Chapter 294

During Mo Shi’s investigation, at this time, in Chengjia Village, Chengjia Town, in front of the Cheng family compound, thousands of people had gathered.

There are more than ten fighters.

The dozen people who had just escaped from Hunting Island No. 1 were among them.

A middle-aged man with a grim complexion was standing in front of these thousands of people, with anger blazing out of his eyes.

“On Hunting Island No. 1, kill my son of Cheng Chengcheng. If I don’t kill him, what is the father of Cheng Chengcheng?”

“A small hunting island, dare to deceive me into the Cheng family, I Cheng Chengcheng will kill the hunting island No. 1 and razed it to the ground!”

Thousands of people below all raised their right arms and shouted:

“Razed to the ground!”

“Razed to the ground!”

“Razed to the ground!”

Especially Cheng Ming and more than a dozen people who have just escaped back.

They dignified the Cheng family in Youzhou, but they were bullied by a small hunting island.

This time, there was a wild hunter, the owner of the Patriarch, who was out there, so he didn’t believe that the No. 1 Hunting Island could not be destroyed.

Mo Shi probed this and sneered.

Take a leap.

In just two steps, he appeared in front of the Cheng Family Courtyard.

The thousands of Cheng’s family members were all taken aback when they saw the sudden appearance of this young man.

When Patriarch Cheng Chengcheng saw Mo Shi, the monstrous anger in his chest could no longer be suppressed.

Although he has not seen Mo Shi before, according to the video provided by Hunting Island No. 2, this person is from Hunting Island No. 1.

And it was probably the murderer who killed his two sons.

My two sons, before I went to find him, he actually took the initiative to come.

Too much deception!


“Boy, my son was killed by you!?”

Cheng Chengcheng’s eyes were red, and he questioned angrily.

Even though he is already a strong man in the wilderness hunter Realm, the killing of his two sons has made it difficult for him to accept until now.

Mo Shi nodded indifferently, his tone was flat:

“Guess it.”

The more than a thousand people in the Cheng family heard the words, and all of them were angry with their eyes.

“This kid, looking for death!”

“Killing two Young Masters and three Young Masters, our Cheng family will never end with you!”

“Boy, die!”

Someone has already stepped forward amidst the roar.

That is an 8th-level waste hunter.

Mo Shi didn’t wait for him to condense the gene martial arts, and his figure flashed.

Instantly disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he was already behind the 8th-level waste hunter.

Then he blasted a punch and smashed the 8th-level waste hunter’s back severely.

The 8-level waste hunter was slightly surprised.

This kid, so fast Movement Technique.

But that’s it.

From the moment Mo Shi started his hands, he had already felt that Mo Shi was a level 5 waste hunter.

A mere level 5 waste hunter also dared to be presumptuous in front of him.

Thinking of this, he suddenly turned around.

Right fist and Mo Shi directly blasted over.



The fists banged against each other, and a soft sound of broken bones came suddenly.

Look at the 8th-level waste hunter.

The right arm was broken directly at a terrifying angle, and the anti-joint was folded back.

At the same time, his figure flew more than 30 meters away.


A mouthful of blood, just like in the movie, spurted out.

A cloud of blood was formed, which diffused under the sun.

Everyone around saw that this person had fainted, and everyone was shocked.

This kid, what a powerful force!

The elders of the family ran over and probed the man’s breath.

There is no breath.

Touched his chest.

The heart has stopped beating.

Touched his Dantian part again.

There was no surging of energy there.

This suffices to show that this 8th-level waste hunter has already broken Dantian and died.

The more the elder explored, the more shocked, the shock on his face grew thicker.

After a while, he glanced at Mo Shi in disbelief, and said to Cheng Chengcheng:

“Dantian broke and died.”

As soon as this statement was made, the scene suddenly fell silent.

When Mo released his hand just now, they could all feel that this guy was just a level 5 waste hunter.

A mere level 5 waste hunter actually killed a level 8 waste hunter at level 3 in seconds.

This is too exaggerated.

Above the Yanshi Continent, leapfrog battles are common.

But the leapfrog fight represents the challenge of more powerful people.

Therefore, in leapfrog battles, there are very few who can kill opponents in seconds.

Not to mention it is over level 3, killing opponents in seconds.

However, these are only seen by the less powerful tribesmen.

The more powerful clansmen of the Cheng family saw another aspect.

This guy didn’t even condense the genetic weapons when he killed their tribe members by second level.

In other words, he was purely using physical power just now to kill their clansmen at level 3.

This is what shocked them most.

The physical strength of this kid is so terrifying!

As said, if he uses genetic weapons, or even energy weapons, wouldn’t he be able to challenge level 10 waste hunters beyond level 5?




The elders of the Cheng family all took a breath.

The level 5 challenge, even in the history of the entire continent, has never appeared a few times.

If this kid can really do it, he must be a peerless genius!

At this time, Cheng Ming subconsciously retreated a small step.

I was scared.

As a level 10 waste hunter, he suffered a big loss when he went to Hunting Island No. 1 today.

My heart was so hot.

Just now I saw Mo Shi single-handedly, and he dared to provoke Cheng’s family, and his heart was even more angry.

So he wanted to be the first to step forward and kill this kid.

In the end, he was preempted by that tribe.

It now seems that fortunately, that tribe has taken the lead.

Otherwise, I rushed up and met this little perverted kid, and he might not win.

When Cheng Chengcheng saw Mo Shi killed a tribe with a punch, his heart was surprised, and his anger rose even more.

This is not repaying the old hatred, but adding new hatreds.

Thinking of this, he roared:

“Keyboarder, kill this kid for me!”

The keyboard player among those people heard this, and hurriedly responded with a “yes”.

Then I opened the belt keyboard and moved my fingers quickly on it.

However, at this moment, Mo Shi’s figure already appeared behind the keyboard player.

A punch hit the keyboard player directly.

Almost at this time, the head of the Cheng family had already appeared behind the keyboard player.

Peering with his right hand, he has grasped Mo Shi’s arm.

Upon seeing this, Mo Shi’s figure flashed immediately.

Came among the more than 1,000 people in the Cheng family in an instant.

Unfolding his fists, he bombarded the Cheng family’s children.


With one punch, kill a level 2 waste hunter.

[Kill 1 Level 2 Wilderness Hunter and get 2 drops of Titan Dragon’s blood]


With one punch, kill a 7th-level waste hunter.

[Kill a 7th-level hunter and get 7 drops of Titan dragon blood]


[Kill 1 hunter of level 8 and get 8 drops of Titan dragon blood]

With Mo Shi’s fist swinging, his mind was swiped by the information that he had obtained the blood of the Titan Dragon.

As for the Cheng family, their expressions changed drastically.

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