Chapter 274 Promotion to Fifth-Level Wilderness Hunter

It has been more than 20 days since Mo Shi came to Hunting Ground No.2.

On this day, his body finally felt the same hot feeling before being promoted again.

After taking another drop of dragon blood, his body temperature soared rapidly.

Soon, it rose to a point where Mo Shi could barely bear it.

Like any previous time, this high temperature lasted for five minutes.

Five minutes later, his body temperature began to slowly fall.

Now look at his properties interface.

【Name: Mo Shi】

[Level: Level 5 Wilderness Hunter, Level 4 Long Nian Master][Evolution direction: Titan dragon]

Mo Shi was in a good mood.

Within a month of coming to this second hunting ground, he was promoted to third-level in a row.

Just ask who else! ?

I am afraid that since the establishment of Hunting Ground No. 2 until now, such a thing has never happened.

In less than a month, he was promoted to third-level consecutively, which made Mo Shi start to look forward to it.

Now that all the transformation skills of own add up, only wings and tail are needed to become a giant dragon.

If you are promoted to a waste hunter at that time, will you be able to make up the wings and tail?

At that time, he will be able to transform into a giant dragon form. How strong should his attack power be?

At the same time, more than 50,000 kilometers away from Death Marsh, on a prairie.

There are two waves of people chasing five night ghosts.

“Damn, why is this guy so difficult? We chased him down for one night, so he can’t be sympathetic for us to die?”

A wild hunter said grimly.

The other hunter also gasped, and said:

“Nonsense, do you think the spirit of the night ghost… is this… so easy to get?”

“He has the spirit of the night ghost, even if all the energy in the energy bubble is lost, it can recover quickly, which is naturally difficult.”

“Finally, I have seen the power of the night ghost spirit.”

Another wave shouted:

“We two waves, but there is only one night ghost spirit. Even if we get it, there is no way to divide it.”

“You are stupid, in any case, get the spirit of the night ghost first. As for how to divide it next, it will be after the night ghost is killed.”

Having said that, the two waves of people once again blocked the night ghosts from two directions.

They condensed genetic weapons and attacked.

These night ghosts were killed instantly.

But soon, the night ghost who possessed the spirit of the night ghost was resurrected again.

Flee quickly to the distance.

These people originally wanted to stop this night ghost.

But after half a night of chasing and killing, the energy in their bodies was almost consumed.

Don’t dare to use energy casually anymore.

I watched this night ghost escape.

After a while, four or five night ghosts appeared around, protecting the night ghost, and quickly fled.

This night ghost with the spirit of the night ghost seems to have a certain attraction.

Other night ghosts kept coming to protect it along the way.

This makes everyone very big.

You can’t kill and kill, and you can’t catch it.

This makes people feel too f*ck fucked.

But a night ghost spirit can train a waste hunter.

You know, a wild hunter can start a sect and establish a powerful first-class force.

Under this huge temptation, they can only continue to move forward, chasing and killing this night ghost.

And this night ghost with the spirit of the night ghost, the direction of fleeing is always towards the northwest.

There, is the direction of Death Marsh.

It knew that the Night King was in the Death Swamp.

As long as he gets to the Night King, the powerful Night King can kill these Damn it humans.

At this time, Mo Shi, after he was promoted to level 5, knew that the night ghosts in the Death swamp had been killed almost by himself.

He left Death Marsh, planning to find the next place where night ghosts gather.

A ticket can stay in the hunting ground for one month.

He wants to take advantage of these few days before the time is up, and try to kill as many night ghosts as possible.

At the same time, those two waves of people chased and killed the night ghost, and they attracted other waves.

They saw that the night ghost with the spirit of the night ghost was taller than the average night ghost.

There are double horns on the head and barbs on the back.

They also remembered the legend before.

Legend has it that decades ago, the hunter who obtained the spirit of the night ghost said that the night ghost with the spirit of the night ghost can transform.

After the transformation, he had double horns on his head and barbs on his back.

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly became excited.

They also joined the ranks of hunting down this night ghost.

At first they were very excited, using their energy martial arts, they could easily kill this night ghost.

But soon, each of them didn’t look good.

Every time this night ghost is killed, it can recover as quickly as possible.

Then continue to stand up and escape.

Is the night ghost with the spirit of the night ghost so difficult to kill?

Even a few 1st and 2nd level masters who wanted to use their thought power to kill this night ghost at the cellular level, they couldn’t do it at all.

“With the recovery speed of its cells, I am afraid that only Masters above level 5 can kill it.”

In fact, it is exactly as this 2nd-level great master said.

The reason why Mo Shi was able to kill the night ghost who possessed the spirit of the night ghost was because his level 4 dragon thought was equivalent to the thought power of the 8th level master.

He seemed to kill the night ghost with sharp claws.

In fact, at the same time as his hands, his Long Nian was also on the cell level, completely killing the cells of that night ghost.

This will not bring it back to life.

And at this time, these second-level Long Nian Masters simply had no choice but to take this night ghost.

Gradually, other forces also saw this night ghost and participated in the hunt for this night ghost.

Just when it was approaching Death Swamp.

That Cheng San Young Master, and his four bodyguards also appeared.

Cheng San Young Master has just solved a few level 1 barren beasts and is resting at this time.

Holding a compressed biscuit in his hand.

Complaining while eating:

“It’s been almost a month since I’ve eaten anything seriously. It’s a brick-like thing every day, and I almost vomit.”

The person next to him persuaded: “Three Young Master, this is exactly the purpose of the master for you to experience. I guarantee that you will meet this situation in the future, at least you can hold on for a few more days.”


Three Young Master sneered and was about to speak.

At this moment, I saw more than 70 people chasing and killing a night ghost, heading towards Heishankou.

I saw the image of this night ghost again, which was different from the ordinary night ghost.

Cheng San Young Master’s four bodyguards immediately understood.

A level 6 waste hunter quickly said: “Three Young Masters, there is a night ghost spirit in this night ghost.”

The body of Cheng San Young Master was taken aback: “The spirit of the night ghost? What do you mean?”

The other said: “The three Young Masters don’t know. The spirit of the night ghost is something produced in the body of the night ghost. It is extremely precious. After absorbing it, you can immediately be promoted to a waste hunter.”

Cheng San Young Master listened, and his spirits were suddenly excited.

“Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go!”

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