Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,107 Heart-wrenching

Long Wu was walking when his cell phone suddenly rang. He took out his cell phone and looked at it with a strange look on his face.

No one had contacted him during his time in Yaoshen Valley!

"Uncle Long, who sent you a message? Could it be a spam message?"

Wu Meir asked on the side.

During this period, she had been walking with Long Wu. After all, Wu Meir didn't need to practice, while Xiaolan practiced hard every day. In the entire Yaoshen Valley, whenever Xu Changsheng and his friends made any good elixir, Xiaolan would be the first to ask for it!

Xu Changsheng and his friends couldn't do anything with Xiaolan. In their eyes, Xiaolan was Chen Ping's woman. Chen Ping was the valley master, so Xiaolan was naturally the wife of the valley master of Yaoshen Valley!

"Who knows..."

Long Wu said, opening the message.

When the video popped up, Long Wu was stunned. ??

When he looked at the screen, Long Ruotong was beaten severely, his body trembled uncontrollably, and the anger in his eyes rose.

If Long Wu hadn't lost his strength now, he would kill the Long family without hesitation!

Even if he risked his life, he would have to give the Long family a good fight!

"Uncle Long, what's wrong?"

Wu Meir saw that Long Wu's expression was a little wrong, and hurriedly asked.

"Oh, nothing..."

Long Wu hurriedly put away his phone.

He didn't want others to know, and he didn't want Chen Ping to know. If Chen Ping knew, he would definitely be furious and go to the Long family regardless of the consequences. By then, even if Chen Ping had three heads and six arms, he would not be able to escape from the Long family!

The Long family has a deep foundation. Just those elders are all at the peak of martial arts, not to mention Long Jingguo himself. Now no one knows what strength Long Jingguo has reached.

Wu Meir looked at Long Wu strangely, but did not ask again. Instead, she stepped forward and gently supported the trembling Long Wu!

At this moment, Chen Ping, who was practicing in seclusion in the room, suddenly opened his eyes, and Chen Ping's forehead was full of cold sweat!


br\u003e     His whole body was also wet. He had never had this situation when he was practicing!

For some reason, Chen Ping felt his heart was tightly tied together at this moment, as if being pulled by something!

"What's going on?"

Chen Ping frowned, his face looked a little bad!

He wanted to immerse himself in cultivation, but he couldn't calm down.

Slowly getting up, Chen Ping walked out of the room, he wanted to calm down.

At the same time, at the entrance of Yaoshen Valley, Yu Dong was guarding the entrance with people.

A man wearing a Taoist robe and walking briskly approached quickly!

"Who is it? This is Yaoshen Valley, outsiders are not allowed to enter..."

Seeing the person coming, Yu Dong hurriedly shouted loudly!

"I am Master Dingchan, and I came to Yaoshen Valley to seek medical advice..."

The person who came was Master Dingchan, Long Xiao's master. In order for Long Xiao to recover as soon as possible, he had to come to Yaoshen Valley in person.

When he heard that it was Master Dingchan, Yu Dong suddenly became extremely respectful.

"It's Master Dingchan. Please wait a moment. I'll ask the elder to come out right away..."

After Yu Dong finished speaking, he turned around and ran towards the Medicine God Valley.

Master Dingchan found a big rock to sit down and rest!

All the way here, Master Dingchan didn't stop for the sake of speed.

It can be seen that he cares about Long Xiao very much and treats Long Xiao as his own son.

Soon, Xu Changsheng came in a hurry. After seeing Master Dingchan, he hurried forward and said, "Master Dingchan, what do you need? Why do you have to run in person? Tell the servants to notify you and I will send it directly to Master Dingchan."

Master Dingchan laughed. He was very happy with Xu Changsheng's attitude.

"Elder Xu, one of my apprentices was beaten seriously and his bones were broken, so I came here specially. I hope you have any magic medicine in the Medicine God Valley to help my apprentice recover..."

Master Dingchan asked. Long Wu, who was walking, suddenly had his cell phone ring, so he took out his cell phone and looked at it with a strange face.

During his time in Yaoshen Valley, no one contacted him!

"Uncle Long, who sent you the message? Could it be a spam message?"

Wu Meir asked on the side.

During this period, she had been walking with Long Wu. After all, Wu Meir didn't need to practice, and Xiaolan practiced hard every day. In the whole Yaoshen Valley, whenever Xu Changsheng and his friends made any good elixir, Xiaolan would be the first to ask for it!

Xu Changsheng and his friends couldn't do anything with Xiaolan. In their eyes, Xiaolan was Chen Ping's woman, and Chen Ping was the valley master. Then Xiaolan was naturally the wife of the valley master of Yaoshen Valley!

"Who knows..."

Long Wu said, opening the message.

When the video popped up, Long Wu was stunned.

When he looked at the screen, Long Ruotong was beaten severely, his body trembled, and the anger in his eyes rose.

If Long Wu hadn't lost his strength now, he would kill the Long family without hesitation!

Even if he risked his life, he would have a good time in the Long family!

"Uncle Long, what's wrong?" Wu Mei'er saw that Long Wu looked a little strange, and asked hurriedly. "Oh, nothing..." Long Wu hurriedly put away his phone. He didn't want others to know, and he didn't want Chen Ping to know. If Chen Ping knew, he would definitely be furious and kill the Long family without regard for the consequences. By then, even if Chen Ping had three heads and six arms, he would not be able to escape from the Long family!

The Long family has a profound foundation. Those few elders are all at the peak of the martial arts, not to mention Long Jingguo himself. No one knows what strength Long Jingguo has reached now.

Wu Mei'er looked at Long Wu strangely, but she didn't ask any more questions. Instead, she stepped forward and gently supported the trembling Long Wu!

At this moment, Chen Ping, who was practicing in seclusion in the room, suddenly opened his eyes. Chen Ping's forehead was covered with cold sweat!


br\u003e He was soaked all over. This had never happened to him when he was practicing!

I don't know why, but at this moment, Chen Ping felt that his heart was tightly clenched together, as if being pulled by something!

"How is this going?"

Chen Ping frowned and looked a little bad!

He wanted to immerse himself in cultivation, but he couldn't calm down anymore.

Chen Ping stood up slowly and walked out of the room. He wanted to calm down.

At the same time, at the mouth of the Medicine God Valley, Yu Dong was leading people to guard the mouth of the valley.

A man wearing Taoist robes and walking as fast as flying approached quickly!

"Who is this? This is Medicine God Valley, outsiders are not allowed to enter..."

Seeing the person coming, Yu Dong shouted loudly and stopped!

"I am Master Dingchan, and I have come to Medicine God Valley to seek medical advice..."

The person who came was none other than Long Xiao’s master, Master Dingchan. In order for Long Xiao to recover as soon as possible, he had no choice but to come to the Medicine God Valley in person.

Upon hearing that it was Master Dingchan, Yu Dong immediately became extremely respectful.

"It turns out to be Master Dingchan. Please wait a moment. I'll call the elder out right away..."

After Yu Dong finished speaking, he hurriedly turned around and ran towards the Medicine God Valley.

Master Dingchan found a big rock to sit down and rest!

Along the way, Master Dingchan never stopped for the sake of speed.

It can be seen that he cares about Long Xiao very much and almost treats Long Xiao as his own son.

Soon, Xu Changsheng hurried over. After seeing Master Dingchan, he hurriedly stepped forward, "Master Dingchan, if you need anything, why bother running there yourself? Just tell your servants to let me know, and I will just send it to Master Dingchan." "

Master Dingchan chuckled, feeling very happy about Xu Changsheng's attitude.

"Elder Xu, one of my disciples was seriously injured and his bones were shattered, so I came here specially to hope that your Medicine God Valley would have some miraculous medicine to help my disciple recover..."

Master Dingchan asked.

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