Chapter 261

Seeing the ten night ghosts rushed over.

Mo Shi didn’t need to jump into the air anymore.

After being promoted to level 3, his power surged dozens of times.

Pushing directly on the ground with his right foot, his body suddenly resembled an arrow from the string.

Jumped out more than 20 meters in an instant.

Its speed completely exceeded the reaction speed of that night ghost.

When the night ghost reacted, Mo Shi’s fist had already hit its head.


That night ghost’s head suddenly exploded.

Then, Mo Shi turned sideways to avoid the attack of the two night ghosts.

The upper body suddenly rotated half a circle.

With the force of rotation, the right elbow exerted force.

Hit a night ghost in the head.


Under Mo Shi’s tremendous power, the ghost of that night was directly blown away 100 meters away.

The head was not sunken, but exploded directly.

Seeing that the third night ghost was about to bite himself.

Mo Shilong Yingbu instantly withdrew from one kilometer.

Then he cast Long Yingbu again, and came to the night ghost.

When he got to De Ye Gui, he raised his right knee and slammed into that Ye Gui’s head.

Behind that night ghost, just another night ghost rushed over.

Click, click, click——

There were two consecutive beeps.

This strike actually killed two night ghosts in a second!

Then, punch and kick to quickly solve the remaining few night ghosts.

Ten night ghosts took only thirty seconds.

This efficiency is much Ascension compared to last night.

This is the Ascension of Mo Shi’s power after promotion.

Emma, ​​who was next to her, was secretly surprised when she saw this.

Although the master was also very good at dealing with the night ghost last night, it was far from being as straightforward as it is now.

Could it be said that in just one day, the master’s strength has been ascension?

This Ascension speed is also too terrifying.

Mo Shi killed ten night ghosts.

Looking at own fist, the feeling of full power made him couldn’t help but say: “Cool!”

This time, he directly put in twenty night ghosts.

It is still three times five divided by two, and the twenty night ghosts are solved.

Then, put in thirty night ghosts at once.

After an hour, he was already able to deal with fifty night ghosts at the same time.

As a result, his speed at killing the night ghost was greatly increased.

In one night, more than 13,000 night ghosts were killed.

As a result, more than 13,000 drops of dragon blood were obtained.

Looking at the dragon’s blood filled with the blood inside his system backpack, Mo Shi was pleasantly surprised.

This has the feeling of spawning monsters at the monster refresh point when playing private server games back then.

Just one word: cool!

Seeing that the sun had risen, all the alive night ghosts began to crawl back to the ground.

Mo Shiye, mother and son Emma, ​​once again returned to the dragon’s den.

After taking those more than 10,000 drops of Titan Dragon’s blood, the energy in the body has increased a lot.

Now the energy in his body is at least a hundred times stronger than that of a waste hunter of the same level.

Even if he didn’t use Long Nian, he could easily kill opponents at the same level with his energy and physical strength.

At the same time, on the outside coordinate point.

Today’s first batch of experiencers have arrived.

When they reached the wasteland of The Underworld, everyone was stunned for a few seconds.

I saw the corpse of the night ghost lying all over the ground around this coordinate point.

According to preliminary estimates, it may be around 15,000.

“I’m going, what’s the matter?”

“My dad told me that the night ghosts in The Underworld wasteland are very scary. But it doesn’t look like this.”

“Could it be that which senior can come here?”

“Your senior is willing to come to hunting ground No. 2 to waste time?”

Just as they were amazed, five people also flew over from a distance.

They are the first people who came here yesterday.

One of them is the private detective wearing glasses.

When they saw the night ghost corpses piled up all over the floor, their faces were shocked.

“He did come again last night.”

“Kill more than ten thousand in one night, and it was killed by physical strength alone. Isn’t this f*ck too exaggerated?”

Someone hurriedly said:

“Pay attention to your words, and be careful to be heard by the mysterious strong man.”

The man stuck his tongue out quickly, looked around, and said:

“Mysterious strong man, sorry, I’m just a word to express exclamation, there is absolutely no meaning to disrespect you at all.”

The group of people who came today, hearing these people’s conversation, couldn’t help asking:

“Which expert do you know?”

The private detective with glasses shook his head:

“I don’t know, we just saw more than two thousand night ghost corpses yesterday, and guessed that there was an expert.”

“I just didn’t expect that last night, he actually killed more than 10,000 night ghosts, and all of them were killed with physical power.”

When everyone heard this, they all showed admiration.

Even the elders in their family, those strong at level 10, could not kill so many level 1 evolution night ghosts overnight with physical strength alone.

After all, the power is always used up, and the night ghosts here are almost endless.

Even a level 10 strong will be exhausted without using energy.

How do they know that Mo Shi possesses a healing potion.

I don’t have enough energy, and I take dozens of healing potions to restore my strength in minutes.

“Or, let’s come over tonight to see which expert it is?”

A young man suggested.

Everyone’s gazes immediately looked at him in unison.

“Little children, don’t talk nonsense.”

“This is the wasteland of The Underworld, where thousands of ghosts travel at night, even if more than a hundred of us come together, it will only take a few more minutes.”

“Do you think you are the mysterious strong man?”

The young boy also realized that he had said the wrong thing, and shook his head again and again, and said with a sneer:

“No, no, no, how can I compare to the mysterious strong.”

At the same time, three hundred kilometers away from here, in a cave on a mountain.

Cheng San Young Master’s hair is disheveled, and the clothes on his body have almost become strips of cloth.

He lay upright on the ground in the hole, and he didn’t even bother to pick up the water from a follower next to him.

Gasping heavily.

He kept scolding own daddy in his heart.

Send yourself to such a broken place.

Experience, practice your sister!

If you continue to practice like this, you won’t be able to die in a few days.

Last night he was unlucky, and the three waves of night ghosts he encountered were all level 2 evolution night ghosts.

The four dead next to him, except for a shot when he was in absolute danger of his life, stayed beside him to watch the show at other times.

I watched as I was chased by a group of night ghosts and ran across the mountains and plains.

Fortunately, I brought a few more life-saving things before I left.

Otherwise, even if he is not killed by the night ghost, the escape this night will be exhausted.

As for killing the night ghost…

f*ck, these are all level 2 evolution night ghosts.

How to kill a 1st-level waste hunter yourself?

What, you said leapfrog battle?

Those are all abnormal things. How can you be able to do that kind of thing if you are a normal person?

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