Dragon Hermit

Chapter 493

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As a well-known reporter, Louise has a wide network, and it didn’t take long for her to get more useful news from police friends.

In addition to the female corpse, a pistol was also found in the underground parking lot. The gun was covered with Redick’s fingerprints. The police are tracing the source of the gun, but it is very likely that Redick did not own the gun.

Apart from this, there is another thing that makes the police 100 puzzled.

Catherine’s red sports car and Redick’s blue sports car have entered the underground parking lot. The blue sports car has been left in the parking lot, and some drugs have been found in the car. But this is not the point, the point is that Catherine’s red sports car is gone!

The underground parking lot has only one entrance and one exit, and from the monitoring records of these two places, not at all saw the red sports car driving out. And the monitoring records only saw Catherine leave alone, and the man with her car did not come out, and disappeared in the parking lot with the red sports car.

The trace left by the red sports car was found in the underground parking lot, proving that it did come in. But the cameras in the parking lot were all broken when the red sports car came in, leaving no more valuable records, which is also a puzzling thing for the police.

All kinds of extraordinary signs indicate one thing. The man driving the red sports car is probably related to the madness of Redick.

The police are now looking for Catherine, trying to get the truth from her.

“We need to find Catherine Hammer first!” Louise said to Jimmy.

“Sorry, finding someone is not my strong point.” Jimmy shrugged.

“What will the police do to find her?” Louise showed an expression of thought.

“Call her directly? Look for the property in her name? Or ask her 100000000 million 10000 rich dad?” Jimmy guessed as he yawned.

“Look for our database, maybe you will find any clues!” Louise thought of a more reliable way, “No matter how low-key she is, it is always Larry Hammer’s daughter, impossible has never appeared in the media. After that, Jimmy, you check it online, I check the information in the station!”

“Okay boss, you have the final say!” Jimmy shrugged and began searching on the Internet, while Louise entered the intranet of Planet TV to find relevant information!

“Catherine Hammer has five homes in and out of Washington, two of which are under her own name, and the other three are unknown.” Soon, Jimmy found some information.

“The police will definitely go to her own property to find someone first, and we don’t care!” Louise buried her head in search, and suddenly her eyes shined. “Catherine Hammer appeared in a luxury apartment 2 months ago. This is The property under the name of Larry Hammer, let’s go here!”

“What if 10000 is not there?” Jimmy asked, turning off the computer.

“It’s just that our good luck is bad, and we can’t find bibimbap,” Louise said.

“Hope we won’t go on an errand for nothing!” Jimmy yawned again, drained the coffee on the table, complained: “Follow you, I will die of coffee poisoning one day sooner or later!”

“Before you die, you will become the most famous cameraman.” Louise said.

Reporters trying to interview Catherine are naturally more than Louise, there are always people who can get enough information, and they are all interested in this highly concerned case, trying to get first-hand news .

The parties Catherine and Xia Yan knew nothing about it, Xia Yan threw the phone into the space ring again, and Catherine turned off the phone, so as not to disturb the beautiful night by incoming calls. tqr1

The curtains of the bedroom are not closed, and through the floor-to-ceiling glass, you can see the beautiful night view of Washington DC.

On the large round bed, Xia Yan groaned and stopped. Catherine made a long and contented cry, and she lost her strength. No one spoke, and there was only a heavy gasp in the room.

“Xia, you are really like a wild beast in the east. I almost died!” Catherine regained her energy, as if she couldn’t feel the weight of Xia Yan on her body, drawing a circle with his fingers on his chest.

“Catherine, thank you for giving me a beautiful night.” Xia Yan kissed her forehead lightly. Catherine was crazy just now. Although she can’t compare with the super-physical Salina, she doesn’t have an unforgettable charm. He couldn’t help but ponder.

“Xia Yan, I want more than one night!” Catherine heard Xia Yan’s words, and suddenly the complexion changed, and said quickly.

Xia Yan was stunned, just like Catherine thought, he just regarded this as a romantic and beautiful encounter, not at all meant to develop a long-term relationship with Catherine, but obviously, Catherine did not think so. Did she move the truth?

“Catherine, you know, I won’t stay in the United States for too long, and soon I will return to China…” Xia Yan didn’t want to lie to this girl and tried to make her want to dispel the idea.

“I am willing to go to China to find you!” Catherine interrupted him.

“But I already have a girlfriend, she loves me very much, and I love her too!” Xia Yan said somewhat guilty when she said this sentence, feeling ashamed of Liu Xue’er.

“I don’t care!” Catherine said without hesitation, “I am willing to be your lover!”

“Why? It’s not fair to you!” Xia Yan asked in surprise, Catherine is undoubtedly a Ms Perfect, there is no need to be anyone’s lover.

“Because there is only one Lich in the world, you are the most special person in the whole world. As long as any woman approaches and understands you, it is impossible for you to slip away from her, otherwise she will regret it for a long time!” Catherine straightly and Xia. Yan stared at each other, holding Xia Yan’s head after speaking, and kissed again.

Xia Yan was stunned. This was the first time he heard such a high evaluation from other populations. Although he knew that he was the only Necromancer on Earth, there was no one like Catherine who said he was the most special person in the world.

This is a very high evaluation, especially from the mouth of beautiful women like Catherine, it is enough to make any man float, Xia Yan is no exception.

“Catherine, there are a lot of dangers around me, like the dangers you see on the Heart of the Ocean, you…” Xia Yan wanted to continue to persuade that Catherine had blocked his mouth with her lips.

“Xia, I was really scared at the beginning, but then I found out that I was really looking forward to your world. This fascinated me. Only by following you can I learn more about this wonderful world!” Catherine’s With pleading eyes, he said pitifully: “Xia, don’t let me leave, please!”

“Let me think about it, Catherine?” Xia Yan smiled wryly, he could not find any reason to refuse Catherine.

“Don’t think about it for too long, Xia!” Catherine no longer knows where she came from. She suddenly turned over and pressed Xia Yan under him, smiled at him charmingly, and slid down, Xia Yan soon sucked in a breath of cold air Forgetting all problems to beyond the topmost clouds…

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