Chapter 253 System Upgrade Again (Part 1)

Those forces set their sights on Da Ri County.

This gave Mo Shi a chance to develop.

He kept checking in every day, and at the same time he kept killing those infected creatures.

Hunting Island No. 1 is extremely large, probably about the size of China on Earth.

On such a large area, there are tens of billions of wild beasts.

After nearly two months of killings, Mo Shi’s evolution point has gradually approached 100 billion.

Finally, on this day, when his Long Nian swept through once again, all the wild beasts within a radius of 150 kilometers were exploded into blood fog.

A reminder came in my mind:

[The total number of evolution points reaches 100 billion points, and the system can be upgraded. 】

[Do you want to upgrade now? 】

Mo Shi was overjoyed.

Finally break through!

However, he did not immediately upgrade.

Instead, he jumped back into the base in a few steps.

I haven’t checked in today.

Soon, after signing up, he said in his mind:

“Upgrade now.”

The voice of the system soon came:

[This upgrade will consume 100 billion evolution points. Do you confirm the upgrade? 】

“Of course, upgrade quickly.”

Mo Shi rubbed his hands impatiently.

I feel sweat in my palms.

Although it is not the first time to break through.

But because he waited too long this time, and because of his own strength, Ascension is very slow recently. He hopes that after the system upgrade, he can make his strength Ascension faster.

So he is full of expectations for this upgrade.

[This upgrade takes 24 hours. During the upgrade, you cannot sign in. 】

The voice of the system came again.

Mo Shi was taken aback for a moment.

Previously it only took 12 hours to upgrade, but this time it takes 24 hours?

Regardless, upgrade first.

On the following day, Mo Shi stayed at the base honestly and didn’t go anywhere.

Although it is only twenty-four hours, one day.

But because he was too expectant in his heart, Mo Shi felt like living a year.

It seems that staying quietly is not a problem, something has to happen to make time pass faster.

Fortunately, in the afternoon, something happened.

Emma took her son into Mo Shi’s office.

“Master, my strength is Ascension.”

Mo Shi heard the words and opened the eyes of the blood dragon to look at Emma.

【Species: Kindred】

[Level: Level 1 Evolution Blood Clan, Level 1 Great Teacher]

Mo Xixin was immediately happy.

Level 1 evolution blood clan is equivalent to a level 1 waste hunter.

Emma is the first to reach the existence of a wilderness hunter besides herself.

For the base to develop, hunters are indispensable.

And don’t forget, Emma is still a great teacher.

This allows her to crush level 2 waste hunters.

It is even possible to challenge the 3rd level hunter by over 2 levels.

Thinking of this, Mo Shi had an idea in his heart.

Emma has directly reached the level 10 super upgraded blood clan because of absorbing the blood of Dracula.

After staying in the base for a few months, he reached the level 1 evolution blood clan.

Then he can check in some Dracula’s blood from the system.

Absorb for others.

Turn them all into a level 10 super upgraded blood clan.

With the Dragon Palace bonus, these 10th-level super upgraded blood races can reach the 1st-level evolution blood race within a few months.

In fact, he thought of this as early as when he first came to Yanshi Continent.

It was just that he had to sign in at various places to add equipment to the base.

They must continue to sign in to enhance their own strength.

So we can only put this idea down first.

Now that the system has to break through, maybe after the upgrade, the speed of his own strength Ascension can be greatly accelerated.

Then you can free up some sign-in opportunities to sign out Dracula’s blood and create a level 10 super-upgraded blood clan.

Mo Shi carefully looked at the newly promoted Emma.

I saw her figure seemed to be getting better.

The fat place is fat, the thin place is thin.

There is not a trace of excess fat.

It doesn’t look dry either.

And in every gesture, there is a charm of a mature woman.

Even if he is determined to be unreasonable, he can’t help but feel a little dizzy.

This is simply a natural stunner.

Mo Shi said:

“Promote to Level 1 Evolution Blood Clan, your level is equivalent to Level 1 Wilderness Hunter and Level 1 Wild Beast. If you want a faster Ascension strength, you can go outside the base to experience.”

Emma nodded: “Yes, Master.”

Then she took her dull-eyed son and walked out.

Mo Shi thought for a while and said:

“You can put your son in the base and let the happy take care of it. This way it will be more convenient for you to practice.”

A trace of panic flashed in Emma’s eyes.

As Mo Shi’s servant, who was transformed by Mo Shi with Dracula’s blood, she should have obeyed all orders of Mo Shi 100%.

But only in the matter of her son, she felt a trace of reluctance in her heart.

Pleaded: “Master, please let me take my son. He is not by my side. I am not at ease. I know that I disobeyed your order. You can punish me whatever you want. Just ask you to let me take my son.”

Mo Shi smiled and comforted:

“This is not an order, but a suggestion. Since being separated from your son will distract you, you should take it.”

The panic in Emma’s eyes suddenly turned into gratitude:

“Thank you master, thank you master.”

After Emma left, she walked in happily.

She looked at the back of the mother and son, with a pity in her eyes.

Sign language to Moshibi:

“Mo Big Brother, do you have a way to restore her son’s intelligence? They are so pitiful.”

Mo Shi shook his head and said:

“There is no way yet, maybe there will be in the future.”

Nodded happily, than sign language:

“Thank you Mo Big Brother.”

Mo Shi shook his head and smiled, “Thank you. I originally planned to restore her son’s intelligence when I could do it in the future.”

That night, the moonlight leapt in gently from the bedroom window, stroking happy cheeks.

Mo Shi looked at Happy’s profile profile outlined by the moonlight, and listened to her even breathing.

A feeling of happiness in my heart slowly drifted away.

To live a life again, to meet such a kind, considerate, and terrifying girl who is happy at a critical moment, she is definitely out of luck.


This analogy seems inappropriate.

It’s blood for eight lifetimes!

Therefore, I must Ascension strength as soon as possible and give her a stable and warm home.

It is late at night.

Happy has long been asleep.

Mo Shi was thinking about the system upgrade, but couldn’t sleep.

He quietly got up in his clothes and came to the monk’s room.

More than ten days ago, the monk had made an anti-cracking program for the mecha.

At this moment he is working overtime-playing games.

Seeing that Mo Shi arrived, he quickly pinched off the cigarette butt in his hand and announced the Buddha’s name:

“Oh, Amitābha, why did you come, boss? It was late in the night, suddenly came to my room and was seen by someone, it’s not appropriate.”

Mo Shi glared at him and said:

“Little poor. Give me the game console.”

When you can’t sleep at night, playing games is the best pastime.

Because playing, you will find that the more you play, the more energetic you are.

The more you play, the more you can’t fall asleep.

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