Chapter 535

When the mayor looked up, he saw a human in the sky with a pair of blood-red energy condensed wings behind him.

This human being dressed in black is quietly observing them from the sky.

The mayor suddenly felt that his back was chilly, and his hair was stunned.

Those sparse beards were not fluttering in the wind at this time.

It’s the root cause.

A chill came from the soles of his feet.

Follow his legs, to his torso, and finally to his brain.

It made him feel so cold from bottom to top.

Can’t help but tremble slightly.

Imagine that when you are doing your own thing, it suddenly feels wrong.

When I looked up, I found someone quietly floating in the sky, watching you.

And it seemed to have been floating there for a long time.

Are you afraid?

The rest of the corpses followed the mayor’s gaze and looked towards the sky.

From this look, they also had a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially, the guy Sky is a human kind. This is even more frightening in their hearts.

Where do they come from humans in the corpse world?

This is totally unreasonable.

It’s like one day, when you look up, you suddenly find an ant floating quietly in the sky, with an indifferent face, watching you quietly.

Are you afraid?

But in addition to the panic, they were a little angry.

In their eyes, human beings are weak and vulnerable.

But now, this mere human being suddenly appeared here, shocking them.

And he looked at them with contempt.

How can this make them not angry?

The mayor’s eyes were already narrowed because of his anger.

Yelled from his mouth:

“Kill this human being, you can become a warrior!”

In the world of the corpse, a human suddenly appeared, this must be very strange.

If they can catch this human being, or kill him, they will definitely remember a great deal.

Then becoming a fighter will no longer be an extravagant hope.

As for why the corpses of the previous tribes did not have such awareness.

This is because the corpses in the tribe are just like the natives of Life in the Amazon jungle on earth.

They are completely separated from the corpses in these towns, which is equivalent to two different corpse civilizations.

At this time, those generals were instantly aroused by the mayor’s words.

They slowly roared like a beast.

On their right arm, black tendons burst out.

In the right arm, there was a clicking sound.

Then, the bones in their right arm began to grow rapidly.

Give birth to sharp bone spurs.

This bone spur pierced the skin of their right hand and grew rapidly.

Eventually it grew into a spear.

These generals are basically two to three hundred meters high.

The spears they condensed were more than ten meters in diameter and more than five hundred meters in length.

Subsequently, the tens of thousands of corpses threw their five-hundred-meter-long spears at Mo Shi in the air.

However, when their spears reached less than a hundred meters from Mo Shi, a strange scene happened.

I saw their spears suddenly stayed in the air, as if blocked by an invisible big hand.

Then they fell to the ground one after another.

All the corpses were shocked.

This human being is so strong?

What they have learned since elementary school is that human beings are very weak, very weak.

They can trample it to death with one foot.

However, the human being in front of them was stronger than they had imagined.

With one person’s strength, they blocked the bone spears of tens of thousands of corpses.

This really shocked him too much.

Afterwards, he yelled at all the corpses:

“Full attack!”

What he meant to attack with all his strength was that all the corpses would use big moves as soon as they shot.

Don’t leave any hands.

Of course, it takes a little longer to shake the corpse before.

So there are five thousand corpses planning to release big moves.

Protect the remaining five thousand generals.

Never let these corpses’ big moves be interrupted.

However, at this moment, the human being in the sky, who had always seemed to be in a static state, suddenly moved.

But this action is not big

Just a light wave of his right hand out.

At The next moment, I saw a large piece of black stuff suddenly appeared in the sky.

When these things appeared, almost instantly enveloped the entire small town of Sagewa.

The town became a little dark in an instant.

The next moment, these three hundred thousand corpses fell from the sky.

This change happened so suddenly that the corpses could not be defended at all.

Three hundred thousand corpse ants descended from the sky, and quickly began to devour any living things they could see.

They swallowed the corpse beasts that would raise the corpses, and those corpse beasts slowly turned into bones in less than ten seconds.

After another moment, there was no bone left.

Several corpse ants that fell from the sky landed on a corpse.

Almost instantly, the head of the corpse was chewed out of bloodstains.

He kept screaming, trying to shoot these dead ants to death.

But the vitality of these dead ants is extremely tenacious.

It looked like they were slapped, but when the corpses were taken away, these corpse ants quickly inflated like inflated balloons.

At the same time, hundreds of corpse ants landed on this corpse.

Constantly biting on him.

A series of scary wounds with deep bones quickly appeared on his body.

In less than a minute, the corpse was chewed to the point that only bones were left.

His scream of horror disappeared.

At the same time, a similar scene is happening in all corners of the small town of Sagwa.

The whole town of Sagewa, at this time, the smell of blood is extremely strong.

If you look down from the sky, it doesn’t look like an indisputable town.

But the slaughterhouse and The Underworld.

With more than 10,000 general corpses, how can it be possible to withstand the attack of more than 300,000 general corpses?

What’s more, these generals are still organized and disciplined.

This is even more amazing

There was a rain of corpses and ants in the sky.

In the small town of Sagueva, a dark red blood mist floated.

Mo Shi looked at too few, the killing value continued to increase.

There was no expression on his face.

The ideal of these corpses turned out to be to become fighters and then to invade the Yanshi Continent.

Then their deaths will not be blamed for themselves.

Mo Shi would not have even the slightest pity for them. .

At the same time, the smell of blood has drifted to the distant forest by the wind.

In the forest, the thousands of generals screamed excitedly after smelling the smell of blood.

Hearing this roar, Mo Shi was quite surprised.

But soon recovered.

Killing these general corpses, if the smell of blood can attract more general corpses, it will kill two birds with one stone.

Sure enough, when the corpse ants were killed and the last corpse was killed, a group of corpse beasts had already raised smoke and dust in the distant horizon.

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