Chapter 300 Want to kill someone for treasure? Then see who took the treasure

The brainwave converter is the latest high-tech product of Yanshi mainland.

It hasn’t been long since it was developed, and only some big forces have it.

Wearing a brainwave communicator, you can communicate directly with your mind, without language or body movements.

At this time, the three disciples of the White Lotus Sect, who were in white clothes fluttering and looked like immortals, had been negotiated.

The trio’s gazes at Mo Shi changed in an instant.

A man in white is inexplicable:

“Boy, you have done so many murders, we wanted to persuade you to turn back to the shore, but we didn’t expect you to even want to kill us. It’s crazy.”

Mo Shi suddenly had a black question mark face.

When did I say I was going to kill you?

If you really wanted to kill you, you guys died early.

How can there be a chance to beep here?

The other man in white also yelled:

“Insulting our white lotus candidate Holy Maiden, and uttering wild words, insulting our Virgin White lotus religion. If we can’t destroy you today, how can our white lotus religion survive?”

Mo Shi once again had a black question mark face.

I just argued with her a few words, isn’t it a rant?

And to insult your Blessed Virgin White Lotus, this is too ridiculous.

Even if I really want to insult, it is only the Virgin and Holy Maiden.

Insult your entire Virgin White Lotus, or I still don’t have the ability.

The Holy Maiden candidate in white clothes also pointed at Mo Shi at this time:

“The three of us will act for the sky today!”

As she said, her thought power enveloped her with all her strength.

Mo Shi’s speed suddenly dropped again.

It can only reach fifty meters per second.

The two men in white clothes condensed genetic martial arts at the same time.

With one sword and one sword, he slashed at Mo Shi fiercely.

Mo Shi didn’t know what they were making at this time.

From their greedy eyes, they knew that they should have taken a fancy to something in themselves and wanted to kill someone for treasure.

After plundering their memories, it really turned out to be the case.

Mo Shi didn’t want to tie up with the Virgin White Lotus.

But now they actually had this idea, I’m sorry.

Want to kill someone for treasure?

We can see, who killed whom, and who robbed whose treasure?

Thinking of this, in Mo Shiqing’s cold eyes, killing intent appeared.

When the mind moved, the Canglong clone appeared instantly.

The next moment, this mosquito avatar, like a cheetah, suddenly jumped over from the side.

It was like a hunting dog leaping on a rabbit that jumped into the air, and directly intercepted a white-clothed man in the air.


There was a tingling voice.

The man in white was bitten into two pieces and swallowed.

Then, Canglong avatar pounced on another man in white.

When the white-clothed man saw him, his expression suddenly changed.

Swallowing a Level 1 Wilderness Hunter in one bite, how strong is this monster?

He didn’t dare to hesitate at all, turned around and fled.

In the sky, the Holy Maiden candidate was also frightened.

She never expected that an upgraded barren beast would jump out of thin air and swallow one of her seniors directly.

Such an upgraded wild beast is something they can’t handle at all.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly stepped on her flying skateboard shoes and turned around to fly away.

However, it was too late.

The Canglong avatar leaped, and the flutter was three kilometers away.

He swallowed the Holy Maiden candidate directly into his mouth.

The remaining man in white had already escaped five kilometers at this time.

But Mosasaur clone opened its huge mouth, and there was a sharp, piercing cry in its throat.


The white-clothed man suddenly sweetened his throat and spewed a mouthful of blood.

Falling down from the air.

Mo Shi controlled the Canglong clone and jumped again. The man in white was intercepted in the air.

Then he swallowed the white man into his abdomen with one mouth.

So far, all three of the White Lotus Sect of the Virgin died tragically in the belly of the Canglong clone.

Mo Shi’s consciousness returned to the ontology.

At the same time, Mossaurus cloned a huge mouth and spit out a few objects.

Three brainwave converters.

A token.

A stone the size of a fist.

The brainwave converter can be used by the subordinates in the base.

The token is of jade quality.

There is a woman carved on it, and a white lotus underneath.

Obviously, this is a token of the White Lotus of the Virgin.

From the memories of those three people, Mo Shi already knew that only the disciples of the White Lotus Sect could possess such tokens.

As long as you hold such a token, it is equivalent to the presence of the White Lotus Sect Master.

With such a token, it is not only useful within the White Lotus Sect of the Virgin, but also when it goes to other forces, with such a token, other forces are not in a hurry to look differently, and try their best to help.

Of course, there are genetic stigmas on such tokens.

Only the original owner can activate the branding on the token to distinguish the authenticity.

However, Mo Shi has a sign-in system. Based on his understanding of the system, he should be able to sign in a piece of the Virgin White Lotus token that he can use.

And the last stone is crystal clear and contains huge energy.

Mo Shi knew from the memory of the Holy Maiden candidate that this turned out to be a teleportation stone in the ancient battlefield of the dragon.

Before, Mo Shi only knew that he could enter the ancient battlefield of the dragon by reaching the hunter Realm.

In fact, there is another limitation, that is, the ancient battlefield teleportation stone.

It is said that at the beginning, if you want to go to the ancient battlefield of the dragon, you must reach the Great Desolate Division Realm.

A senior great power, is the first great desolate division who can safely return to the ancient battlefield of the dragon.

After he came back, based on the situation he had explored in the ancient battlefield of the dragon, he realized that the hunter could actually go there to practice.

It’s just that there are restrictions on the seal, and the hunter can’t get in at all.

So he spent a lot of thought to create a lot of teleportation stones, and the wilderness hunter relied on these teleportation to be me in order to enter the ancient dragon battlefield.

Now that many years have passed, the teleportation stones are running out.

Each piece is a sky-high price.

Unexpectedly, the three of them rushed over and gave themselves a piece.

Putting away the other two things, Mo Shi said in his mind: “System, special event sign-in.”

The voice of the system came immediately:

【Sign in successfully! 】

[Sign-in event: Killing the Holy Maiden candidate of the White Lotus Church][Sign-in reward: One piece of the Virgin White Lotus Token. 】

When Mo Shi heard the prompt, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, this reward.

Once you have figured out the system reward routines and what you want in the future, you can do some special events to get rewards.

Next, Mo Shi continued to blast the Cheng family members with his fists.

When it comes to killing with a fist, the efficiency is really bad.

It took Mo Shi more than five hours to slaughter everyone in the Cheng family until dark.

As a result, millions of drops of dragon blood were harvested.

At this time, it was getting late. Mo Shi first searched the Cheng’s house.

All useful things are stored in the personal warehouse.

Clean up those cash too.

Then he took advantage of Long Yingbu to leave a few kilometers away, and then stopped.

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