close to Chen Ping because of the killing formation.

Chen Ping looked at Luo Xiang, and Luo Xiang looked at Chen Ping!

The two people looked at each other like this for more than ten minutes.

"You are indeed young and promising. No wonder many people say that your strength is completely better than mine..."

Luo Xiang suddenly grinned.

"I don't know you, why did you break into my killing array?" ??

Chen Ping asked Luo Xiang.

"You don't need to know me, it's enough for me to know you. I didn't expect that a seemingly ordinary guy could kill Guo Wei..."

After Luo Xiang finished speaking, he punched the killing array again in front of Chen Ping.

Luo Xiang's punch was even more powerful. Many of the killing power in the killing array began to shatter under this huge attack!

Chen Ping's face became a little ugly.

The strength of Luo Xiang in front of him seemed to be higher than that of Guo Wei.

If facing Luo Xiang alone, it would not be difficult for Chen Ping to escape even if he was not sure of winning.

But behind Luo Xiang, there were several Wu Zong who were watching him eagerly.

If Chen Ping fights with these people alone, the chance of winning is almost zero, and it is even difficult to escape!


Luo Xiang struck with another punch, and the killing formation began to become shaky.

Chen Ping knew that with Luo Xiang's strength, it was only a matter of time before this killing formation could be broken.

Without hesitation, Chen Ping turned back to the Demon Suppression Tower.

Listening to Luo Xiang's punches outside, Chen Ping couldn't calm down and practice.

Looking at the Demon Suppression Tower, Chen Ping fell into deep thought.

This Demon Suppressing Tower looks like it should be a magic weapon, but who would refine such a huge magic weapon?

Otherwise, the Demon Suppressing Tower can be large or small, or there are other things operating in the Demon Suppressing Tower, and the Demon Suppressing Tower is just a carrier.

r\u003e Thinking of this, Chen Ping began to search layer by layer in the Demon Suppression Tower.

But every floor was empty, nothing could be found at all.

Listening to the outside, Luo Xiang's power was getting stronger every time, and Chen Ping knew that the killing formation could not last long.

If Luo Xiang breaks the killing formation, Chen Ping will have no choice but to escape, and the Demon Suppressing Tower will be occupied.

Just when Chen Ping was anxious, Chen Ping's eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought of a way.

Since there is spiritual energy in this demon-suppressing tower, he can feel where the spiritual energy comes from.

In this way, we might be able to find the secret to the operation of the Demon Suppression Tower.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping immediately held his breath and concentrated, and then emitted his spiritual consciousness, feeling the spiritual energy in the Demon Suppressing Tower.

Chen Ping's consciousness followed the spiritual energy in the tower and reached the top of the tower little by little.

The top of the tower is just a room of a few dozen square meters.

After Chen Ping felt the spiritual energy coming from the top of the tower, he quickly stood up and headed towards the top of the tower.

When Chen Ping reached the top of the tower, he found that there was nothing on the top of the tower. He could see the entire top of the tower at a glance.

Chen Ping has been up here several times. If there was something on the top of the tower, Chen Ping would have discovered it long ago.

"This is strange, the spiritual energy obviously emanates from the top of the tower..."

Chen Ping frowned and carefully inspected the top of the tower.

"Could it be?" Chen Ping suddenly thought of something.

Then he closed his eyes slightly, and his entire consciousness instantly detached, and then it was as if he had entered the void.

When Chen Ping opened his eyes again, this time he found a copper door in front of him.

"it is as expected……"

Chen Ping was overjoyed and hurriedly reached out to push it, but found that he couldn't push the bronze door in front of him open!

Seeing that he couldn't push it away, Chen Ping clenched his fist, with golden light shining on his fist, and then punched out!


This punch caused the entire tower to shake, but the bronze door in front of it did not move at all. Luo Xiang stopped and looked at Chen Ping in front of him.

Although the two people were several meters apart, Luo Xiang could not get close to Chen Ping because of the killing formation.

Chen Ping looked at Luo Xiang, and Luo Xiang looked at Chen Ping!

The two people looked at each other like this for more than ten minutes.

"You are indeed young and promising. No wonder many people say that your strength is completely better than mine..."

Luo Xiang suddenly grinned.

"I don't know you, why did you break into my killing array?"

Chen Ping asked Luo Xiang.

"You don't need to know me, it's enough for me to know you. I didn't expect that a seemingly ordinary guy could kill Guo Wei..." ??

After Luo Xiang finished speaking, he punched the killing array again in front of Chen Ping.

Luo Xiang's punch was even more powerful. Many of the killing power in the killing array began to shatter under this huge attack!

Chen Ping's face became a little ugly.

The strength of Luo Xiang in front of him seemed to be higher than that of Guo Wei.

If facing Luo Xiang alone, it would not be difficult for Chen Ping to escape even if he was not sure of winning.

But behind Luo Xiang, there are still several Wu Zong who are watching him eagerly.

If Chen Ping fights with these people alone, the chance of winning is almost zero, and it is even difficult to escape!


Luo Xiang struck with another punch, and the killing formation began to become shaky.

Chen Ping knew that with Luo Xiang's strength, it was only a matter of time before this killing formation could be broken.

Without hesitation, Chen Ping turned back to the Demon Suppression Tower.

Listening to Luo Xiang's punches outside, Chen Ping couldn't calm down and practice.

Looking at the Demon Suppression Tower, Chen Ping fell into deep thought.

This Demon Suppressing Tower looks like it should be a magic weapon, but who would refine such a huge magic weapon?

Otherwise, the Demon Suppressing Tower can be large or small, or there are other things operating in the Demon Suppressing Tower, and the Demon Suppressing Tower is just a carrier.

r\u003e Thinking of this, Chen Ping began to search layer by layer in the Demon Suppression Tower.

But every floor was empty, nothing could be found at all.

Listening to the outside, Luo Xiang's power was getting stronger every time, and Chen Ping knew that the killing formation could not last long.

If Luo Xiang breaks the killing formation, Chen Ping will have no choice but to escape, and the Demon Suppressing Tower will be occupied.

Just when Chen Ping was anxious, Chen Ping's eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought of a way.

Since there is spiritual energy in this demon-suppressing tower, he can feel where the spiritual energy comes from.

In this way, we might be able to find the secret to the operation of the Demon Suppression Tower.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping immediately held his breath and concentrated, and then emitted his spiritual consciousness, feeling the spiritual energy in the Demon Suppressing Tower.

Chen Ping's consciousness followed the spiritual energy in the tower and reached the top of the tower little by little.

The top of the tower is just a room of several tens of square meters.

After Chen Ping felt the spiritual energy coming from the top of the tower, he quickly stood up and headed towards the top of the tower.

When Chen Ping reached the top of the tower, he found that there was nothing on the top of the tower. He could see the entire top of the tower at a glance.

Chen Ping has been up here several times. If there was something on the top of the tower, Chen Ping would have discovered it long ago.

"This is strange, the spiritual energy obviously emanates from the top of the tower..."

Chen Ping frowned and carefully inspected the top of the tower.

"Could it be?" Chen Ping suddenly thought of something.

Then he closed his eyes slightly, and his entire consciousness instantly detached, and then it was as if he had entered the void.

When Chen Ping opened his eyes again, this time he found a copper door in front of him.

"it is as expected……"

Chen Ping was overjoyed and hurriedly reached out to push it, but found that he couldn't push the bronze door in front of him open!

Seeing that he couldn't push it away, Chen Ping clenched his fist, with golden light shining on his fist, and then punched out!


This punch caused the entire tower to shake, but the bronze door in front of it did not move at all.

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