Dragon Hermit

Chapter 700

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Soon, Bone Dragon and Cain’s bones killed the giant beast. When the huge body fell to the ground, the earth trembles. Xia Yan then dug out the silver bone from the giant beast.

“It seems to match your style, but what’s the use of this thing?” Yuan Tianfeng had to go through it and look closely, but he had no clue, and gave it back to Xia Yan.

“You can change parts,” Xia Yan said.

“Then this big guy, don’t you?” Yuan Tianfeng asked, pointing at the giant beast hill-like body.

“If you are interested, you can carry it.” Xia Yan shrugged and said.

“…” Yuan Tianfeng was speechless. The body of this giant beast is a real hill, and it really can’t be taken away. Should we cut off a piece of meat and take it away? There is no such need at all. Maybe this giant beast is indeed full of treasure, but unless it can be shipped back to Earth, the only thing that can be done now is to keep it here and become a feast for other hell creatures.

“You can’t put it in the space ring?” Phoenix unable to bear asked.

“It can’t fit,” Xia Yan said.

“Then it can only be thrown here, what a pity!” Phoenix shook his head and suddenly remembered something, asking: “Can’t you turn it into your summon creature like Bone Dragon?”

“I will be squeezed out.” Xia Yan smiled wryly. Bone Dragon is originally an undead creature, and it seems that it is naturally close to Xia Yan, so it is so easy to summon success. But these giant beasts are just corpses. For summon to succeed, you must use Xia Yan’s own power to give it Soul Fire. Such a huge body is simply not something that advanced Necromancer can control.

“Are you afraid of being squeezed out?” Phoenix looked at Liu Xue’er and Salina deliberately, but Salina didn’t feel anything, but Liu Xue’er couldn’t stand the ridicule and suddenly blushed.

“Cough cough!” Xia Yan was embarrassed and quickly changed the subject: “If you want to collect samples, hurry up, otherwise you will have so much food, or you will attract something in a long time. When the time comes, you will fight. “

“Xiaojun, help me take out a metal box.” Yuan Tianfeng was really responsible for collecting various specimens. His materials and equipment were stored in Xiaojun’s space ring. Jun helps.

“Here, Yuan Uncle.” Xiao Jun took the box out, and Yuan Tianfeng took out some bottles, jars and various tools from the box, and began to cut on the giant beast. Hair, skin, muscles, blood…everything can be collected The parts are all taken from the giant beast.

He also wanted to get some visceral specimens. Unfortunately, the skin of giant beast is probably more than ten meters thick, which is not easy to wear in a short time. And the skin of giant beast is very tenacious. Even if you use a chain saw or even a laser cutting machine, Yuan Tianfeng also spent a lot of money. Vigorously obtained some specimens. tqr1

Packing the specimen and soaking it with medicine, Yuan Tianfeng let Xiao Jun put it in the space ring.

“Something has come, ready to fight, and the trial has begun.” Xia Yan said in the sky. In the distant wasteland there are two smoke billowing from the sky, which are extremely fast creatures.

Previously, the battle between Bone Dragon and giant beast was too high-end. Other people couldn’t get started. Except for gaining some insights, they couldn’t talk about the word trial. Now that these two things are running at high speed, they are much smaller. Try to fight a bit, otherwise it will make sense to come to hell.

“What is it?” Yuan Tianfeng asked, looking up, while others flew. But apart from Xia Yan and Sarina, no one knew the two creatures that were approaching quickly.

“It’s Hell Demon Dog.” Xia Yan said. It was Hell Demon Dog who rushed to snatch the smell of blood.

Due to the existence of giant beast in this area, other predatory creatures dare not approach, these two heads of Hell Demon Dog are the fastest, other directions temporarily not at all see other creatures approaching.

2 The crimson monster dog is getting closer and closer. Everyone has Telescope in their hands, and they can already see the appearance of this scary creature. The sharp fangs, even the beard, are bone spurs, and there is a tail like a three-sided army thorn.

“Isn’t this fuck a product of natural evolution?” Yuan Tianfeng blurted out.

When Xia Yan first saw Hell Demon Dog, he also had the same idea as him. Hell Demon Dog was completely an extremely suitable weapon for combat, more like a product of genetic modification.

“Be careful, this thing is very strong, I will not let Bone Dragon do it, everyone can try it first.” Xia Yan said.

“This is the best!” Yuan Tianfeng and Phoenix are both begin to stir, and both are militants. Xiao Jun, Salina and Liu Xue’er also did not flinch, especially Liu Xue’er, although excitedly trembling all over the body, but not at all afraid, but looking forward.

The powerful force will change the character and stimulate the militant side. Now Liu Xue’er is in this state. She is eager to fight and eager to become stronger through battle.

“Be careful, Hell Demon Dog will control the flames, don’t get hurt!” Xia Yan warned again that although everyone can hear it, his “be careful” is meant for disciples and girlfriends to listen to you.

“Well, we will.” Sarina and Liu Xue’er are both nodded.

Xiao Jun be eager to have a try shouted: “Master don’t worry, if I can’t beat it, I will fly!”

Hell Demon Dog is about the size of a lion, but considering that it looks more like a dog, this type of body is very shocking. Consider the Tibetan mastiff the size of a lion. The ordinary person doesn’t even dare to face this ominous beast.

“I deal with one end, you deal with the other end!” Phoenix spread his wings and flew in the air, shouting loudly. She is very confident and even wants to single out Hell Demon Dog.

Xia Yan’s self-confidence for her can only shake his head, Hell Demon Dog is only a little weaker than Cain’s bones, but not who can single out.

“Phoenix, you don’t want to be brave… I’ll do it!” Yuan Tianfeng’s words weren’t finished yet. Phoenix had already flown into the air at a height of 100 meters, the wing of the fire was closed, looked towards a Hell Demon Dog dive down. A blazing flame burned on her, showing the shape of a fire bird, dragging a long flame tail behind her, really resembling a fire-bearing Phoenix.

“Let’s go too!” Yuan Tianfeng loudly shouted. A bunch of smoke rings spit out in the mouth, and the smoke rings expanded rapidly, gathered together without falling apart, and went to the other magic dog.

Salina pulled out her long sword and rushed to Hell Demon Dog. Although Xiao Jun was excited, she didn’t lose her calmness at at all. Her strength was the weakest. Such a fight didn’t need her at all. Little girl knew it well Stay in the air and start singing in her mouth, she wants to bless her teammates with bloodthirsty curse.

And Liu Xue’er is still in the air. Although her ability is strong, she lacks the means of melee combat. Although the frost ring can slow down or freeze the close enemies, it cannot be used as a real close melee skill.

The magician is originally a long-distance profession. If you face face-to-face with a creature like Hell Demon Dog, your IQ will be a little touching, but if your IQ is touching, you will not be a magician. No fool. Liu Xue’er, although he is young, is a character who has seen the world. A few steps of being naive is not a fool, so she is a long-range magic.

A mysterious syllable spit out of her mouth, and a long ice spear appeared out of thin air, blasting at one of the Hell Demon Dogs.

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