Chapter 457 Dragon Palace Upgrade

At noon two days later, the progress bar in Mo Shi’s mind finally reached 100%.

At the same time, a system prompt came in his mind:

[Dragon Palace upgrade successfully! 】

[Contents of this upgrade: 1. Absolute defense: Dragon Palace can resist any attack from the Great Wilderness Division below level 10 (including the Great Wilderness Division 10);

2. Follow your heart: After this upgrade, the Dragon Palace migration will be more convenient. As long as the Dragon King has a thought, the Dragon Palace will move to the position that Dragon King thinks;

3. Refining wasteland: After this upgrade, Dragon Palace has added a wasteland refining platform. Anyone below the Great Desolate Master can enter the Refining Platform in just ten days before Ascension becomes the Great Desolate Master. (The host cannot be used)]

Mo Shi nodded slowly while reading these articles.

Each one is very practical.

Absolute defense, in the history of Yanshi Continent, basically no one else could invade the Dragon Palace.

Follow your heart, no matter where you want to move the Dragon Palace in the future, it will be very convenient.

Refining wasteland is even more practical.

With the refining platform, the Dragon Palace will be able to produce a great desolate master every ten days in the future.

It’s just that the words in parentheses at the end are a bit heartbreaking.

What is the host can not be used.

Originally, he still thought that he had a wasteland refining platform, and went up by himself, and after ten days he would be able to Ascension to the Great Wasteland Master.

The host turned out to be unusable.

Really f*ck pit.

The system seemed to feel the inexplicable emotions, and prompted in his mind:

[Although the host cannot use the waste refining platform, after possessing the waste refining platform, the host’s level Ascension can be linked to the great desert master produced by the waste refining platform. 】

“What’s the meaning?”

Mo Shi asked.

System answer:

[Ascension first-level can be automatically assigned to the level of the host when the number of great barren divisions produced in the refining platform reaches 10. At 100, the host’s level will be Ascension first-level again, and so on. 】

Mo Shi thought for a while, it takes 10 days to produce a great waste division, and it takes 100 days to produce 10 great waste divisions.

It’s a bit slow to be promoted to first-level in 100 days.

If other people know what Mo Shi’s thoughts are, they will probably kick him to death.

After reaching the wilderness hunter, the average person can hardly cultivate for more than ten years, decades, or even hundreds of years to be Ascension first-level.

If you don’t do anything, you can get up to first-level in more than three months. Are you too slow?

Why don’t you go to heaven.

At this moment, Mo Shi had an idea in his heart and asked the system: “Can I move the Dragon Palace to the miniature world?”

As long as you can move the Dragon Palace to the miniature world, everything there will be under your control.

Time or anything is not a problem.

The voice of the system replied:

[In the miniature world, you are already an omnipotent god, still need to shorten the time to speed up Ascension strength? 】

“Uh… so, then can’t you?”

The system poured cold water on Mo Shi:

“No. The host can only use the power of the Ascension of ‘Divine Power’ and can only be used in the miniature world, and cannot be imposed on the real world.”

Mo Shi couldn’t help shaking his head.

It was seen through by the system.

Since it was impossible to force Ascension’s strength, Mo Shi did not bother.

Just secretly comforting myself, own strength Ascension is already very abnormal.

Don’t be too perverted and leave a way for others to survive.

As the saying goes, staying on the front line of being a human being, you will see each other well in the future.

Later, Mo Shi came to the center of the Dragon Palace according to the system’s prompts.

Sure enough, a stone platform had already appeared there.

The stone platform is not high, only more than one foot.

It’s not too big, just let me sit on it alone.

Mo Shi studied carefully for a while, but couldn’t find out what the material of the stone platform was.

Exploring it with Long Nian, I didn’t find anything special about it.

Based on the principle of not thinking about things you don’t understand, Mo Shi Mo Shi called Emma over right now.

Emma hadn’t seen Mo Shi for a long time, and when she saw Mo Shi, there was an imperceptible tenderness in her eyes.

Mo Shi did not notice these.

Pointing to the black stone platform, he said to Mo Shi, “Sit up and see what will change in ten days.”

Emma glanced at her son next to her.

Mo Shi naturally knew what he meant, and said, “Don’t worry, I will take care of your son for you in these ten days of happiness.”

Emma is at ease about Mo Shi, and she is not at ease about being happy.

Nodded and sat down.

As soon as I sat on it, I felt a majestic energy entering her body on the stone platform.

This energy came suddenly and was extremely majestic, making her unprepared for a while, almost unable to bear it.

Fortunately, this energy seems to be just limited to the range she can barely bear.

In just a few minutes, the energy she had absorbed was even greater than the energy she had obtained by devouring those wild beasts in a month.

This made Emma couldn’t help but feel happy.

Mo Shi said to her: “Stabilize your mind and start cultivation.”

Emma nodded quickly: “Yes.”

Then his mind settled down, and he began to exhale slowly and inhale slowly.

Mo Shi can also obviously feel the aura on Emma’s body, fast Ascension.

Mo Shi said, “Don’t come down during this period, you will know the result after ten days.”

Emma is in cultivation and has no time to answer.

But a slight movement of her brows indicated that she knew.

Then Mo Shijiao happily called over and told her to help take care of Emma’s son in the past ten days.

In the next ten days, Mo Shi lived leisurely.

Now his strength, coupled with the Canglong clone, does not say that he is invincible on the mainland, but he is definitely a super first-class powerhouse.

There is nothing urgent to do.

You don’t have to hurry up to Ascension strength like in the past.

So he planned to stay in the Dragon Palace for a few more days first to see how effective this deserted platform was.

In ten days, speaking slow and slow, speaking fast and fast.

Mo Shi didn’t seem to feel it yet, ten days had passed.

In these ten days, Emma has been cultivating on the deserted platform.

Mo Shi had already ordered that no one else was allowed to approach the deserted refining platform.

Others didn’t know what Emma was doing.

But they knew that Moshi’s orders were imperial edicts.

Therefore, in these ten days, no one dared to approach the deserted platform.

Even the room where the deserted refining platform was located was basically no one approached.

With Emma’s current strength, in cultivation, it is completely possible to eat or drink.

Naturally, there is no need to excrete.

At noon that day, Mo Shi brought Emma’s son to the edge of the Lianhuang Platform.

He opened the eyes of the dragon and saw that Emma’s level was only the sixth-level waste hunter.

However, Emma’s aura was much stronger than before.

With this imposing estimation, he has already reached the pinnacle of the tenth-level waste hunter.

Looking at the time, it was more than two minutes away from the entire ten days.

Mo Shi waited quietly.

Two minutes later.

Emma’s momentum rose again.

In just over ten seconds, it was dozens of times stronger than in the past.

This time, the momentum has risen quickly and violently.

But the time is very short.

In just five seconds, it stopped.

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