Chapter 282

Hunting Island No. 13 is a steel island.

The entire island is built into an island with huge amounts of steel in the sea.

Of course, man-made islands are naturally not as big as the inexplicable Hunting Island One.

At the very center of the island is the entrance to Hunting Ground No. 13.

On the entire continent, there are very few people who have reached the level of hunters.

Not to mention that those who can reach Level 3 or above are even rarer.

So the flow of people on the thirteenth hunting ground-ahem, there are almost no people.

In the entire empty hall, except for Mo Shi, there was not even a ghost shadow.

Mo Shi scanned the surroundings with Long Nian and found that the entire hunting island on the 13th had more than 30,000 people.

Of course, these 10,000 people are all residents of the island.

They make a living by mining crystal source veins in the nearby sea.

Mo Shi went to the self-service ticketing terminal, brushed his face and bought a ticket.

One ticket is 130,000.

But for Mo Shi, it’s not bad money.

According to the computer’s prompt, from the side door of the ticket hall, entered the transfer hall.

In the teleportation hall, there was someone who was waiting to be teleported.

This is a man who seems to be in his fifties with a beard.

He didn’t sit on the chair beside him, but Lotus Position sat on the cold floor of the hall.

In his arms he held a jet black, but occasionally white fluorescent striped long sword with a sense of science and technology.

He was closing his eyes and rested, when he heard Mo Shi come in, his eyelids lifted slightly.

Mo Shi just glanced at him and felt an invisible sense of oppression.

This sense of oppression does not come from the oppression of the opponent’s momentum, nor the oppression of energy.

It is a natural oppression from the strong to the weak.

Even if the other party does not have a hint of malice, this kind of natural oppression still exists.

This is enough to show that the strength of this bearded man is far beyond explanation.

Mo Shixin was secretly surprised.

Planning to quietly open the eyes of the blood dragon and probe this man.

However, when blood red appeared in his eyes.

The man suddenly raised his eyelids, his eyes burst into cold, staring at inexplicably.

Mo Shi was shocked at once.

This person can feel that he wants to explore his strength!

Since Mo Shi had the Eye of the Blood Dragon, he has explored the strength of countless people.

As long as he is careful not to be seen by the other party, then the other party does not know that he is exploring their strength.

Even if the opponent is a powerful 7th-level master, it is impossible to detect it at all.

And this person could easily feel that he was probing his strength.

So how strong should this person be?

Obviously, he must be much stronger than himself.

Level 5 waste hunter?

Level 6 Wilderness Hunter?

Or even bolder, level 10 waste hunter!

There are not many people who have reached this level of strength in the entire continent.

I didn’t expect this to be encountered by myself.

When the blood red in Mo Shi’s eyes faded quickly, the man spoke.

The voice was like thunder: “Daddy is in a bad mood, it’s best not to mess with me.”

This voice also sounded like it sounded from the bottom of Mo Shi’s heart.

Mo Shi was secretly surprised.

The strength of this person has far surpassed the strength of the creatures in the 13th hunting ground.

What did he waste time running to hunting ground No. 13 for?

After the man said that sentence, he stopped paying attention to it.

Mo Shi frowned slightly.

This man also wants to go to Hunting Ground No. 13, should he quit?

Otherwise, if there is a conflict of interest with this man, he can easily destroy himself.

Mo Shi could feel that all his own cards were of no avail in front of this man.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if there is no conflict of interests, as long as he is in a bad mood and wants to destroy himself, then he has no escape at all.

Thinking of this, Mo Shi planned to get up and leave.

But at this moment, the man spoke again:

“Turn on the file transfer function of your multi-function watch.”

There was an indisputable command tone in the voice.

Mo Shi had no choice but to do as he said.

Really f*ck is unlucky, come to the hunting ground on the 13th, I did not expect to encounter such a powerful existence.

Soon, the man connected to Mo Shi’s multi-function watch, and a three-dimensional image was sent.

From the video, it is a girl in her twenties.

It looks very beautiful.

Although not as sexy as Emma, ​​nor as innocent as Happy.

But it looks cuter than Emma and Kaixin.

No doubt: See you off your wife? Is this operation okay?

The man said:

“On the 13th hunting ground, if you see her, contact me immediately.”

With that, he also sent his multi-function watch number.

In this way, Mo Shi was a little embarrassed.

It seems that this man went to Hunting Ground on the 13th to find this girl.

Can I refuse it at this time?

If he refuses, will this man slap himself to death on the spot?

But at this time the man’s gaze was staring at him.

Let him have a sense of oppression as if facing a mountain.

He had to nod his head: “Yeah.”

After the man said, he ignored him.

Still embracing the long sword with a sense of science and technology, closed his eyes and rested.

After a while, the conveyor started.

The figure of Mo Shi and that man turned into a light spot and disappeared.

When it appeared again, it had already appeared at the top of a pyramid.

This pyramid is the coordinate of transmission.

At this time, under the pyramid, two local aborigines were worshiping.

Suddenly seeing these two light spots appear, they gradually turned into human forms.

The two men were suddenly surprised:

“This is… God is clearly alive!”

“God is clear!”

The two were shocked and pleasantly surprised.

Beside Mo Shi, the bearded man ignored the two aborigines at all.

Press the right hand on the hilt of the sword.

The long sword began to deform.

In the end, it turned into a huge sword about five meters long and one foot wide.

On one side of the giant sword, two rows of particle thruster holes also appeared.

Behind the hilt of the giant sword, two particle thrusters with thick thighs appeared.

The next moment, in the particle thruster, a light blue particle stream is ejected.

The giant sword took him, slowly rising.

At the same time, two large particle streams were ejected from the large particle thruster behind the hilt.

The long sword flew out quickly towards the front in an instant.

Almost in a flash, it has reached more than ten kilometers away.

Ten kilometers per second!

This person’s long sword is not only a weapon, but also a very fast flying machine.

After the man left far away, Mo Shi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When the person was beside him, the sense of oppression was too strong.

At this moment, the two below kept worshipping Mo Shi.

There was still some language that Mo Shi couldn’t understand.

Foreign language proficiency skills are only effective for biological languages ​​on earth.

For this alien language, it is useless.

However, there is instant translation software in the multifunctional watch.

Put on miniature wireless headphones.

The translated words came in my ears:

“God is clear!”

“God is clear!”

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